>too conservative for my uni friends
>too liberal for Sup Forums
>fell for the 'le fiscally conservative but socially liberal meme'
what do
>too conservative for my uni friends
>too liberal for Sup Forums
>fell for the 'le fiscally conservative but socially liberal meme'
what do
Other urls found in this thread:
Fiscally liberal, socially conservatard checking in
>libertarian flag
Gas yourself.
This is the only logical way to be.
>too liberal for Sup Forums
The nazi larpers are a nuisance, but don't control your mind. You are home faggot and you aren't leaving here.
soc was libertarian, but mods ruined it
they basically allowed chsitcucks to spam it to shit
you can tell lots of people who lurked and rarely posted are now gone completely
oy vey, bad goy!
>pro education
>pro life
>pro drugs
>anti war/interventionism
>anti degeneracy
>anti safe space
C-checks out right guys?
>pro drugs
>anti degeneracy
fiscally conservative, socially liberal
fiscally liberal, socially hitler
>socially liberal
No worse than liquor
When I say pro drugs, I just mean decriminalize, stop ruining people's lives over dumb shit. Meth/Heroin should require something like an enforced AA/NA or something, no criminal punishment
Both of you camps are trapped into a mode of thinking that does not necessarily represent reality as it is. Both of you are lost in a dichotomous way of thinking since birth, while this is not exactly the ultimate mode of real red-pillness. The real red-pill is extremely critical science and logic. Not tradition and scripture alone. It's about the extension of natural theology, which was originally founded by critical members of the church. towards other aspects of life, so that they make sense after continuous inquiry.
It's a good sign when you're not accepted by ideolouges, but try digging a little deeper than just fiscally conservative and socially liberal
Such a shame to lose all those dick rate threads and drooling over the same half dozen asian girls and those 2 black girls.
>being a centrist
I see. Not too bad I suppose. Ideally we'd have some kind of social rebirth that would restigmatize drug use.
>>socialy liberal
You can't be that and fiscally conservative. It doesn't work.
The real red-pill is extremely critical science and logic. Not tradition and scripture alone. It's about the extension of natural theology, which was originally founded by critical members of the church. towards other aspects of life, so that they make sense after continuous inquiry.
Getting your red-pills from Infowars and Sup Forums
I wonder....
>>pro life
>>socially liberal
Read a fucking book.
Socially liberal is worse than fiscal irresponsibility
>buying into a false dichotomy
>muh political identity
Get molested
Not sure what point you're trying to make.
>read my fucking post
>socially conservatard
Man I just wanna fit in
Tfw socially conservative in the sense that the Norse gods are and fiscally a socialist.
> Complaining for having some common sense and above average intelligence
Don't be a faggot and fall to peer pressure OP. Just be yourself and believe what you want
>saying its false makes it false
>he thinks im a member of a political party
"The young man who joins a political party is a traitor to his generation and to his race."
Normalfags get out.
Draw Porn OP
You know exactly what you want to do retard - either the exact opposite or the same as most of Sup Forums. You would not have started this shitty thread otherwise.
>too conservative for my uni friends
YOur real life friends are more important than Sup Forums is. Just accept that you can't change people. I like many liberals, its just their values that I don't like.
This is also bullshit. Friends are meaningless in this age. Just swap them for new ones if you can.
some actual fuckin soul search so you stop falling into the abyss of a center
do you believe in right and wrong? simplify that out until you can no longer, then apply your conclusions
That's funny coming from you.
I'm saying it's false because the left right political dichotomy is objectively made to infiltrate the minds of idiots. I don't identify with "the race" or "the nation" at all, I identify with the truth and love.
Blessed is the lion which a man eats so that the lion becomes a man. But cursed is the man whom a lion eats so that the man becomes a lion
Read Plato
If you're European, become what you would naturally be, if you lived in a Nation where only Europeans had power. We're historically very fascist, and your liberal views are not European.
They're liberal for a reason.
>what do
Youre supposed to have it the other way round you fool.
This fella gets it
and find the trivium
>I identify with the truth and love.
Well that's stupid. The Truth is unknowable.
>left right political dichotomy is objectively made to infiltrate the minds of idiots
Third position nigga. In an ideal world I could apolitical because the King and his ministers handle all that drudgery.
>Blessed is the lion
Watch it gnostic scum or I'll have you burnt at the stake.
