Expulsion of Jews

What were the Jews doing to get expelled in over several hundred countries throughout history?

I'd like to see some documented evidence of their actions...

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archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6]

The Jews were thrown of out hundreds of countries over thousands of years because of irrational anti-semitic hatred on the part of White Christian European halfwits who blamed the Chosen People for the death of Christ. The Jews, despite being thrown out of hundreds of countries over thousands of years, did nothing to deserve this scorn. There is a vast conspiracy over the millennia of unrelated nations separated by thousands of miles accusing the Jews of similar, nation wrecking behavior because the goyi...white Christians hate Jews for no reason. Are you seriously blaming the Jews for the holocaust. I can't even.

blood libel

It's obvious that all of humanity is evil except for jews, who are the chosen ones to rule over all other cattle. It's only what god told them.
Stupid cattle is not accepting it so easily and fighting back again and again.

To give you an example of their attitude towards the people they regard as cattle.
Recently some jew claimed that a painting by Gustav Klimt worth more than 30 million Euros has been stolen from his family by the Nazis and he won in court and got it back.
He sold it immediately and moved the cash out of country. The government then found out that the claim was bogus. What did the jew do? He claimed it was a present and it didn't matter.
The government didn't do anything about it, they just let it slide.

Fuck jews.


predatory lending/compound interest/usury

t. Shlomo Sh'mu'el Shekelstein

>jews are imported into yurp to serve as taxable money lenders for feudal lords
>european of middle ages is literally dumber than an arab
>hate jews because jews get his money
>not smart enough to realize the jew is middleman while nobility gets profits
>Squalor 90% Unrest 60% = public order 5%
>civil unrest icon
>lord tells commoners "IT'S THE JEWS!! NOT ME!!"
>jews get driven out
>christians appeased for a time
>lord loses some income but gets to keep his head
>rinse and repeat 100 times

For millennia, Usury has been acknowledged as poison to societies. It concentrated wealth into fewer and fewer hands. It was outlawed by the majority of civilizations, and royalty eventually kept jews around because jews had no qualms about using it, as it was commonly accepted as being the most scummy, slimey thing to do, so only jews were low enough to stoop to that sort of behavior, then royalty recognized its cheap short term gains, so the kept jews around to use usury when they needed whilst keeping their hands clean

this goes hand in hand with the corruption of the catholic church around Savonarola and the protestant reformation which basically took Christians and turned them into behavioral jews

“There are two sorts of wealth-getting, as I have said; one is a part of household management, the other is retail trade: the former necessary and honorable, while that which consists in exchange is justly censured; for it is unnatural, and a mode by which men gain from one another. The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of any modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.”


in europe, as documented by the host nations and not the jews, many of the jews were kicked out after having loaned out money (often times to build churches, as seen in spain) at an interest rate and the goyim not wanting to pay it back later on.

A list.

So, 'We dindu nuffin'?

we lived off usury
just not as much and well off as you goyim think

So Everyone's stupid yet conspired into some global conspiracy to keep you down ?

top kek

It's not that complicated

1. Jews see themselves as an ethnic people and state in exile
2. An active part of being a Jew is swearing allegiance to the Jews and the land of Israel
3. Jews have a built in dogma and common tradition to help eachother and look out for eachother first and foremost.

None of that I a secret they will openly tell you that's the case.

Some lesser known facts
1. Jews have a higher average intelligence
2. Jews will pick and higher other Jews at a hugely biased rate because of the 3 things above

Okay so now what does that cause?

You live in a town/City/nation where there is this group of Jews. The Jews tend to be smart, marry amongst themselves and help eachother out through nepotism. Overtime this usually leads to Jews being disproportionately wealthy in a comunity.

They also have loyalty to Jews before whatever nation they live in, you can see this alive and well today, many non-religious Jews identify as Jewish first and American second. It's built in to their tradition.

So say something goes wrong in your country, a plague comes, the crops die, the econemy crashes, you lose a war etc.

What is the reason for this? What could of caused it?

You see this group of openly self serving people who have money (and thus less hurt by he crisis) and who's loyalty lies elsware than yours.

It doesn't take long to conclude that not only did these people not help in a time of crisis but they actively subverted your nation/people when hey needed help most.

And while sometimes this is probably not true, I'm sure plenty of times it was.

And that's why Jews get persecuted

Source: I'm a fucking Jew

They constantly attempted to displace the values and institutions of the local Christidegeneracy and they promoted degeneracy.

>we lived off usury


this was literally bragged about in spain.

you don't need to be smart to get lots of people killed

Anyone have that pdf of their "protocols"?

free Palestine nibba

*Christian culture

Jews are Bankers, Never Laborers

Face it. Us goyim are just anti-Semites. We hate juice cuz we're Nazis.


have a quick listen


Partly the fault of laws prohibiting them from owning land.

always the victim too. haven't u realized acting like a victim is a bad thing

You allowed it. We were successful because we are better than you. Your leaders knew this, thus they allowed it.

>What were the Jews doing to get expelled in over several hundred countries throughout history?

