A 15-year-old girl was raped twice in one night by two separate attackers, one of whom she flagged down for help

A 15-year-old girl was raped twice in one night by two separate attackers, one of whom she flagged down for help

>The first offender is described as an Asian man
>The second offender is described as an Asian man

Imagine my surprise


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Any reason why Brits describe Muslims from the Middle East as "Asian"? Around here, an Asian would be a Japanese or Chinaman. A Muslim from the Middle East would be an Arab, a Muslim from North Africa an African and a Muslim from Iran or Pakistan, a Pakistani.

>Stories that you used to read about from the third world are now in your own country.

Oh wait we are the 3rd world now, well london, liverpool and manchester anyway.

Wow stop being racist. Its their culture

Was the girl arrested for adultery?

Obviously the problem is men, racism is never the solution.

Suddenly the skeet sounds of several cintiqs light up in the night of Japan. Doujins when?

We don't call people from the middle east Asian. This was Birmingham so Asian probably means either Bangladeshi or Pakistani.

"Asian" is British English slang for "rapist."

Hah. That's the entire plot of De Sades "Justine".

They do it so that people will not immediately stereotype Pakis, and instead they will picture a slant-eyed gook that could be from any number of countries in Asia. If (((they))) acknowledged that these rapists are all coming from one country, then people would see a pattern, but since they're just stated as "Asian", and there are over a billion "Asians" out there, the people just shrug and conclude that it was only 1 in a billion

Asian as in from Asia. South Asians are the pakis, indians, bangladeshis, all that shit. East Asians are the Japs, Chinese, etc. I don't get why this is so hard to understand.
And no it's not like a nice word people use instead of pakis, you should hear my grandparents bitch about the filthy asians who overran Leicester.

This. Britain is a lost cause though. It's far beyond saving.

>get raped by a muslim
>You ask for help from another Muslim
>he rapes you too

To be fair I suppose it would be hard to find a white person in Britain nowadays.

>Asian as in from Asia. South Asians are the pakis, indians, bangladeshis, all that shit. East Asians are the Japs, Chinese, etc. I don't get why this is so hard to understand.
>And no it's not like a nice word people use instead of pakis, you should hear my grandparents bitch about the filthy asians who overran Leicester.

That makes no sense. That is like calling a Brit "a European" or an Italian "a European" or a Canadian "an American" or someone from Hawaii "an American" or a Russian from Siberia "an Asian" etc.

Get your act together and call people what they are. If it is a Pakistani looking man, it is a Pakistani. If he is Arab, he is Arab. If he is African, African.

>Asking a nigger for help

This. I was just in East London. I might have seen 10 white people in four days, rest was just a plethora of muslims. It's crazy, I've never seen anything like it. Not even Israel have that many muslims.

Try 3 billion Asians. India and China are well over 2 combined.

Same reason Germans describe them as 'Mediterranean'. It's a PC code word so people don't start noticing the wrong co-incidence.

>Creampie gangbang

It's amazing how Brits can invent this language and yet barely know how to speak it.

>Askinng a chink for help

I call them all sandniggers. I'm just explaining why the term is different. Americans assume asian = east asian, but we were using the word ages ago to describe all the pakis and indians coming in from the Empire.

Do they really count Pajeets as "Asian" too?

Fucking hell, get your shit together, UK

You would call someone from Hawaii amercan though.

nobody here calls street shitters asians.

>anywhere in the UK

Was she retarded too? Or just a street rat?

lol so afraid of being called racists that you let your children get raped by monsters
fucking lol
no sympathy

The second offender is described as an Asian man in his early 20s, 5ft 6ins to 5fit 7ins, of large build with a tight beard


They technically are, but I've never heard anyone that's not British call people from the sub-continent asian.

>Same reason Germans describe them as 'Mediterranean'.
Show me a single article in the German media who describes a man as "mediterranean". If someone doesn't know who a perpetrator is from, they may call them "dark haired, dark skin" etc., but if they know, they will never call them "meditaeran" but "Moroccon, Iraqi, Indian, Pakistani, Syrian" etc.

She should have asked Peaky Blinders to help her.

You can't possibly be this stupid. Lurk more and learn what Asian means.

Why don't they just call them muslims?

aa becouse you are retarded sheeps.

>Help me, I've been raped

>Hmmm, well one more won't hurt

But we don't, you mong. "Mediterranean" is used preciscely never outside of describing vacations and seafood here.

Because diversity is our best friend!!!


