1776 was a very very very good idea, how did teafags get to be pic related?
1776 was a very very very good idea, how did teafags get to be pic related?
An enslaved people.
>bin that knife goy
>can't give Ahmed any fight when he sprays acid in your face
>you deserve this for being white
How do Britcucks even look themselves in the mirror?
Hard to revolt after you've given up all your guns. And heaven forbid you tweet something offensive; Big Britbong is watching you.
They refused Hitlers peace offer
>carrying any type of knife is a crime
Yeah, that isn't true.
As if the fucking spotty college dropout who manages that account has any knowledge of the actual law.
>wait a tick, bin that stick
>don't be a triller, bin that dough roller
>don't be a twat, bin that cricket bat
>don't be a sham, bin that pram
>don't be sorry, bin that lorry
>don't get miffed, bin that lift
>don't be rude, bin your food
>don't be like burnt toast, bin your post
Bet you feel silly for fighting Hitler now bongistanis
don't be white, bin your will to fight
If you let Muslims throw acid on you while you stand defenceless you win.
I have a serious question. Do those anti knife laws pertain to all of the UK or just major urban centers?
>don't be a loon, bin that spoon
>Stop being a dork, bin that fork!
Had to pay 30k to the faggot who tried to steal his shit.
It is illegal to discriminate. East asians gets higher grades but creating a system that allows them to get into Europe would be discriminating. Thank you America.
>In 2009, the millionaire businessman Munir Hussain fought back with a metal pole and a cricket bat against a knife-wielding burglar who tied up his family at their home in Buckinghamshire. Hussain was jailed for two and a half years, despite his attacker being spared prison
What the fuck UK, why havent you hung your judges in the streets.
All the British alpha males ended up in 'Murrica, Straya, and Safa.
>. East asians gets higher grades
only when they cheat
Knives are scawy a 15 year old in Norway killed a 17 and 24 year old in kr.sand but the 15 year old was on meth and is in psychiatric.
This is why I hate race-realists. Black and brown people are merely a nuisance. Asians are the real problem. Blacks can only win through the womb war. Asians on the other hand...
Its funny cause I could do that with a pencil as long as they arent looking at me. Hell a fork could probably do it. One would be instantly out and the other I would have the advantage over. Whats so great about a knife.
South Yorkshire police are fucking useless. Fat, 50% female, and too scared to offend. If they catch you the smart thing to do is knock them out, they're fucking helpless if they can't call for back up, and believe me they're so fucking lazy when it comes to chasing people they'll call for choppers and dog handlers the second they think you're gonna run.
bin that rhyme, fight real crime
>Don't be a loon, bin that spoon
>Don't be a dork, bin that spork
Well I wouldnt want to be a dork now would I. Guess Ill just eat with my hands then.
Why the fuck does the cuckland police gives amnesty or whatever for returning knives, since they aren't banned from ownership anyway? Why would anyone willingly give away an objet they've bought, rather than keeping it at home?
I carry a knife all the time and will never get caught because I'm not black, nor do I live in Londonistan
White people don't get searched.
These lads literally did this for banter. The school would let them wear shorts so they wore skirts instead, a big 'fuck you' to the school.
Dont be a cyst, bin that fist.
>dont be a cist
>not dont be cis
some advice : ban your nigger wielding knife, not the actual knife
because theres literally a knife peddler here
>1940 Britain and Germany join forces to destroy communism in 6 months
>1942 Von Braun makes his first orbital flight
>1946 first moon landing
>anime never invented
we lost so much more than people realize
asians study through intense repetition of similar problems that's basically cheating. As long as you can get find out what the test is supposed to be like from a former student or TA you can know with almost certainty what you will need to study
Serious question, how do guys cut shit now?
Canada is just as much if not more so cucked, it's basically every country which bows down to the inbred crown
>there are Brits on this board who aren't libertarian
explain yourselves, teafags