Does this represent the future for white people?
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Here's a picture. It's growing at a fast rate.
Is this the future for white people? Establishing our own communities?
Population is growing.
They're self-sufficient AFAIK. Looks like a paradise!
They even have fit girls! (assuming these aren't just tourists)
Someone respond to my fucking thread please
They've got a swimming pool and everything!
They build their own houses.
I hope they don't get invaded.
I can not see any watch towers. How will they know of incoming feral niggs?
I'm sure the state of Isreal will never let a racist apartheid community like this stand
> (((((((((white)))))))))))
I think they've had good relations with blacks in the surrounding area so far.
Pic related is the Mayor of Orania (left) and some other Oranian (right) meeting with members of a South African government agency (apparently called the "Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities")
I want to see them get BLACKED
I read about these guys. They're about to establish some kind of e-currency or whatever.
Good for them, certainly a good idea. However if I ever wanted to start a whites-only community I certainly wouldn't do it South Africa where there will literally be billions of niggers on top of me in the upcoming decades.
If they build something good in Africa, it's only a matter of time before niggers show up for gibsmedat.
Good. Israel must remain jewish.
It's not whites-only though. They allow blacks + others in, I don't know what the restrictions are.
Fuck off dont tell me what to do!
Israel supported Apartheid SA and Rhodesia.
A Fucking Leaf
The second they find a modicum of success, the anti-white SA government will fuck them into the ground.
This won't last. You'd have a better chance of establishing the fucking NWF than this town has.
>I want to see them get BLACKED
A fucking leaf.
It's in quite a sparsely populated area of South Africa, see picture.
Apparently there was a shooting incident in 2000, when a white member of Orania shot a 17 year old black girl just outside the town. Apart from that I think they haven't had any trouble.
They're Afrikaners, descended from Dutch farmers that colonised South Africa centuries ago. They're tanned from the sun. But they're European, genetically.
They sure did so in the earlier days when Israels future was quite uncertain, but they quickly turned and stabbed the White Afrikaners in the back.
The jews played a significant role in ending apartheid and promoting black nationalism that eventually led to the establishment of the racist anti-white socialist party, African National Congress, which has leaders among its ranks that still glorify killing whites.
>b-but africa is poor
How will niggers ever recover?
>They're about to establish some kind of e-currency
Yes they are. They've had their own paper currency for a while, picture related.
>Good for them, certainly a good idea. However if I ever wanted to start a whites-only community I certainly wouldn't do it South Africa where there will literally be billions of niggers on top of me in the upcoming decades.
They don't want to leave South Africa because it's where they've lived for hundreds of years. A bit like blacks refusing to leave America I guess.
Are you American? If so where would you start a whites-only community then? As a Brit I think one day I might migrate somewhere where there's lots of white people... Australia perhaps (obviously the whole country isn't white, but there are tons of white communities).
>If they build something good in Africa, it's only a matter of time before niggers show up for gibsmedat.
Unless they defend themselves well with guns.
True it's technically an Afrikaner community, not necessarily a "whites" community.
I read something where one of them said "yeah technically a black person COULD come if they integrated with Afrikaner culture... but in practice they would stick out like a sore thumb"
Exactly. When whites get together they can really build something.
Growing at a rate of 10% per year, and has an employment rate of 2%. That's crazy.
For more clarity on this I just read this:
>Being an Afrikaner is the most important criterion for admission.[3] Most news sources report that black or coloured people are not allowed to live in Orania,[19] although Boshoff said that Jakes Gerwel and Neville Alexander (Coloured anti-apartheid activists) would be welcome to settle in the town, if they wished to do so.[111] In 1990, Orania's founder defined the Afrikaner nation in cultural, rather than racial, terms.[112] The town's spokesman similarly insists that there are no rules against allowing an Afrikaans-speaking coloured person to live in Orania.[93]
TLDR - if you're a coloured Afrikaner you can still live there.
I'm from Germany actually. It's understandable that they don't want to leave the land they consider home, it's just objectively a terrible position for them to be in.
Africa is certainly not going to get significantly better anytime soon, and you can never completly isolate yourselves from the actions of those around you. Plus, if things ever turn sour (or more so than they already are) in South Africa, people are gonna blame whitey for their problems.
And there aren't enough guns in the world to defend yourself against that. Plus, if they ever succeed and become a large community, blacks are going to knock on their door and demand their 'fair share'
So, I wish them the best of luck. I'm sure they have what it takes to build a wonderful community. I just don't see how anyone can thrive in the long run with the majority of Afica's population being the way they are.
