As much as I fucking hate Romania, they have one thing over Italy. At least they know they're poor.
As much as I fucking hate Romania, they have one thing over Italy. At least they know they're poor
why do you hate romania (((mr noflag)))? maybe because they have a rich history and traditions while also having great writers, sculptors and thinkers who are renown world wide? or maybe because theyre white and youre a butthurt american whose people are getting replaced by niggers and mexicans? or a hungarian who always tries to hide the fact that theres probably more hungarian gypsys than there are romanian gypsys.
Romanians are a lot fucking whiter than Italians
Look you bozgor, you are not getting Transylvania back.
wew lad
i wonder what bozgor is behind this thread
i forgot italians too, honestly i traveled to many places but when i went to italy i didnt see a single naturally blonde and blue eyed woman or even guy not a single fucking one. Romania doesnt have that many blonde women either but theres loads of blue eyed girls.
Why the butthurt ? All you do is spamming BOZGOR BOZGOR BOZGOR
>everything BACK!
One day brother, one day.
Everythig south of Balaton is Croatia & Serbia.
Croatia is a just a Hungarian colony. We decide what belongs to you and what doesn't.
shut up, bozgor.
does bozgor actually hurt you guys? i heard from my grandpa that whenever he called a hungarian bozgor he would get really triggered as if he was a jew that had been found out.
they are also a million times whiter than americhimps and yet they are even poorer
I'm starting to see a pattern here
Yes, bozgor is actually very offensive
omg dude it hurts so much. Like when a nigger calls a white a cracker. Oh no we were your masters, god it feels so bad :(
Suck my magyar dick
Romania is all gypsy! No white!
Italy is in the G7, how u want consider it poor?
>o a million times whiter than americhimps and yet they are even poorer
>I'm starting to see a patte
typical Romanian men don't look like the image you posted, faggot
I think 99.9% of the country never even heard it, and the rest heard it on Sup Forums
BTW. You can clearly see influence of migration on these values.
Hungarians are just central Asians that got
>Not white
Nice try gypsy.
Why are all Romanians poor? Everyone of you fucking bloodsuckers is either a begger or a nigger
True. Unfortunately 90% of us are also mixed with gypos. I wish I could be hungarian instead of a subhuman ROMAnian
Fuck off and wash your arse, gyppo inbreed fuck
Surely you meant Greek you filthy asian invaders.
Actually most of the coloured skin from the mediterranean and balklands come from black Egyptians that came out and founded Rome and conqured y'alls asses.
Egyptians werent black dumbass
ummmmmmm...... you are very wrong. that comes from the genocide carried out by the Greeks under alexander and arabs later on. Then both parties took credit for our history.
don't respond to the blm flag egyptianon
blm flags were a mistake
my nama jeff
short answer is communism and a shitty history
at least it's getting better
my nama jeff, your nama jeff, hell--- we're all nama jeff!
yeah yeah, that egyptians colored themselves with different color than nubian black
i can't believe that you've switched flags so many times and no one notices
typical italian treachery
the greeks taught you well
Romania is still shit
and we still have the same color tone
I am just doing him a favour to not fool himself
where are you from? cuase you clearly dont know your history? that is from the age with the late persian rulers. the original persains were also black
I wish I could be Hungarian instead of ROMAnian. Everyone calls me gypsy, but I only look slightly brown
I am 100% coptic Egyptian kys
where you livin in Egypt and are you a christain? im a nation of islam member in Bridgeport Connecticuit
I don't think I made myself clear. My nama JEFF.
if you were a hungarian you'd be called a mongol
nice thinking radu
From Luxor, the ancient capital of Egypt , If u really know Egypt u would know what coptic mean dumbass
fuck off
I hate mongoloids
better mongol than being a gypsy hybrid. Everyone makes fun of us while Hungarians are respected
i rather be a mongol than be gay
coptic means you stole our hisotory
lmao what's a hungarian? are they hungry? lol just eat nigga!
hey! you cant use that word!
KEK, side question, why u blacks keep pouring in Egypt these days? we dont give welfare for lazy asses here
he's trolling
just check the posts by ID
don't fall for it
north africa is objectively better than s*b-s*haran africa
can you translate it?
Blacks ruled egypt and they will rule again! Accept the facts!!!!!
it means countryless
>EU flag
this whole thread is trolling, but these retards can't check posts by ID
why do you schizo fucks like to make the same thread and get baited by it over and over and over again, every fucking time
>romania is gypsyland
>fuck off bozgor
>penis size chart
>for real tho gib transylvania
>romanians triggered
>trianon map
>hungarians triggered
>US chimes in
>everyone turns on them
oh I noticed this italian fag now
nice one italian fag, I will forgive u because I like italians
You're full of shit, Paddy. About 1/4 of the population has blonde hair and blue eyes. Even in the south.
We are the India of Europe dude. No one is a bigger joke than us ROMAnians. Hungary is loved, at least here on Sup Forums. We are a joke even here!
Romanian here. Ask me anything
False. The world is already like egypt. God will send plagues down agaisnst them. Enjoy the burn. It makes white men red like natives and black skin to ashy melanin. Whites ability to shed skin like a sunburn is our greatest weapon when the magneto sphere fails. Blacks will consume the full radiation. The skin is a mark of sin for lawless rebellion. We wuz not kangs. We wuz tribal savages who became slaves and learned the language of our masters in order to corrupt the masters culture with thots and traps. Check yo self before you wreck your self.
you got me. hell I'm not even black. I'm white and i live in Virginia. I'm studying latin in
Italy right now. Sir.... I truly congratulate you! And thus I formally give you a well deserved pat on the back for playing along. And I wish that Egypt return to its proud former coptic history. Godspeed friend.... Godspeed
>hides flag
>larps as a romanian
now this is projection
not dark enough
>Many Italians have brown hair brown eyes
Whoah, dude. That's some first rate detective work!
eveyone is a joke here you turbogypsy
post your shitstained hand
how does this make you feel pistvan
care to make it right?
I don't know about blonde hair but about 1 in 4 prob have blue or green eyes and light brown or reddish brown hair - with many of those having been blonde or red headed as children.
how was this study made? who the fuck will admit to a small dick also what does it mean if i have high above average 16 dick i am a mutant or a hungaryan?
Yeah Romania's a shit hole. That's why I use a flag to cover up my shitty Romanian flag. Even now that I've admitted I'm Romanian I'm still too ashamed to disable my optional flag. Fuck Romania
how is Italy user? going to start my studies there within a month
unemployment rate is 12% Take your best guess
personaly I don't know how it compares to Egypt. but its super humid here. where are you going in Italy?
it only works on the romania side hungarians bozors were some nomad tribe beyond the volga that is were the name comes from and to say to some one bozgor it means with no country or something related
Italians are basically Arabs so you'll fit right in
so proto-gypsies?
>inb4 bozgor
just open your fucking eyes, this country is the asscrack of europe
yeah kinda probably not as brown tho more mongoloid