See @LBC's Tweet:
Twitter vote about whether to arm UK police
See @LBC's Tweet:
Twitter vote about whether to arm UK police
What kind of arms are they intending to give them, spoons?
No. The British police have shown themselves to be utterly incompetent retards. Giving them guns won't help, especially if they're going out of their way to recruit Muslims.
Pistols on the hip
>pistols on the hip
Translating from bongspeak he means "dildos in the ass."
No, that's not what I meant.
But that would be DANGEROUS.
I say we give the cops pool noodles to defend themselves with
So if not even the police can be armed, who exactly can? The UK will be a slave nation soon enough.
You don't understand Europe, Mr Burger. Over here we don't randomly shoot people. And ofc the bongs have armed forces too when push comes to shove, but we are more civilized than you folks.
I don't care enough to argue about civility, however the UK does import people who throw acid on your faces and rape your kids and women.
To prove my point, here's a little video for your enjoyment.
Everybody is laughing about the g20 riots, but our cops are extremely professional. Little bit too soft if you ask me, but they do their job.
Hahaha wait
i mean atleast some of them have guns right?
No you dumb fuck it's going to be so much easier for the RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS to fucking execute them once shit gets real.
>Twitter vote
Who the fuck cares
>twitter asking me to login
When did this start happening.
Fucking this bongs.
Pakis rape your children and you go to jail for reporting them...
Of course you moron. But in most situations sticks and fists are enough to keep the peace. Watch the vid I linked in that other post.
>those responses
could britain literally get any more cucked
You know what an even quicker response would be? Having police officers that are already in the area and on the street having firearms.
Have you ever seen bong cops? They are well trained, most of them don't wear guns so they don't scare the public. I was really impressed when I visited UK couple times. They do that on purpose and it's good from my point of view.
Our cops wear guns, I mean German cops, but rarely if ever use them. And they are /fit/. Never seen a really fat German cop in my life. And they are fair. Been confronted with them couple times when I was an angry young adult and drunk all the time, they never overreacted.
>Bong police are well trained
Only the white men are
I meant what I said m8, I was impressed. Tall man with a stick can keep the peace, no need to kill people because of some minor shit.
... but that was back in the 90s, dunno how your police force looks nowadays. Kinda bet lots of shitskins, since your demographics are changing just like over here ^^
Yes, they absolutely should.
>Tall man with a stick can keep the peace
When your country is mostly white and most of the problems are people getting drunk and fighting, yes, the a baton is probably enough.
Germany is still mostly white dude. Same for UK if you ignore London.
>giving agents of the state more guns to oppress the people
If you voted yes, you deserve the coming horrors.
>Germany is still mostly white dude
How on Earth could you possibly know those stats? You think they're going to come forward and be honest about that? The blow is already done it's just going to take a while for the blood clot to reach the brain.
Unfortunately the system would be against them. The IPCC would make them account for every single bullet, ruining their livelihoods in the meantime. It's why so many coppers refuse to be arms trained (they can all be if they want to).
Oh, forgot the details
>Antoquan Watson led police on a 7-mile chase that ended in a hail of gunfire. The chase began over an unpaid restaurant bill of less than $9. Watson led police on a chase from La Escondida II restaurant in Pleasantville through parts of Egg Harbor Township and Ventnor into Atlantic City. At Atlantic Avenue, witnesses and police said, he fired at officers. Officers then returned fire and killed him.
Help me get out user. Please. I'll do anything. I hate it here. Big Brother is coming! Hel-
I am living here, are you really trying to teach me about some fucking stats you read on Sup Forums? Sure, we got lots of migrants in the 70s-80s, but most of them are harmless and have "integrated" into our society. Of course there are some problematic zones, big cities like Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, but you guys have exactly the same problem with your big cities so please don't be a hypocrite.
When I take a walk I see like 95% white folks, some turks and the occasional nigger.
Yesterday i hear in radio in the news, some police commissioner with a think tank looking in raise in police fatal shooting in UK. from start of this year Police Killed 6 persons.
Ok .. so fare Iv counted that was some terrorist attacks and they shoot them not so sure but the number 6 is close to those number of terrorist killed by police.