This gives us all hope. I aim to build a "tribe" of white men, maybe just 10-15, and then move to Washington or oregon. We will crowd fund and buy as much land as possible and build houses and stuff. If they move they're families in, and we allow a few families to move in yearly, we could have well over 100 members within a few years. If we get lots of applicants maybe even over 500. That's enough to organize a respectable defense force and wait for the upcoming collapse of the west. Or atleast ride the tiger comfortably.
Looks like auschwitz.
They don't want to call it a Whites only town, but it's a vague mirror they put up to avoid public outcry.
Afrikaner by definition is a white person of European decent that speak and live an afrikaans lifestyle.
Afrikaners have lived in South Africa for a very long time. So I think they will be okay. Look at the map here - - they live in a very rural and sparsely populated area.
Their ultimate ambition is to create a "volkstaat" (pic related) where all Afrikaners can reside.
And do you really think they should go back to the Netherlands? A rainy urban shithole full of Moroccans? If I were them I would absolutely stay and build a community.
You should read up on Orania then, because that's basically exactly what they did.
>collapse of the west
I don't think that will happen, and the people who founded Orania didn't think that would happen in SA either. They just wanted to live separately (allowed under SA's constitution, presumably to protect tribespeople)
Living your life on the basis of some prediction which probably won't come true seems a bit stupid in my eyes. Focus on your own destiny and ignore others.
It's a community they have built themselves, from scratch.
>Male residents outnumbered females 60% to 40% in 2011,[1] and the lack of young women is a cause of complaints among local men
wow who would have thought?
bump for user just discovering this
Yup I read how they say they would technically welcome coloureds if they adopted the Afrikaner lifestyle, but yes that's obviously unlikely.
Are you white? If so would you ever consider moving to Orania? Or do you think it is a good idea, at least, for whites in SA to found their own communities away from black people?
So it's a just a small town.
Who gives a fuck?
No, I definitely wouldn't recommedn these guys return to the Netherlands. What they're doing is probably the best they can do given the circumstances.
If they are trying to go for an independent state in the long-run then that's a great goal to work towards. I actually think that will be the future for a lot of people, especially in countries that have enough space to allow for it.
Yeah I saw that. Apparently they want to attract more women though:
>There is a skewed ratio of young men to women, so the lack of younger women as suitable partners raises complaints from the men, as well as the hope that their labours will attract more settlers, and young women, to Orania.
Thanks for the bump
Well what else do you want to propose? This board is always calling for ethnic separation and these guys have DONE IT. So surely it's a very useful case to study?
>I actually think that will be the future for a lot of people, especially in countries that have enough space to allow for it.
I guess you can see this on a microcosmic scale in most Western countries though, where white families tend to move to the countryside, away from the minorities. So in a way, most of our countries already have the same sort of thing.
Don't live in fear. Proclaim your right to live on this Earth proudly. Claim your land. Stick your flag in it. And defend it.
I wonder if they's got good weed
Only rich whites are allowed in
Yeah I am. Problem is Orania is a dead town unless infrastructure improves. As as a Stem student there isn't anything drawing me there at the moment.
It's mostly old people or small town families there, not really my crowed.
But I do hear the progress they make, which might include a university, that would attract a very big community.
They look like a pretty industrious community so they probably don't have the devil's lettuce
I don't think so, I think they welcome anybody who's willing to put in the hard work to make the community a better place
>I read something where one of them said "yeah technically a black person COULD come if they integrated with Afrikaner culture... but in practice they would stick out like a sore thumb"
>What is White Takfir?
There is literally nothing wrong with it.
We already have native american reservations in the US anyways.
Oupa Jan se groen giftige gras.
Knocks you on your ass
Are you Afrikaner or British-descended? I'm guessing maybe they would be hostile to British descendants because of the whole Boer War business...
Also what do you generally think about the future of whites in South Africa? Are you fearful of your future there? Do you reckon you'd move to another country like Europe or Australia or America if things got worse? Or do you think whites still have a good future there?
so move there and trach stem from the schools they have and help start the university.
that might help.
Whites have no future without the British/French/Russian hardline nationalists taking over. Most likely it will be in Russia. White Nuclear Power is something to change the "game" forever
I hope they have enough guns to stave off the nigger horde
>they welcome anybody who's willing to put in the hard work to make the community a better place
Sounds perfect
Maybe we could band together and have this in the US someday.
Do you reckon white-only settlements will be in America's future? I often think that's what Richard Spencer will eventually say he wants (since his current objectives are vague at best)
Then again you could say that America already has that in a de facto sense, since there are lots of communities in America which are basically all white. Self-segregation and all that.
>build something profound in south africa
>all goes well, perhaps too well
>about 3 years pass
>nogs start reading the news
>will leave their shitholes on raiding parties with guns towards this haven because WITEYS FAULT
How are they gonna survive a blitzniggakrieg out of nowhere?