>fell for the 'le fiscally conservative but socially liberal meme'
it's not a meme user.
>what do
just look for Sup Forums tards in real life. There are many people who don't even know about Sup Forums but are pretty much on the same page, like all the Ron Paul followers.
Go full ancap
keep your friends m8, tell them that you are open for discussing views, but not at parties n shit.
Most important, dont be autistic about it, be open of opinions, argue your points and let them argue theirs, if they only know of muhh feels arguments then just change subject or walk away or whatever.
Still tho, it's easy to say this as a dane not living in our capital, most people are pretty xenophobe, and danish debate culture is pretty easygoing, it aint a shouting contest as i have seen in murica n swedistan and so on.
1. Become fiscally liberal. Externalities exist, and the marginal utility of a dollar is much greater for the poor than for the rich.
2. Keep all your socially liberal positions (who actually cares if people want to buttfuck?) with one exception: acknowledge race realism, and the need to regulate immigration on that basis. The IQ data don't lie. That's not to say we shouldn't try to help low IQ populations, but we should help them in their own country, not bring them over to ours and expect them to magically become just like us.
3. Be a smug loner, because nobody you know personally will ever publicly agree with you on all of this, even though its clearly right.
How is this a good thing?
>Everyone is entitled to someone else's money
>No one needs to work hard when we can just tax the rich haha
>But at least we don't have gays lol
Fucking kill yourself. Anyone who is "fiscally liberal" is a fucking leech and a complete drain on society. The rich already pay more in taxes than you will even make in your lifetime. You are a burden. You need to die.
>Well that's stupid. The Truth is unknowable
I'm sorry but you're a retard, the truth has always been known and kept secret from people like you to keep you in slavery, make you a good little goy to serve and fight in wars for your nation, people, pride, just to cull the good goy population of sleeping beasts
>Keep all your socially liberal positions (who actually cares if people want to buttfuck?)
Good goy.
never heard a dumber fucking statement
go jump off a cliff and ride the unknowable truth to wherever it mysteriously leads smart guy
>be a smug loner
How about you change the perception most have of centrists already
Its fucking easy, larp as a Divine Rights Monarchist
Is that so? And who knows this objective truth? The illuminati? The Jews? Pure Truth exists. We just don't have access to it due to our limited Dasein. I'm very comfortable with there being initiatic knowledge or divine revelation. I will always hold that the fallible human being, in his current state, is unable to actually "know" anything.
Centrist is just a name to shame people who don't buy into idiotic rigid political dogma, not saying that everyone who get's called a centrist holds the truth but it's a step above anyone who considers themselves a leftist or right winger
So become SlateStarCodex
Tell me something that is objectively true beyond all shadow of a doubt.
>false dichotomy
it's not really a dichotomy, it's just a way to describe how people generally are politically.
>is objectively made to infiltrate the minds of idiots
no, it's just a useful way to describe people politically
>Blessed is the lion which a man eats so that the lion becomes a man. But cursed is the man whom a lion eats so that the man becomes a lion
sounds like some hardcore new age bullshit to me
he's actually correct. You can't know the truth (or there is no "truth") in most matters of philosophy, morality, even economics
>high taxes spent responsibly on things that improve society
>low-rate business loans
Taxes spent on the people is good, but everyone should contribute and waste should be minimal. If you think otherwise you're the fucking leech.
i'm sorry that you gave up before ever even trying
>how to walk into insults 101
Please explain to me how buttfucking helps Jews in any way.
I consider myself a liberal, not a centrist. I believe in universal healthcare for example, and almost nobody in D.C. would consider that a centrist position.
kek, basically. I agree with him on most things (or at least most things for which my uncertainty is not too high to make a strong decision either way.)
Ten points for use of Dasein but still kys
Those stupid bears belong to CNN... there is a statue of the 3 bears in their lobby..
>socially liberal meme'
>what do
stop being a goddman faggot, faggot
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>I'm content being in ignorance
>kill heretics ree
>fascism is a good idea
>I'm a happy slave
Truth exists, there's truth within you and your potential and freedom as a sovereign conscious being. Your actions matter infinitely, all our actions matter in molding this reality we share.
