Europoor on US vacation here

Europoor on US vacation here.
Yesterday i got to fire pic related.
It was absolutely beautiful. I am completely in love with the US. Everyday i spend here makes me hate europe more and more. Why cant we have these nice babies over here? And those fucking EU dickheads will ban semiauto rifles soon in Europe.
Fellow eurocucks, what can we do to get better gun laws.
Europe needs a fucking second amendment

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Europe did develop a second amendment, just on American soil. You nerds need to find an empty rock and say fuck you to Europe, works everytime

no european refers himself as european
no one but an amerifat would say "europe needs a second amendement"

but nice try

>no flashlights or lasers
you wouldn't last the winter

i wanna do that one day, where did you get to shoot that? and do you need any paperwork or something for it?

>european describing himself as european and not by his nationality
>muh second amendment

fuck off with this fake shit, it's the middle of the workday here in America

>anyone from a European country referring to himself as European
LARPing burger detected. We do need better gun laws though

Where the hell are we going to find an empty rock? Antarctica isnt a nice place to build a nation
My mother is dutch, my father austrian, grandparents are slowakians, belgians and brits. We moved all over the continent, i currently live in belgium. I see myself as a european. Fuck off you bakalau eating cunt

I don't feel comfortable with the thought that every moron could just walk into a gun store and buy firearms without any background checks whatsoever.

Go conquer tuvalu or some Papua New Guinea looking ass island

it's okay now
at least you tried

Yea. I think most of us would be just ok with improved self defense laws. Getting a gun legally is not that hard, but the fact that you will go to jail for defending yourself 9 times out of 10 is pretty silly

Anything more than a shotgun or .22 does require a background check unless you go through loopholes

burger detected

In texas. Just walked in, said hi i am user, never fired a gun before.
Guy said: we got a special for you, lets me shoot 5 different guns, just had to watch a safety video and sign a waiver.
A security officer was with me the whole time and carefully explained everything to me. Guy was superfriendly

Sounds fun. I frenquently visit (((New York City))) for work but never had the chance to try that unfortunately. I imagine NYC doesn't even have such a thing. Maybe NY state

Yeah, upstate NY is where you'd want to go, definitely gun ranges available

It was awesome.
I imagined the recoil to be hard as hell but it wasnt. now i understand how 8 year old negroes in africa can use these guns

Do you think there's anything within a reasonable driving distance?

Upside down Poland?

it's almost as if your news lies as much about the USA being bad as our news lies about Europe not being an apocalyptic hellhole.


I'm sure there are clubs in NYC itself, but probably cost a lot and likely require a lot of clearance stuff

>these nice babies
>EU dickheads
>Europe needs a fucking second amendment
This doesn't sound like a European talking at all.

If you leave your land to rot you're no better than filthy migrants from the middle east, letting their women fight islamists.

General picture of the us in europe is a gun crazy nation of rednecks. But i was pleasantly surprised by how nice all the people at the gun range were. I'd choose a hillbilly over a liberal citydweller anytime

Have you tried a 12 gauge? First gun I ever shot here was a hunting shotgun chambered for 12/89 with solid projectiles (I think they are called slug in English). I hated it and stopped shooting for a while, kek
I often larp as a pole and try to trigger them by acting like a leftist

I'll look into it next time I'm there. Thanks

Why have guns when you can't use them to kill people with?

I know gun deaths are like x100 in the US compared to here, but there must still be a billion of unused guns lying around the country.

What is life like in Monaco?

I do fine without flashlights and lasers.

>Why have guns when you can't use them to kill people with?
Why have a dick when you never use it loser?

>where did you get to shoot that?
probably some tourist range in nevada. battlefield las vegas is what I think its called.

>paperwork or something for it?
No, I think most tourist gun ranges will just hold onto your passport or ID while you rent their guns.

>I don't feel comfortable with the thought that every moron could just walk into a gun store and buy firearms without any background checks whatsoever.
I dont feel comfortable with the thought of any retarded kraut commenting on American laws they know nothing about. All gunstores in the US do background checks.

>muh gunshow loophole
your plebbit is showing

Great, especially compared to France where I'm from. But I'm worried it will go to shit in the next 30 years. It has strong legal ties to France, so if one gets cucked too hard, the other follows after a while.

Have you noticed everywhere you go in the US that has Mexicans, there is piss all over the toilet seats?

Nice LARP fellow burger

Going to a shooting range is fucking cheating. Like masturbating. A gun is for killing, assault weapons and the one in OPs pic is for killing people. I don't get the point of owning stuff like that if you don't use it for what's it intended for.

private seller loophole

Happy now fucker?

