What's wrong with this niggerjew other than being a nigger and a Jew?

What's wrong with this niggerjew other than being a nigger and a Jew?

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well if you subtract the whole of his being there's not much left to criticize desu

No, something made him the way he is. Nobody is that autistic. I don't care how many flu shots you've had.

Apparently being a nigger Jew gives you a rad sense of humor. He is funny as fuck.

He is basically a miserable person. Jews always try to be as annoying as possible when it comes to their "comedy". If he didn't go to extremes he wouldn't get noticed because he isn't naturally funny. As far as being black, he obviously doesn't fit in with blacks either because most of them are ghetto.

Le epic based black man xDDDDDD!!!!1!!!
hes so cool i wish he fucks my girlfreind he deserves it

>to the back of the oven

His show is funny desu

hate this fag. kinda reminds me of Tom Green, except this shtick wasn't all that funny when he was doing it, and it's even less funny nowadays.

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