Afrikaner, not hopeful at all, I keep an eye on economic news, and it's a clear sign where we're headed. Worried I might not be able to finish my studies, which means I'm absolutely stuck here.
If genocide - well fuck it, this is war baby
If Brazil 2.0 - well fuck it, kms
Still student, and pretty retarded.
It's an open-door retirement home and refuge for crime victims. It's a meme.
If the EFF/BLF madness ever reaches Zim levels, the Afrikaners should take the OVS and secede, but it's not nearly close enough to that point yet.
>having to establish our own communities in our own countries because "our" governments have become so corrupt they might as well be an enemy
we've seriously regressed.
I'd sort of surprised they have trouble attracting grills, considering the propensity for rape among the nignogs.
That's propaganda. There is not a single non-white that lives there.
i read an article about some SA government nog visiting Orania and being yealous about the cities success and order. AND THE NOGS ALLREADY WANT IN FOR GIBS
Private security corporations obviously
Their government certainly won't be of any help
Maybe someday, especially if the racial tensions continue the way they currently are. It would take a lot of money to start it up and you potentially might get Waco'd by the US government.
They've been there longer that 99% of white Americans have been in America
a fucking leaf
The basic gist of it.
I don't know what you mean. Do you mean all whites will migrate to Russia, then nuke the rest of Europe?
That's not going to happen.
They've lived in SA for centuries, and they live in a sparsely populated area, so they'll be fine.
It's in a sparsely populated area, and it has existed in its current form for 27 years. So I think they'll be fine.
Most blacks (well, most people) live in the east of South Africa.
It's going to be the Captial of Volkstaat, an Afrikaner/Boer Majority nation. I'm willing to fight for the country's independence if shit hits the fan down in SA.
I hope Trump grants them free citizenship. It would be nice for them to flee here. We have plenty of white majority states.
If the 1965 immigration act is repealed and Birthright citizenship is removed. America would become much more whiter with increased European/Anglo immigration. It would probably become at least 80% white at the most. I can see that happening since Sessions wants both things repealed during Trump's terms.
You can come live down in Pennsylvania, Western PA and the Midwest (Minus Illnois) are almost entirely white. And have literal ethno-towns. My town is 97% white and has about 10,000 people. They let people with Stem degrees immigrate easily.
Nationalism is also rising among whites in the US as well. More so then Communism, even teenagers are starting to realize this. A lot of people want to stay homogeneous and not invite hordes of third world filth in.
The state has always been the ennemy of the people. It's just that people didn't fully realize it until the state sanctionned shitskin invasion.
A white only libertarian enclosed community has always been the only answer.
Seems like a legitimate Kekistan. I'd prefer to salvage what we have however.
>Worried I might not be able to finish my studies
Why would you not be able to do that? Do you really think racial tensions are so high that it really would prevent you from finishing a degree?
Are they higher than they have been for the last 20 years then?
Well that's how it is. Leftism has become so popular because there's so many fucking lazy people that don't want to rock the boat. And they're happy doing whatever the state tells them.
I think most whites in SA live in gated communities in cities, which helps them keep away some of the crime.
That picture is surely utter hypocrisy, since there are so many independent black tribes in SA. But I guess niggers don't operate according to logic.
>Maybe someday, especially if the racial tensions continue the way they currently are. It would take a lot of money to start it up and you potentially might get Waco'd by the US government.
Makes sense. Like I say though, there are already tons of effectively "white-only" communities in the US, and it's the same in Europe, and Australia. Whites tend to move out to the countryside because they don't want to live among minorities.
So maybe I'll just do that in the future. Live in the English countryside. Or move to America or Australia and live in a white rural area in one of those places.
Too many weak whites aren't willing to fight for independent existence.
No, Because niggers will still come into the city to steal.
That's why you live a minimum of 50-100 miles from major ghettos like Chicago or Detroit. Because niggers come into the surrounding suburbs and commit crime
If I was building a white only town/city in the middle of Africans it would look like a medieval walled city. Farmland and summer houses would be outside the wall during growing season and the rest of the time would be spent developing the city within the walls. The wall would look like something around Israel and visitors would not be allowed inside the city unless they were granted visas.
Yup, I live in Central PA. There is a city of 50,000 about 40 miles from here. It is rare, but the niggers come around looking for unlocked cars and houses. I once caught a nigger climbing up my rain spout to get onto the roof of my garage. Nigger made some excuse to the police like he was innocent.