Question is .. how they want to lower down this number ?, ask terrorist to stop killing innocent people or as police to not shoot terrorists. as the stats will go from bad to worst.
>that gif
Wow, like every other police force in the world has had for the last what, 100 years?
Just give them reflector belts and a rape whistle.
thats hot, full video pls?
>Of course there are some problematic zones
Every. Fucking. Time.
nobody except criminals, niggers and muslims is scared by the sight of cops with guns
Let me tell you a secret. We are putting them into ghettos, history repeats.
spread your civ nat bullshit somewhere else.
Germany is done, morally and spiritually.
I lived in the US half of my life and US cops are much better suited for the task of being a cop and making you feel safe.
You fly them in overnight secretly, put them in housing complexes and hotels when they first arrive until homes can be found and subsidized for them. And this is how your politicians behave:
I've never been scared by the sight of cops, guns or not. I love our cops despite being tackled down by them and ending up in the drunk tank for one night, they are professional and fair and you can always reason with them.
But I understand why most UK cops don't wear guns, it simply wasn't necessary. And I understand why they want them now, and they should get them. Britain is devolving into a shithole.
I'm against arming muslims.
Absolute bullshit.
1. Females should not be cops
2. Cops dont need to study 3 years some useless shit but should spent 10 times the amount of time on the firing range
3. pople with piercings and long hair shouldt be cops
4. cops must be clean shaven or wear a clean style beard like a moustache
5. real uniforms and not playmobil uniforms are needed
6. they need a pumpgun and/or an AR in each car
7. They should focus on real criminals and not on speeding and parking tickets
Dude. I'm living in Duisburg, right next to Düsseldorf where most of them arrive and we have like the biggest quota of refugees in whole Germany. Refugee camps are in the north of our city where all the turks live anyways and nobody wants to go there, south is white. Segregation.
>sticks and fists are enough to keep the peace
>part and parcel
apparently not
>where all the turks live anyways
Oh well if you already have stomach cancer what's a little colon cancer gonna harm?
They look like parking lot guards in the best case
No muslims need a fighting chance
>Watch the vid I linked in that other post.
Hundreds upon hundreds of police officers were injured during the G20 meetings. What exactly was peaceful about the situation?
I voted yes.
2 years ago someone tried to run over a cop. Suspect was shot dead and nobody cares.
Cop could have died without his gun
>haha dude we are just slowly segregrating in our country that was once 100% ours haha lol I still can go to some places without fearing being attacked haha so good xdd Germany is best
51% against
Wew, britcucks have gone full cuck. Even after so many motorized vehicles of islamic death they still think an officer wit a gun is the biggest danger.
Would vote against but i don't have an account
Our police are a fucking joke but at least they aren't a lethal joke. I'd rather it stay that way
True. But the situation is not that bad, really.
DU/NRW cops are great, don't bash them.
I agree. We have those kind of riots at every g20 meeting, and lefties have been running wild in Hamburg for decades, it's some kind of weird tradition we have over here. And then police speakers act like they were surprised about the riots on MSM, ridiculous. Our police force is too lenient as I said before, but for good reasons. It's a complex situation which you can't really understand if you don't live here. Police was much harder on the lefties when I was a kid and it escalated into actual terrorism with kidnappings and bombings, so politicians decided to let them vent every now and then. It's kinda middle ground between letting them vent some steam, punishing some selected few really hard to scare them and so on.
No they aren't. If they were Köln would not have happened.
You actually want to arm the the faggots who spend most of their time scouring twitter for potential "dissent and racism" instead of arresting rapist shitskins?
I'm sure they'll probably only use lethal force on "racist whites".
Well the place where I live is pretty nice. How about yours?
