Éire/pol/ - Qt Edition

Join National Party: nationalparty.ie

Thread Theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=BuRw7n9TEDk


>over 400k people living at home with parents

>Standoff ends peacefully in Dublin, its fucking nothing

>man dies mowing the lawn

>awesome business woman puts newly wed couples 20k out of pocket

>Roastie carries 100k worth of cocaine in Dublin airport

Other urls found in this thread:


The Nu-Right rises brother!

Daily reminder that Islam is the third largest faith in Ireland, and GROWING. Over 60,000 followers and 50 mosques


Turdfuck ar la!

Has anyone else seen Barrett's speech? I thought it was informative and pretty good over all


What is the general consensus on this faggot?

Anyone been In a court trial lately? I was the judge was bringing down the hammer "if you so much as spit you're going to mont Joy"

What was the case?

I'm looking for a happening guys, has anyone seen a happening?

There's supposed to be a big White House happening today, either with Sessions or the DNC case
Regardless, Trump's BTFOing of trannies in the military yesterday has got me happy

Not sure I came in half ways through but it looked to be insurance scam.

Has the sides been swapped?
Right wants to stop trans dieing in a war they can't win.
Left wants them to enter and possibly die en mass.

As an american-Irish immigrant, I approve this thread.


I Unironically think we are preparing for war with the Norks, first we're having middle defense drills for civilians in Hawaii, now we're kicking the mentally ill lady boys out of the military (really just reinstating the ban that king nigger abolished)
I'd say within this first term we could see war with the Norks

Are you the fag that lives in Scotland?

Are any of you worried about Macron's plans in Libya?

Had to walk to get water today

Felt like a African :(

Nope London

What are his plans?


Do you have any stores near you or what?

It seems GI is within the leftist cesspit universities folks.

Maybe we're gonna be alright.

Macron plans to build processing centers in Libya so "refugees" won't have to "risk" Mediterranean travel.
As I understand it, he's doing this outside of the EU's wishes, it's unclear whether those processed here will go to France and stay there, or go throughout the continent

Thoughts on that poor girl in Birmingham? Why haven't you cunts gone full Wat Tyler yet?

Water outage drogheda

Did anyone go to the identitarian meeting?

>be Irish
>forced to pay water charges like a fag

Why are we writing these threads in the language of the Anglo invaders?

Didn't know about it, would have been too busy presumably though.
Cad a thárla?

Because are education system is crap.

>Thoughts on that poor girl in Birmingham?

Yeah, absolutely disgusting just read about it. Not suprising though Birmingham is infested.

Is Roy Keane still the biggest cunt to come from Cork?

>We don't

Burger education

Because these threads are made by an American Ubermensch due to actual Irish posters being lazy cunts
Damn shame it is, we need God

No but apparently it went quite well.

They tricked the antifa, "class war" goons and had the meeting in a pub with a decent crowd, while antifa were left standing outside a hotel for ages waiting on GI to show up...

Lel nice

we need a crusade

I live in the states and drive 30 km once a week to a clean spring. It's fucking great.

Here: findaspring.com/category/locations/europe/ireland/

>The first attacker is described as Asian with light skin and brown eyes, and was of a skinny build and about 6ft tall.
>He was wearing a tracksuit top and bottoms, black trainers and was in his early 20s.
>The second attacker is also described as Asian, in his early 20s, 5ft 6in or 5ft 7in tall, and of large build with a tight-cropped beard, and was wearing a blue jumper and black jeans.
More than 2 billion of them on the planet and who knows how many in Birmingham.
I wonder what the girl's actual statement was.

They were pakis, the media in England call pakis asians

I know, it's just absurd when alerting the public to an active threat to not be as descriptive as possible.

You ain't from here are you?
In Britain, "Asian" refers to middle easterners, I think they use oriental for China men and the such

Not a Celt.
He's a gay Anglo.
There are no gay people in Ireland.
They've all gone to London to become celebrities.

This is antifa "stopping" the identitarian meeting....by standing outside the wrong building like dopes...

Been going on for a long time so everyone knows asian = paki now but yeah still BS

And this is the GI meeting...nice and warm in a pub while antifa/classwar were sent on a wild goose chase......

Eastern European filth again was it?
The judges are getting pissed off with it.
They are the reason car insurance is through the fooking roof.

>not dressed in black
>no signs

don't look like the usual soros goons were these the "class war" lot?

When are you coming home, Paddy?

Not sure but I over heard the lawyer saying the garden knew he cancel his insurance just before hand.


Irish antifa types tend to not do the whole "black bloc" thing. Mainly because most of them are middle aged football fans and the rest are women and limp wristed university students.

A few Class war types were definitely there i'd say.

>marching on a country capital dressed in black.
>calling others nazis.
The absolute state of things.

Guess he wants to give the MIC something to eat and get them out of the Middle East.

Apart from the death-camps for entire families, N.Korea doesn't sound so bad. Least it's an ethnostate. No crime, no poz.

He needs to chill out with the death threats but if he didn't have missiles, the CIA would have already taken him out by now for their Jewish masters.

How would marching on Dublin dressed in blue be received?

You must have some swole arms onya son.
I'm proud.
Don't tell me you nicked a trolly and it's out of frame.

Its used to attract 1000s

Irish are cryptoniggers
Anglos are cryptokikes
Scott's are true ubermensch

Wouldn't that make Scots cryptoniggerkikes?

Anyone can sit in that park. It's a shortcut to get from Pears St station to Grafton.

>Guess he wants to give the MIC something to eat and get them out of the Middle East
What is MIC?
t. American education
>North Korea
We could take those gooks in one fell swoop were it not for the artillery they have positioned on Seoul, which has a population of 10 mil.
In a sense, they have a gun to South Korea's head

Depends on who's wearing the shirts.
If they're old they would probably be though of as people paying their respects to the blue shirts.
Anyone else would be wankers.

That seriously happened?
Where'd you hear that?

Nice try. Scott's are the master race and founders of the greatest nation on earth (America). Anglos are merchants willing to backstab anyone for a shekel and Irish are white niggers. Atleast they are decent athletes

>ywn participate in a blueshirt rally in an Irish Dublin
Fuck this gay earth


Looks great

Their facebook page. look at the two pictures I posted:

>there are normalfags with facekikes on Sup Forums

Military Industrial Complex