What does Sup Forums think of nihilists?
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Braindead faggots
don't matter
Self centered millenial degenerates who threaten western society.
Could you give some reasons/examples?
Could you give some reasons/examples?
Nihilists...fuck me! I mean: say about the tennents of Nation Socialism what you want, Dude. AT LEAST it's an ethos.
Absurdism > Nihilism.
He would, but it's all so pointless.
I understand them.
I don't care
What are the main arguments of a nihilist/why do they believe that they believe?
Zhey are nihilists! Zhey believe in nozhing!
they are correct, but jordan b peterson told me truth isnt true when it is bad for you. so they are effectively incorrect
The black pill is the most dangerous one.
No one is worse than nihilists. Degenerate centrist trash who think they've found some edgy moral highground in the fact that everything is meaningless.
I honestly don't care what I think about nihilism, at the end it doesn't even matter.
I feel nothing on the subject
Oh god. That retard.
For sure man, make your own meaning!
I wouldn't mind them if they just killed themselves and stopped bothering the rest of us.
We could just have a body counter for humanity and when it ticked upwards we could go "eh, it's probably a nihilist"
When people are annoyed by nihilists it's because they aren't really nihilistic but feel some urge to annoy everyone else with their faux-"nihilism". I call that "annoy-others-with-fake-nihilism-ism". If they really were nihilistic they would already have moved into a cave in the mountains or killed themselves.
I used to be nihilistic without being a nihilist
what a waste of time
Cowards and scum who failed to rise to Overmen.
I know that guy he's a nihilist
>Be nhilistic
>Zero agency
>Total cuck to the world
>Cowardly, lazy parasitic lifestyle
>Shit on everything
>Shit on people who are happy
>Shit on successful people
>Nothing matters
Being a nhilist is basically Satan's wish upon the free world.
Uli? Her co-star from the beaver pictures? He had a band in the 80s. It was some...ugh...techno-pop. "Autobahn". youtube.com
If you are worthless and your life is meaningless why haven't you kys yet?
Jesus Christ is the Answer
weakwilled cowards that need to be purged
>a nihilistic religion is the answer to nihilism
LMAO Christcucks
Yes, there is passive and active nihilism in scolars of nietszche.
useful idiots, almost always useful idiots
lol nothing matters
Ugly fuck Varg is everywhere these days..
Useless lumps of flesh walking among us. Real life zombies.
They have an understandable (but still fucking retarded and literally dangerous) view of the world, but a wrong one. Nobody's really a nihilist though, because they would either go catatonic and never move or they would have killed themselves already
99% of "nihilists" aren't nihilists. They're just faggot atheist liberals who hate their dads.
the most dangerous threat to the herd
fucking pussies
And this
leads to decadence and that leads to...
Some people dislike, hate or are "suprised" or disappointed by reailty I don't see why these people can be so arrogant to view their own view of the right universe as some great point of reference.
So when it comes to nihilism I must say it's just silly, life's not bad, meaningless or good. It just is.
Nihilism is the final and most complete redpill, it saves you from being eternally cucked by existence
Worse than blue pilled normies.
who cares
Nihilism is more dangerous than third world immigration and has no cure. Any high IQ society will succumb to nihilism, it is a disease that only effects those smart enough to believe in it.
Best ideology.
Nihilism as an exterior is perfect (this world is beyond disappointing, try basically Hell), but if you truly adhere to nihilism inside, you're trash.
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this fella knows the parlance of out times.
I like Brett Steven's definition of Nihilism, which has to do with seeing reality as it is
Pretty much this. Any edgy millenial that posts all sadness and despair memes on facebook doesnt' really get it.
Yep. The world needs taxpayers.
why are you asking this question?
nihilists are people who have allowed saytan to possess their soul.
>god does everything for me LOL
What does Sup Forums think of babby's new werd?
Dumb cunts desu. There's literally no reason for being a nihilist.
To quote them
"Don't know, don't care."
Kind of annoying. Seem to think they are impenetrable and can never be wrong because muh philosophy and muh nothing matters.
What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.
This is literally me right now
What the fuck do I do with my life
t. 20 year old ambitionless semi-NEET
The argument is that there is no moral grounds. They are created.
Nihilistic people just don't care. There are people in meme nihilism. Nihilism can't be a centrist view exclusively.
>nihilism is x
>I stopped reading philosophy after Rand
>yfw Nietzsche was a millennial
They are fucking retarded and hypocritical
>ni·hil·ism: the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.
These people claim to be Nihilist but if that were true they should then logically kill themselves.
How exactly is Christianity nihilistic? It teaches that life does have meaning because it determines your afterlife.
Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist.
Paganism is the only nihilistic thing around. You live to die, only to die again.
>muh honor
We know what the pagans who survived thought of honor, worthless.
Reputation? Nothing.
In all their tales and stories they lamented living so long, living without friends, likening it to being stranded on an endless sea of ice, no sun, no stars, only darkness, ice cold wind, and the watery depths.
It's not about being a depressed nigger. You are called to bring your own meaning into life or seek none.
It's not like there's a set rule guide. Take hedonism for example. You could indulge to death or follow a different set a views within that school of philosophy. You can realize too much of one thing can kill you or ruin your chances at enjoying it again. Then still be a hedonist without going into an all out gorge-fest
>they should then logically kill themselves.
That isn't logical at all, you don't need to kill yourself because your life doesn't have some higher cause, especially if you've come to terms with that as part of your worldview.
If anything it's the people who constantly strive for personal validation and purpose who should kill themselves; we'd have fewer problems in the world. It's funny Sup Forums can't see this at the same time everyone complains about bored 20-somethings in a quarter life crisis around the world undertaking social justice activism, protest or extremist movements and ruining things for everyone else. The last thing anyone needs is one more asshole on a mission.
>I still need my imaginary friend
>my concept of God is strictly anthropomorphic
You have a child's grasp of theism
Why do you care?
Nietzsche was a fascist and said the death of god would mean the end of modernity
Join the army so you can die looking like you had a plan in the first place
Their ideology has about as much worth as it preaches. That being said, it does give you a new perspective on life for better or worse.
Also, sage this thread. Only a retard thinks too much about nihilism.
I don't think about nihilists.
>nazi flag
>not christian
Kill yourself fake nazi faggot.
Stupid empty shells that I don't consider human.
They don't exist.
If you were to put a gun to a nihilist's head, either they would cower in fear, proving that they do in fact care about something (their own existance) and are in fact not nihilists, or they would stand there emotionless, unnerved, proving they are either suicidal or at the very least psychopathic. And more over, any one who ever calls themselves a nihilist is in fact seeking attention, a way of replacing the sympathy they lack due to their self-induced apathy. In any manner they are retarded and should just be ignored.
As a rule of thumb i alwaya ignore their defeatist cuckoldry and general spineless behavior, they dont have my attention.