
Is trending on Twitter, and Assange just can't stop coming up with better names.

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Something good is coming down the pike if Assange is openly roasting her like this. In the past he's been pretty reserved.

Yeah I noticed that. He has been relentlessly shitting on her book all day. How funny would it be if she writes something incriminating in it?

"How to delete 33,000 emails and get away with it"


Madam Prisoner


Lol Assange really dislikes Hillary.

Wikileaks is so unbiased.

Everybody dislikes Hillary.

Yea, but she openly called to "just drone the guy" and probably had plans to execute him if elected.

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead you might ask"

Hmmmm... It seems like Assange had motivation to help Trump win right???

>What happened

"Oops I Shit my Pants Again"

i thought assange was dead

He is. Sup Forums is delusional

He is

Can't wait for that Aussie cunt to wind up in prison for espionage

It happened to be that there was nothing significant on Trump. Finding dirt on Clinton and sharing it through Wikileaks was probably the easiest intel dumps ever for him.

Arf arf arf

He has ascended

>it takes a haitian village: how i founded my election campaign


Or maybe he just wasnt targeted in the first place by the group of hackers.

What a coincidence that only policial enemies of Russia and their alies were targeted.


Begging the question. Everyone knows that there are more players in international politics than Russia. If you honestly believe everyone else plays nice, you're probably suffering from hypoxia from sucking on the DNCs farts.

Twitter and Reddit are that way >>>>

Im not saying there isnt, playboy. But Russia is guilty too. Time to nuke them.

"The flies knew before anyone else."