And I agree with you, just don't be a fucking schmuck about it
Universal healthcare is a waste of resources, the industry needs better regulation because what Medicine industry has been getting away with for 40+ years is criminal
water at 40°F is wet
if i step of a bridge i will drop
babies can be made by intercourse
some birds can fly
the earth is flat
Much respect for SSC, and honestly his article "I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup" is what started me on the path to not being totally braindead, but ultimately I've wound up disagreeing with him on most things. I don't know that I'd have ever become a race realist had I not read him so he's got my eternal gratitude on that
This... choose your friends more wisely. Luckily my family is woke as fuck.
>all muh immigration muh Jews
>muh historical slavery
>muh holocaust
I even agree with you on most of these things (other than low accuracy and anecdotal holocaust denial), but none of that even suggests why you shouldn't be libertarian
unless you fell for the
>muh libertarians are for open borders
become a reactionary
you're like this one cringelord I know who calls himself a "republicrat" and is a complete idiot and just goes with the flow on most subjects
>social and fiscal conservitive in our degenerate multi culti society
>tfw I would be socially and fiscally liberal if we lived in an all white society
Anyone else?
Now think of what world you'd want your children to live in...
"what do"
>Become black pilled
>Turn into ancap
>Become black pilled
>Turn into Alt-Right
>dude you're a republicrat lmao!!
forgot pic
Of course Truth exists. Its just a matter of whether we can actually "know" it. I hold that we cannot because there is always doubt.>how buttfucking helps Jews in any way.
Lowers white birth rates, lowers heterosexual male bonding by making an aura of homosexual suspicion, decays the family, spreads disease, is real fucking gay.
As far as we know at least.
>I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know anything great and good; but he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing; whereas I, as I do not know anything, so I do not fancy I do. In this trifling particular, then, I appear to be wiser than he, because I do not fancy I know what I do not know.
Forgot to include this pro-anal sexualist.
hey OP, I agree with your views
Fuck the statists, they can suck on cocks
Fuck the hippicritc christfags
fuck the hypcrit conservacucks
freedom or suck my nuts (but no open borders, that's also faggotry)
>not being libertarian domestically and protectionist internationally
You see your allies OP? This is the bed you chose.
>too sane for the libertarians
>too much of a cuck for the protectionits
so you were too cuck to vote trump?
Stop being socially liberal. I mean, its a complete waste of time and energy to espouse on any of your beliefs in public as (((they))) have already won the culture war, but that doesnt mean you have to give in on an individual level.
Reminder that feminism is a direct consequence of social liberty. Mass immigration is a side effect of social liberty, as is the welfare state.
if you automatically assume you can't know anything... maybe just shut up? are you only here for the (you)s? how can one do anything without first knowing what one is doing... if you want to go somewhere else, first you must know where you are- but according to some that is just impossible.
But I did
I agree with him when he says we need highly skilled immigration, doesn't matter where they come from or what they look like.
That turns me into a cuck for most people here
stop being a beta pussy bitch. tell your friends they are faggot assholes.
you watch the gayest numale cuck cartoon on cucktoon network.
the only show worse than that gay bear show is rick and morty.
get a job and independence immediately fuck school.
friends/relationships are more trouble than they are worth.
you cant trust anyone even Sup Forums will turn on you for your views.
>if you automatically assume you can't know anything... maybe just shut up?
Is that your argument? "Shut up"?
>how can one do anything without first knowing what one is doing
Act without acting. Either way surely the earthworm does worm stuff without knowing he is a worm, yes?
>if you want to go somewhere else, first you must know where you are
Desire should be squashed. It is pure vanity.
don't interact with either of those groups then
>doesn't matter where they come from or what they look like
Good goy.
ahahaha wow!!! you're special gymnastics deserve an award. it wasn't an argument, only a logical conclusion to your ideology. and how again do you know what an earthworm knows????
You'll be swayed soon enough when you realize that the dreams and ideals you were promised to keep are suddenly taken away slowly.
It's only a matter of time friend, we've all gone through it, and if not, then WILL go through it.
First off: Stop being a fucking retard.
"Fiscally conservative" is an utterly meaningless phrase. So you think we should only spend money on things that are really important?
Hey, so do I. So does every single other person.
But you and I think different things are important. So we'll spend some money on the things you think are important, but not as much as you want. And we'll spend some money on the things that I think are important, but not as much as I want.
Everyone, everywhere, ever, is a fiscal conservative.
You mindless fucking idiot.
Try picking up a book and reading it all the way through. Bonus points if it doesn't have pictures.
well they go to school, it is inevitable that most of their lexicon is libtard buzzwords