>the law is a loophole
You should actually go kill yourself.

You can get guns in Europe

In America we actually use guns for killing niggers, which is legal in most states.

No they are not banned but just difficult to acquire. And how is it a bad thing such weapons are hard to get? That way only the people who really need them get them.

In terms of avoiding background checks, yes that's a loophole

awesome thanks for the info

>Wording in the law that was specifically and intentionally added is a loophole
Gas yourself

No one actually uses it to "avoid background checks" you nigger. They use private sales to avoid gun shop jews raping you on transfer fees.

pic related is the only loophole you need

Things aren't going well for Britain

You don't have to drive as far as Albany or Poughkeepsie. There's always deals on groupon for ranges on Long Island. Relatively inexpensive as well. Good shooting.

Still a loophole in the colloquial sense

>he's this naive

That's what being in America does to you within the first 10 minutes.

Nice false flagging there, burger

>anti material rifle
>assault weapon

Please don't waste $3/rd ammo on niggers.

>>he's this naive
>he can't find any sources outside of mother jones that suggest this

Europe doesn't need a 2nd amendment.

It needs ethnic cleansing.

You can only identify as one euro reich senpatchi, do us all a favor and kys

What are you talking about? You can buy this without problems

How about we reclaim our colonies and bring back order and civilization to Africa?

>felons somehow have guns
>100% must have been acquired through theft and theft alone
>surely bubba's fat ass didn't sell some guns

>no sources
Nice non-argument you got there queer.

>private sellers can sell things without qualifying to do business under certain conditions
>they actually do
>this is a loophole

The EU needs to go down asap. Fuck those federalist kikes.

Probably true but I live in Alaska and right now we have about 5 cruise ships in our port. They can go up to one of the tourist booths, hop in a van, and be driven to one of our indoor ranges where you can pay to shoot full auto's and a .50 cal suppressed Barrett.

France had one.

"Every citizen has the right to own weapons at home and use them, either for common defense, his own defense, against any illegal agression which would put in jeopardy the life, members or freedom of one or several citizens"

-Article X of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789.

That article was discarded in the final draft for the following reasons :

"The right declared in discarded article X was obvious in its nature, and one of the main guarantors of political and civil freedom, that no other institution can replace."

The writers of the declaration outlined that owning weapons was a natural right, existing everywhere since the dawn of time, making it "a superior and unyielding principle, which forces itself not only upon the authority of a determined state, but to the authorities of all states."

And yet we are where we are today, and our politicians keep telling us that owning guns is a "privilege" that they can restrict and revoke whenever they feel like it. With the state of emergency now permanently enshrined in common French law, prefincts can decide to strip anyone of their guns, without any legal process or any reason. It's litterally like "I don't like your face, so the cops are going to take your guns away tomorrow morning"

>semantics: the post

Lol fag I'm from Seattle and subscribed to the Seattle Times, citing that Jew is not a real source.

this. swissland is best land.

>some opinion piece by a seattle limousine liberal
you sure won that argument huh faggot

>no european refers himself as european

I'm Seattle too user

>ask for a source
>get a source

>an opinion piece is a source
let me just source some dailystormer articles to prove you are a nigger and hitler did nothing wrong.

Then you should know that (((Danny Jewnut))) is not a real source. Only good piece he ever wrote was about exposing Kashama and her hatred for whites and Republicans.

And this my friend is the moral of our story.

>The mouth of some liberal Jew
That's really well better information, did you know that 100% of all women you have interacted with, I have fucked.
Source: me

>>semantics: the post

"Loophole" implies that sellers are getting away with something that they shouldn't be allowed to do. That is why the media uses the term.

t. burger larping as European because of "muh freedumz"

>Yet even after learning they sold two assault rifles to an eight-time felon, they’re not convinced that changes are needed.

>These are exactly the types of gun sales that Initiative 594, the background-checks measure on the November ballot, is trying to stop. Instead of handing over an assault rifle to a stranger, the sellers would have been required to go with him to a gun shop and subject him to a background check.

>“I have mixed feelings about that,” the wife told me.

>“I’m voting no,” the wife told me. “It feels too anti-gun.”

Loophole just implies a way around something.

That something is background checks.

Shooting range is a good place to practice and tune your weapon. Unlike jiggers that hold their shit guns crooked and clearly ( see Chicago shoot/kill ratio ) can't hit shit