The niggers will vote your shit away and hack you all up just the same. Good for South Africa if you refuse to give up what is rightfully yours (for building the entire country, and saving entire tribes from extinction who owe their existence to you now etc) - but for Europe and America etc, we must never let ourselves be whittled away at until we reach that point. We must do something now.
Looks like they need some cultural enrichment
>If the 1965 immigration act is repealed and Birthright citizenship is removed. America would become much more whiter with increased European/Anglo immigration. It would probably become at least 80% white at the most. I can see that happening since Sessions wants both things repealed during Trump's terms.
Isn't Sessions about to be fired? But in any case surely that would be insane if that happened, surely shitlibs would crap their pants about it. So I'm sceptical it will happen.
Well, the state has always been ruled by the powerful, who don't always have the interests of the common man at heart.
I'm not saying white Americans should move there, my friend. I'm saying it could serve as a model for the future of white people.
So you should found your own white-only communities in America, and we should in Europe too. Although arguably these communities already exist - lots of white people live in the countryside, in what are effectively white-only communities.
It's not a city. It's a town. And they want to eventually have an independent Afrikaner state (see picture here - )
Thanks Tyrone
Right well what are you going to do DeMarcus?
I think Orania presents a realistic future for white independent living. If you think "HURR DURR THE WHITES ARE GOING TO RISE BACK AND MAKE OUR COUNTRIES WHITE DICTATORSHIPS", yeah, that isn't going to fucking happen.
south africa is far too dangerous, there is too much africa.
1 million SA white ethnostate going to stop a zombie horde of 4 billion blacks demanding gibs?
They should of colonized Madagascar not SA. They would of had a chance.
They are well versed in fighting while severely outnumbered. With some river/mountain/desert borders and re-introduction of the Commando system for volunteer patrols they'll be fine.
Sessions isn't getting fired, it was merely a ruse. Trump expects him to do well on Immigration.
I live in Pittsburgh, most of our nigs usually live in the Hill District.
Why I won't be able to?
You don't need to be genocided to not be able to finish your studies. Various factors can affect it.
Worsened economy = higher rates = unable to afford
Worsened infrastructure = lower international record = useless degree without credibility
Why do you live in fear? That is a pathetic state to live in
>Sessions isn't getting fired, it was merely a ruse. Trump expects him to do well on Immigration.
Let's say that's true - I still don't expect the 1965 Immigration Act to be repealed.
Interesting. Well I hope you can finish it. Are things really worse than they have been for a long time then? And do you think you would emigrate once getting your degree?
While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration
Trump: Let's Bring in More Europeans
Trump on Merit-Based Immigration
Trump and Loyalists like Bannon and Sessions want to increase Immigration for whites. While Blocking immigration from most of the third world. He's interested in replacing the 1965 immigration act with a modified version of the 1924 immigration act which would benefit white immigrants. The whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa when it comes to the country of origin. Instead of Southern/Eastern Europeans being blocked in this modified immigration act. It will target the most third world instead, As they've been flooding the US nonstop since 1965 with little to no success. It could also make immigration numbers shrink from 1 Million to 250,000-500,000 immigration arrivals, Most of which would be from Anglo or European countries. This immigration proposal might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America as the nonwhite birth rate is started to shrink, and since less and less third worlders would arrive the number of nonwhites births will shrink while the US will gain 1% of white growth in America each year because of this Pro-European/Anglo immigration plan. This, Along with the RAISE Act, Mass Deportations of both Illegals and Dreamers and Lowered Taxes could keep America a white majority country.
Related Links:
Sessions Praise of the 1924 Immigration act
Pat Dollard's White Majority Project
Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration
Help me understand this, what is an Afrikaner and what is a Boer?
White South Africans
I am almost certainly whiter than you Nigel
How new are you?
Afrikaner = white South African
Boer = farmer in Afrikaans (white South African language)
>whites able to establish prosperous community in bumfuck africa
why cant niggers do this..racism?
Everybody ITT should watch a great movie called Africa Addio. It's about how quickly the continent goes to shit after becoming independent.
Afrikaners are Afrikaans-speaking whites, Boers are descendants of Afrikaners who left the Cape Colony for the South African interior after the British annexed the Cape.
Unfortunately, white immigration isn't really a solution. Whites are facing demographic problems globally, not just in the US. Taking whites from other countries might help the USA, but it would harm the white countries they're being taken from.
HOWEVER, I think it'd be a really good idea (and a god-tier troll) to take in refugees... from south africa. As in, white afrikaners from south africa. And then putting them in swing states to make sure they go conservative, essentially mirroring the tactic that the liberal kikes have been using for decades now. Imagine the fucking butthurt that this would cause.
And it'd be genuinely good to support our fellow whites by rescuing them from that south african shithole.