Being themselves. If you've ever spent any period of time around them you'll know what I mean. If you haven't then I couldn't really give a fuck what you have to say desu.

yea right. Benjamin franklin didn't want jews allowed.

jews literally change their name to get into a country. no family honor or pride.
Race > Family

I don't know why so many think it has to be some crazy conspiracy that the Jews tend to do better and tend to them be persecuted for it

As I lined out it's not that complicated

Jews are smart, keep the community tight and help eachother, this concentrates wealth in the community

Most Jews identify as Jew first then naionality second

Something goes wrong, a group of people who identify and have loyalty to a different people and state than you AND have mobey, influence and power, so you blame them and think they are purposefully hurting you

Wow the mystery of the Jewish question is solved

except for the bankers are all jewish and the united states funds and arms Israel for no fuckin reason causing unrest in the middle east...

Ritual murder


to expand on this: the entire jewish religion is based around not assimilating and retaining jewish identity over everything else. this goes back to when they were carted off by the babylonians thousands of years ago. the reason you're only considered a jew if your mother is a jew is to keep the jewish identity under control of the community. even monotheism is based on a rejection of outside culture.

> old noble culture outsmarting savages

>people are generous to the incoming Jews because they believe the kvetching
>Jews actually cheat to win
>Jews take advantage of any non Jew they can while simultaneously whining about everything
>times get hard
>Jews are not generous in return
With their true nature apparent they are forcefully removed and rightfully so. Gassing is more deserved.

Power Structures have weaponized the 3 Religions:

1) Jews = Subversion

2) Islam = War

3) Christianity = Pacification

Religion has also been used as Social Engineering & a way to Control populations.

[I've done several threads relating to Jews, which can be found in the Archives: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6]

Chessboards within Chessboards within Chessboards. Chess-Players are sometimes merely just Chess-Pieces on a bigger Chessboard.

I would say the "Jews are not generous". Is a bit impossible to claim

I'm sure some are and some are not, however you probably still have the element of Jews helping other Jews before non-Jews many times

>all banks are Jews

No shit what about my post is confusing

On average smarter+ a built in culture to help other Jews before non-Jews

It's not a sneaky cabal it's just a few basic tenants of being a Jew that results in the behavior you are so suspicious of


blood libel

Jews are calculatedly generous to the ingroup because it's more of an investment than a gift. Hard to call it generosity like what whites do where they give to fucking foreigners that hate them purely out of kindness.

Way over the top m8

The thing is you guys aren't totally wrong but then you go way to far wih the motivations

Not everything is toncalculated effect

The Jewish culture is in transition from a vagabond culture to a stable land holding one. For the first time in Jewish culture they have a homeland. This will change their culture completely in time, if they can keep it.
There civil war has yet to begin.

You missed out the coin clipping, extortionate usury and child sacrifices/crucifixions, Shlomo.




There's no social cohesiom among arab tribea btw. Emmigrating en masse would only further complicate the ME.

Islam isn't the answer. Non-ethnic based national socialism is the key. Integration of all nationalistic patriots and the immediate expulsion of all dual citizens, particularly those who share citizenship with any middle eastern nation.

That's the solution. No more campaign contributions from foreign nationals is also a must.

Jews can only ever be a problem if you allow them into your country.

The Jews are great people. Cmon guys..

They graciously took the blame for the Black Plague because it would have been bad manners to point out Europe was living in its own sewage at the time

Disregard kikeposters

But you, personally, are nothing.

It was a complete coincidence, goy! 100 different nations just happened to hate us for no reason! We're innocent, we swear! OYY VEYYYY [indistinct jewing noises]

>hundreds of countries
US geography education

they are not loyal to their host country but to israel
they have NO problem with taking advantage of us,slaves and animals in human form,cattle,goyim...
and they also hate christianity,i have NO FUCKING CLUE how any leader who is not a jew and cares about his people would allow jews in his country
i dont understand,why not just ban them?


Or there was a small group that like to kidnapp and ritualistically torture Christian children to death......

The bubonic plague known as The Black Death was a weaponized bacterium bred and released from dynastic China not Europe, Brah...

This 100%



>jews are bred connivers, subverts, and con artists - The Post
I agree.

>Jews have a higher average intelligence
Who lead the research and review of the studies for this, I wonder?
Every jew turd I've ever met was a thoughtless, worthless, honorless, gutless moron.

>I'm a fucking jew
And every modern home has a perfectly good oven. Hop on in.

>Blood libel

It's not blood libel, it's Jewish ritual murder.




I have the full documentary for this one here.

From the 2005 one.

I think Jews do well in other societies because there's power in their nepotism and they're willing to connive to get to the top. Lets face it, if Jews played by the rules then they would never thrive. That's why they hate free market societies and that's why they infiltrate high power positions to change the rules to favor themselves.

They love free market societies and communism but NOT National Socialism. Literally most of the ancap/libergtarian thinkers are Jews.

What about non-white non-european pre-christian era expulsions. Like Babylon and Persia?

That guy is either trolling or a Jew considering the Jews slaughtered Persians (recorded in Esther whic hwasn't here real name) and they celebrate their slaughter duting Purim.

his entire post is bait, m8.

look at the last sentence "i cant even"
pay attention when you can

Yeah that's why I said "trolling or a Jew"

When you have an average IQ of 200 it's tough to decipher your actions and intents, even hundreds of years later.

>Most Jews identify as Jew first then naionality second

It's called nepotism and it has no place in any form of democracy.
As it is supposed to be implicit within the democratic population.

You just can't justify having jews and muslim in a democracy.
Impossible when their faith dictates the contrary.

Democracy, as the buzzword thats thrown around, is kike drivel. "Oh we're the only democracy in the Middle East give us money".
