Is it possible to survive on $60 per day? Parents are limiting me to this amount until I find a job or go to school and frankly I don't want to do either
Is it possible to survive on $60 per day...
Are you living with them? Then yes, it is completely possible.
Get a job, lazy fuck.
I live on my own and survive on far less than that.
Yeah, and get a job fucker.
You spoilt cunt. I can survive on that for month if I have to.
Thats like around 1200 a month what the fuck are you doing to get 60 a day
>Is it possible to survive on $60 a day
>Minimum wage is ~$74 a day after tax
Dude what, you can support a family of 3 with that money, you have it all to yourself.
survived on $5 of lunch meat, and 1$ in wtaer, and $1 in gas
1800$ a month tax free. You can get a nice place for under a thousand dollars a month and spend 800 dollars on utilities/food easily. Nigger you need to go to school and fast or better yet you should have just graduated high-school.
you get free money? thats easy to live on more than comfortably...
I live on less than $120 a month, so yes.
Sage this fucking bait thread.
Dam shame that the non photoshoped pic is better.
>74 after tax
He can but a family of 3? Depends on where he lives, housing where I live is definitely overpriced.
I live on $60 a week you dumb nigger.
Probably not, it costs me around $3000/mo to live.
This thread is for adults, not children living at home. Thank you
Fuck off you stupid nigger
Turn your life around - do both!
Sauce on image?
>living with mom
stop, please
Is this nigger serious?
LOL $60 dollars a day? You dont have to pay rent because you are obviously living with your parents.
Limit it to 2 steak dinners a day and youll have enough left over for enough gas, beer, and to drive you to your drug dealer so you can buy weed.
This has to be a joke....
>Not being Australian and surviving on 200$ a week while living on your own in the third most expensive to live in country on earth, because you're one of the 3 million unemployed trying to get one of the 165,000 jobs in our failure of an economy
Fucking yank complaining about nothing, get on our level
>I get 60 dollars a day from my parents
>this is an adult thread
Pick one
I would snigg their BRAAP if you know what im saying
I can't tell which ass is better guys
What about rent tho?
Dude, you could survive comfortably in Japan with that kind of money.
Hell, start travelling. I'm sure your parents would be happy if you used your daily budget to see the world, and if you went through Asia with that kind of money, you could have very easy time.
You're welcome.
Many adults get even more than that. Some even have their entire fortunes from their parents.
Neither, too large.
Pic related much better.
Fucking internet. Pic now present
Probably after all necessary expenses
You are a homosexual
lmao fag
I wonder what's on the TV.
Underage plz go
Who the fuck needs $60 of food a day?
Move to Thailand and you'll live pretty well on that
We conquered shitty hot continents and fucked millions of apes so that the Protestants could get to fuck semi-apes whenever they please. Primo, I think we got the worst half of this deal...
Yeah unless you're dating and shit. This new girl is cucking my wallet hard as fuck. At least I'm getting plenty of ass, the bitch just wants to go out all the time and shit gets expensive.
You fucking neet faggot. $60 is plenty.
You're a nigger. You live off of your working parents and don't want to work.
Go steal something you fucking nigger mongrel
no unless you are some poor ass shit
Yeah, it would have to be some rural area. Places like urban California are an absolute joke.
Also biking to work and stores would help, cars and insurance are a pretty big wallet sink.
You've just bought into giant fat ass nigger culture. A woman can have a nice as without it being large.
You're goddamn right. Colonization when??!
$60 per day is a fucking goldmine you pathetic fuck
High quality bait
>Inb4 fucking neetz!
I feel ya user. I really do. Being an adult is Shit. If you don't Excel then a life of drudgery is what awaits you. Just find some way to improve yourself.
if you say so. Those hips are nasty. decadent lazy fucks.
> I fight for the rights of poor people as long as they don't live anywhere near me.
San Francisco
>Get a job, lazy fuck.
>SD $2000
>LA $2700
Why would someone punish themselves by paying more to live in a hell hole versus heaven on earth?
The fuck? I thought I was really spoiled by my parents but that's just fucking over the top. You should be ashamed for accepting that money.
Go suck a dick somewhere else
$60 a day?!
I live alone on 1400 - 2100 Canada Coins a month and I live LUXURIOUSLY. Eat awesone food, nice comfy place in a quiet peaceful neighborhood with nice people, great Internets, etc etc. If you can't live off of $1800 USD while still sucking Mom's tit there's something fucky with you. People would kiss ass to earn that much reliably.
Wtf dude 60 a day is godtier even for working people..
Rigth is my ideal woman body. Some big naural tits and it is all.