So, WhiteHouseAnon
>*taps mic*
Where's the fucking bombshell?
So, WhiteHouseAnon
>*taps mic*
Where's the fucking bombshell?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm going to self bump until we get an answer.
Patiently waiting here. Keep the faith anons
D-days not over yet, right?
no where it was all a larp
It's another Sup Forums promises a happening and nothing happens episode.
Why would a WH user post a scoop? Why here? Why would his post be real? Why would the happening be in favor of Trump and not otherwise?
I don't trust him.
he doesn't even use a trip you fucking moron, why would you ever believe him? Oh right you're a fucking moron
WH user was a /leftypol/ psyop
the muslim tried to flee so the events may have been disordered
This is pretty big.
Check the catalog OP, there's about 10 threads just like this
those are just words not indictments
That's exactly what I'm saying, you retard.
well the deputy AG in california was arrested for child porn.
>multiple high ranking pedos under arrest
>ex govt technology experts prove Russia hack is fakenews, 1.5gb transfer of data locally in 88 seconds(impossible with undersea cable speeds) to a computer hooked into the DnC server, with it being edited later to frame Russia
>DWS aide arrested fleeing country after wiring money
You want more?
Obama robbed a 7/11 for some newports and money to buy crack.
*notices slide thread*
OWO what's this?
Like what? Wtf were you expecting? You realize shit with the government takes time , and the arrest being made today have been in the works for months, yeah?
>people fell for the happening prediction again
Do you guys not learn? The last 2 years have been september happening predictions and fucking nothing has happened.
Wasserman-Schulz's brother is working on the Aran case. Naked corruption, so blatant anyone can fucking see it.
I predict the Trump team will inform the President who will tweet about it later today, which will start the happenings.
I know that. I'm just saying that building up expectations about some happenning, on the scale of 911, is total bullshit.
... September predictions?
Anyway, yeah, it was actually looking like it was unfolding exactly like WHA originally said it would. Now... The Onion tier shit about Mucci and Pissbus.
Not paying attention, much?
>"high ranking" pedos under arrest
Happenned before. Never leads to anything. And, no a deputy State AG is not "high ranking" in a system that extends to the top levels of government and beyond - it's exactly the kind of small fish who gets thrown under the bus to appease people like you who still believe in the system enough to believe this represents some kind of actual progress towards something meaningful.
>more technical evidence that Russia narrative is bullshit.
There have been heaps of evidence from multiple sources, justifying multiple arguments for why the Russia shit is bullshit since before the election. One more piece of evidence showing this is of zero consequence and no one who believes the narrative will care. Also, the entire Russia thing is unimportant political circus since it will never result in anything because it's bullshit, and it will also never go away because it's all the dems have to hold their party together at this point. It's completely pointless to care about it at all, and developments in the story do not represent some kind of major happening.
Didn't happen on the 27th. The FBI and other agencies have had DNC and Clinton hard drives for months but no one has done shit with it. Now they have more hard drives. Wow... what a happening.
>...september predictions?
newfag pls
I simply see no correlation between what you were referencing and this situation.
Because, you know, there is none?
The correlation is that there's a prediction like this every fucking year and no one ever learns.
... White House user has been right before. Wew you're fucking dense.
>Wew you're fucking dense
The irony here is laughable. Nothing is going to happen like every year user.
>inb4 muh shills
Why don't you worry about your tiny little shit hole backsliding into the wonderful world of Europooran Progressivism, aquafresh?
>t. 56%