Next rockstar suicide incoming?

What will he leak? When he go (((suicide)))?

Make your bets!

Other urls found in this thread:

Opposite. It's anti-suicide campaign.

Alien disclosure

based tom

>w-we have to resist Trump

he's going to spill the beans on the (((pedo))) ran music industry.

Either im missing something because I haven't been on Sup Forums for a few days or you're just autistic.

This could be completely unrelated to politics and he could be talking about the music industry or some shit.


Also Blink-182 is shit now no exceptions.

Ffs they got him too. Another trans


This reads more like a killing spree manifesto than a suicide.

The guy that thinks aliens talk to him? He says this kind of shit all the time, every couple of months at least, and it turns out to be fucking nothing every time.

yeah obviously trans. bitch wore a lip ring well into his 30s



He based?

This most probably

>"white genocide is real"

I hate this " I have a secret...but I'll tell you later" bullshit. Just spill the fucking beans already

Nah he's kind of a leftist puppet, but I still like him

Tom loves aliens.

Tom and John Podesta have a created a disclosure video in Premier using clips from the Blob and duck dynasty. It will premier in September.

Have read both of his UFO books and plans for the future.
>Space Nazis are real.
>Antarctic secret bases are real
>US and Russia have craft that replicates Nazi tech, caught the attention of the visitors.
>they're not aliens, they don't have a home planet. They have manifested in different ways to us for the past millennia.
>their manifestations always represent technology just a few years ahead of the experiencers reach.
>crashed ships and tech are done on purpose to create cargo cults and make us fight one another.
>abduction experience is us experiences what magicians would call a summoning.

His annoubcemebt won't be that Aaayyyys are real. He's said that countless times. I have a feeling he wants to crowd fund a visual media project. Screen cap this.

google human mutilation ufo

He's talking about his ayy lmao disclosure project. The Podesta wikileaks emails have like 10 emails Tom DeLonge sent to John Podesta about disclosure, and about Tom's book/film about UFO disclosure.

Tom Delonge is basically a massive faggot just like John Podesta, they both think they have smoking gun proof of ayys, they don't have jack shit.

Prolly just misses his booty buddy Podesta the Molesta

he'll come out as a tranny
