You mean frustrated and depressed because France and Britan has been cucking Germany for atleast 60 years ever since Germany was formed.
Not to mention the war reperation it Germany had to pay France,Britan and it's Allies which caused a major hyper inflation
Not to mention that the jewish banks, and media didn't really get affected by the war as much, Fucking hell the jews and some mentally ill germans were running brothels in Berlin where you could fuck a 12 year old slav girl.
You know what makes people in mass murders? Desperation.
France were fucking shit heads and punished Germany badly. It even stole land form germany when germany couldn't pay.
You say the SS were brainwashed?
No my son, we are the ones who are brain wash.
Germany was the Victim of a centuries old rivalry between France and (the german people) Britan came much later after they fucked Napoleon and "took over" the dutch Colonies.
Just look at Germany from 1920 to 1933... LOOK AT IT AND HOW BAD LIFE WAS.
No wonder they had to elect an passionate autistic edgelord to hur hur about whiping out the jews.
Fucking hell just look at the hapburgs crap, the just flurished and enjoyed sooo many benefits (most likely because they hapburgs were jewish, atleast thats what the conspiracy theories says)
But hey.. "nazi were evil" HUR FUCKING DUR.
No france were fucking retarded jelly frogs.
Bongs were shitting in their beds, and have always been fucking pieces of shit.
And it took fucking 20-30 milion slavs from the east.
And another 5-10 milion from the east to STOP germany.
Who had at best during ww2 3-5 milion soldiers.
What happend to Berlin once it fell under Slavs hands?
Nobody talks about that "because hur dur nazis were evil"
What happend to europe under stalin "hur dur nazis were evil"
Fucking hell we bantz the germans for 6 gorilians, but stalin alone killed maybe 20 milion in gulags, send 30 milion to their deaths to stop the germans, 1.3 milion great purge