What's wrong with this niggerjew other than being a nigger and a Jew?
What's wrong with this niggerjew other than being a nigger and a Jew?
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well if you subtract the whole of his being there's not much left to criticize desu
No, something made him the way he is. Nobody is that autistic. I don't care how many flu shots you've had.
Apparently being a nigger Jew gives you a rad sense of humor. He is funny as fuck.
He is basically a miserable person. Jews always try to be as annoying as possible when it comes to their "comedy". If he didn't go to extremes he wouldn't get noticed because he isn't naturally funny. As far as being black, he obviously doesn't fit in with blacks either because most of them are ghetto.
Le epic based black man xDDDDDD!!!!1!!!
hes so cool i wish he fucks my girlfreind he deserves it
>to the back of the oven
His show is funny desu
hate this fag. kinda reminds me of Tom Green, except this shtick wasn't all that funny when he was doing it, and it's even less funny nowadays.
Why reddit? Why?
he's not funny and most of his show's content on adult swim was ripped off from other shows
i know, i know..
He is a nigger jew that is holding a reddit sign
I always assumed he was a mudslime, I guess black + jew is pretty much that though.
Well he was in the funniest show of all time
He's the type that can't turn off his "character" so he can always fall back on him pretending to be retarded. He's the kind that pretends really really hard to not care and act all wacky about something, but deep down he cares.
His type pisses me off because they can't risk anything. He's always on character on or off camera to fall back on that if anything goes wrong. "Whoops! Sorry guys, just pretending to be retarded :^)"
And his "absurd" comedy is hipster garbage of the highest level.
isnt naturally funny? watch any of his "man on the street" bits.
This is why you shouldn't racemix jesus christ
>nigger and a Jew?
that's the problem dude
He's basicly torn between his two identities, trying to fit in with the blacks but being too much of a cringe jew, on the other hand he's too black to be accepted by the jews as one of their own.
All thanks to his race mixing whore of a mother who couldn't keep her legs shut and basicly doomed her offspring.
If you want to hear someone who is truly funny to their core, listen to norm Macdonald. If you wanna see someone act like a retard to make someone uncomfortable then Andre is your man!
>thinks he is funny
>is not funny
Hi Eric.
Legalise ranch
>What's wrong with this niggerjew other than being a nigger and a Jew?
The Jew part. The Jew part is wrong.
Yeah, he's like, dood weeeed.
Killer schtick, tbqh.
Well, he clearly goes on reddit, so that's pretty shitty of him.
Also not politics.
I saw him walking down the street in DC during the inauguration, out of character and not dressed like he was delivering pizza balls. But anyway, he did not like being recognized when I pointed him out to my friend I was walking with.
I never thought of how it's literally Tom Green repackaged for a younger generation, fucking jews.
bird up
I didn't realize he was Jewish.
Anytime I see a Jewish person on television, I assume they reached that point, in part, because they were given favor along the way, i.e. Jewish nepotism.
sup milado
Andre is a real cuck. He was begging Alex Jones to duck his wife
he got kicked out of the dnc thing for being a fucknugget and humping that woman that dressed like Hillary
I think hes funny 2bh, but also probably cucked into voting for shillary because of le ebic professional comedian cummunity so progressive :DDD
The first season of the Eric Andre show was a bit brilliant, and he admitted to borrowing heavily from Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Anything after season 1 is basically garbage. Like all "live action" programming on Adult Swim, his show devolved to shock-value vomit and gore jokes.
oh, so that's why he's famous, what about hannibal?
Heh. That's actually part of his brilliance. He's a bit of an Andy Kaufman type. Season 1 of his show was literally a mash up of SGCTC, Kids in the Hall, and Andy Kaufman. Those interview answers he gave wouldn't make either side pleased with him. But I admit I have not been keeping up with that guy lately. I lost interest after Season 1 of his show on AS. No clue what his politics are, but I assume very lefty because of what he does for a living.
>awkwardly dodging questions, not praising hillary at all
He def voted trump
he looks like after he said she has blood on her hands some guy in the studio flashed him a pistol
I wonder how many of these hollywood cretins actually support the left rather than just being blueballed into it by tough social programming
Yeah, honestly, I do wonder. I just assume he's leftist because of "Hollywood," but there are plenty of closet conservatives and red pilled asshole or two working at Adult Swim, so who knows.