I've seen it used a few times in German reports.
The first I remember was a report about swimming pool antics.


Introduce death penalty for rape if performed by an immigrant. Will either make them comply or they will eventually be killed-off.
Sad about the 15yo who was probably saving herself until after marriage.

We call them "Südländer" (Southerners).
And we don't mean swiss or italian people.


I'm almost certain she was drunk and literally asking for it. Don't forget, Brits have a pretty different definition of rape than the rest of humanity.

Reminder that Asians have light skin. Just because they have slanted squinted eyes doesn't mean that they're not white.

Asians are white, and we must solve this white supremacy towards women, muslims, and POC

I take it the victim was a black muslim female?

No, you'd call them Hawaiian, at least here we do.
Then again, we also call people from New York New Yorkers, people from California Californians, people from Massachusetts Massachusettsians, etc. etc.
Hell, I'm sure Brits and the like do the same with their cities and provinces/regions.

Spanish then?

>who was probably saving herself until after marriage.
But probably not.

You literally couldn't even make expressions like "Mediterranean people" or "Mediterranean appearance" work in German, so I kind of doubt that.
>Mediterane Erscheinung

>British slags saving themselves for marriage.

I'm military and we had an exchange with Sandhurst officers. Even the girls those guys date look and behave like slags.


Secret Asian man.

fucking underrated


Mountain Germans

I cringe knowing this will continue year after year getting progressively worse, as more people double down on their liberal virtue signalling while believing they are fighting for the future when in fact they have destroyed anything resembling a future.

In a row?

Imagine the conversation with the second rapist.
"I-I just got raped by some gu-guy I need help"
"Oh man that sucks ,':^)"

It would be zina not adultery. So no stoning just 100 lashes.

Do we know the race of the girl?

How is so much fucked up shit happening in Britain.
We and France have so much more muds.
Will brits ever do something about this? It's insane.

You're the expert, Emmanuel.

Ok. I feel better now. Then she was probably selling her services and they refused to pay the extra Immigrant fee so she claims rape.
Pathetic. Sorry for the migrants who just wanted to have a good time with the locals.

It could have been sudlander but I thought it was 'Mediterranean-looking'


Should be suckermanpunch.

Good thing those dumb bongs will be extinct soon. They are literally niggers of europe

We don't
The media do

Professional whores won't fuck Pakis.
I saw a documentary about London hookers and they said so.
They said it was because they were mean people, always wanted to strangle them and get rough.

maybe she is one of the welcome refugees and is realizing her biggest mistake

>A Muslim from the Middle East would be an Arab, a Muslim from North Africa an African and a Muslim from Iran or Pakistan, a Pakistani.
How do you differentiate them? They all look the same.

Obviously a 15yo isn't going to be the "prefessional" type.

calling pakis and arabs asian is just a way of hiding their crimes desu

And no feminists gave a shit on this day.

They only cry "rape culture" when they can target white college kids with it. Otherwise.... not shits given.

>How do you differentiate them? They all look the same.
If you cannot distinguish between the races, then you are not looking.

Not the same muds. Our muds are Arabs, theirs are from the Indian subcontinent. Those are a lot more violent than Arabs.

>a Russian from Siberia "an Asian"
Registration forms that ask for your country and divide by region sometimes list Russia in Europe, sometimes in Asia.

I only see white and non white

You think it isn't happening there? I remember reading about an 80 year old woman getting raped on her sister's grave in Germany last year. If you're not Poland or Hungary you have no ground to stand on. We're all fucked.

>The first offender is described as an Asian man
>The second offender is described as an Asian man
Hey. At least they weren't a couple of those damned Tanned Germans.

>see a girl having sex
>she invites you to join
what do?

It's no different from an american calling a chinaman an "Asian" while not including the 1.5 Billion South Asians

chinks are subhuman

Which continent do you class India as being part of? not even memeing

Both of which have more in common with the middle east than east asia.
Face it britbong, the whole thing is political masking.

its is technically correct but in reporting crime its just protecting the suspect since "asians" can be any race between turkey and japan

We got to stop those Asians.

>separate attackers
I'm surprised she could walk after being split apart like a log


Do actual Asians get pissed off over the media associating them with slimes?

This. England is Insane.

According to Sup Forums we're not Asians but it's UK's problem, if they stopped calling Pakis, Asians, they might have prevented some rape.

I'll just leave it here: Caucasians - people living in Caucasus - are in fact predominantly sandniggers. Which gives massive wtf when used by americans.