Do you think barring some kind of conflict their numbers are ever going to go down? Are they ever going to have fewer children? Are they ever going to integrate? Maybe MAYBE if you cut all support for them right now you'll get enough of the young men to leave and not take root there, but the chances of your government doing that are next to nothing with your populace.
my 99% German suburb is nice. The rest of the city is utter shit.
that was very different 10 years ago not to mention 20 years ago and so on. Stop deluding yourself
Of course our cops make mistakes, they are humans like you and me. Just speaking from personal experience, they always did a good job when I encountered them. Even that day when I ended up in the drunk tank for a few hours, I deserved it. ^^
Same here bro. Ich versuch doch nur das beste aus der Situation zu machen die man erstmal eh nicht ändern kann. Direkt neben uns ist jetzt n Türke eingezogen, scheint aber n netter Kerl zu sein. Schon allein die Tatsache dass der sich das Haus überhaupt leisten konnte zeigt das das kein Voll Asi ist.
Machetes coated with pig fat.
Don't be cruel. First we should try spraying them with pig fat, and if that doesn't scare them off we can try machetes.
>we are more civilized than you folks
Is this a fucking joke? Western Europe is cucked beyond belief. Bowing down to jews and muzzies doesn't make you "civilized".
>Was ist Ehre
>Germany is still mostly white dude. Same for UK if you ignore London.
Does the spray ignite?
My personal opinion is that the metropolitan police force should all be blindfolded and armed with uzis.
Let them loose in Muslimbridge
Says the guy whose country wouldn't exist without immigration.
We got a shitload of Greeks, Turks, and plenty immigrants from the former East Bloc, Poles, Russians and so on. Most of them have integrated pretty well after 1 generation.
Of course we got problems as well, personally I've had the worst experiences with gypsies, they are really Untermenschen. But if a migrant speaks proper German, has a job and doesn't commit crimes, why the fuck should I be against him living here? Wouldn't let him fuck my daughter, I'm, against racemixing, but there needs to be a little balance between blind hate and blind tolerance.
Ehre ist für Idioten, glaub Du meinst Würde, und die hab ich.
I don't think we should have armed police until we have armed civilians
>Says the guy whose country wouldn't exist without immigration.
From mostly white European countries back in the times where there was little to no welfare and limited technology meant people had to learn the language. Apples and fucking oranges there, Fritz.
voted no because your country deserves to get fucked
White immigration, you stupid fucking island ape.
I know that burger education is not that swell, but I recommend you to look up the meaning of the word "mostly".
>Ehre ist für Idioten
hm und man fragt sich wie es in Deutschland so weit kommen konnte.
Du bist Teil des Problems. Du hast nichts begriffen.
Fat burns pretty well, so probably yeah. Hopefully actually. ^^
>From mostly white European countries back in the times
Mhm. So what about your niggers and wetbacks?
13% and holding steady due to millions of abortions
Already self-deporting and much more in store for the future in that department. Besides, I'd rather live near Mexicans that Somalis any day of the fucking week.
If Britain was 100 percent white than there would be no need but sadly they didn't learn from us and squandered that.
Das Problem ist das System.
Never seen a Somali. One time I met some guy from I think Ethiopia who grew up as a child soldier. You have exactly the same problems like we do, and our nation is still more white than yours.
>You have exactly the same problems like we do
Just keep the roving sex assault gangs at arms length. Also, be sure to supervise your children at the pool lest someone has a sexual emergency.
Remember the days of riots after that arrest?
Maybe I'm thinking of the one in the US.
Will do. And you take care that you don't get shot user.
:ook, Europe has some major issues that America has permanently dodged by virtue of having thousands of miles of ocean between it and the closest Muslim majority country, but you're 60% white with more murders than a fucking war zone.
h+ow do you just ignore London
Same way you ignore shitholes like NY while praising how great America is.
We're making progress. We've gone from "There is no problem." to "The problem is not our fault." in such a short time.
Ocean or not, you do not have to invite them in and pay for them to replace you. That's no excuse.
>with more murders than a fucking war zone
We're 94 and that's nothing to be proud of, but it really is gang violence that accounts for those numbers. The amount of black on black homicide dwarf any other racial combo. I believe something like four counties account for a majority of the murders in the entire country. I'll have to try to find the real stat.
>Living in Airstrip One
>Wanting Police to be armed
yea, fuck right off
Muslims don't even commit that many terror attacks if you only count post- 9/11.
> implying