Whats your opinion on russian civil war?

would world be a better place if whites won?

Just imagine a national socialist Russia with slav identity. Better than Vladimir "20 million Russian Muslims, no Mohamed or swastikas drawn, don't deny the holocaust" Putin.

The white guards, and eventually the russian liberation army were the last true russians.

top left white guards look like homos

would not operate with/10

>nazi playing holier-than-thou against commies
dumbfuck, you're both the same collectivist cancer, you even the word SOCIALIST in your ideology

Absolutely, the Soviet Jewnion was the worst thing that happened to the world in the past 100 years. They were committed to destroying the whites in the west (through funding the civil rights movement, toppling apartheid in Africa, fighting the Nazis, etc) and they certainly succeeded.

Can we stop with the cherrypicked photos? Most of the White guard look more like gay prostitutes than warriors on yours though.

This all depends on the political opinion as it is with alternative history, although absolutely most Russians would agree that the Bolsheviks were the only viable force that wasn't an agent of foreign powers or anarchy.

Commies have caused the most suffering for human life over all so i wish the white guard won.

You obviously dont understnd russia at all

Spotted the American.

Well they couldn't have been worse then the Soviets.

>most Russians would agree that the Bolsheviks were the only viable force that wasn't an agent of foreign powers or anarchy.

Holy shit. The most retarded thing I've read in months. Meh...are Russians even white?

>Bolsheviks were the only viable force that wasn't an agent of foreign powers or anarchy.
>Literally a pack of jews that barely speak russian paid by wall street bankers
>First thing done when in power is to spread defeatist propaganda and make peace with Germany

Slavs are basically strong asians with white skin and hair. So no.

Nope, and that's not an argument.


Commies are useless and murderous parasites. But it's no matter. They all burn in hell.

Oi I'm Slav what the fuck!

The Tzarist Regime was finished of course, there was no going back to that. But if any of the White factions had won the civil war, no matter how weak and ineffective their rule would have been, it would have been better then the communist Party winning. Like the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and the Communists under Mao, their enemies were no Saints or brilliant People themselves, but 100 times better than the commies who won in the end

in the end, the russian People were the ones who got fucked the most

Of course, Soviet gommunism was the actual worst thing ever. Like the Holocaust, but bigger and real

nobody cares about irrelevant mongols from the north, its not you who decides where the world is gonna go



Red Army is fighting for

White guard is fighting for
>Status quo

I still feel sorry for the Velikaia Knazhnas who were molested in the train and died very horrible deaths. Maria, my sweet, Пoкoйcя c миpoм.

>brazil is white according to wikipedia
see, this is why i dont believe them

That's not necessary a bad thing, you just look and act like asians. It could be way worse and you could be white niggers.

Good guys lost, that's it. And now you're ruined

Red Army basically fought for starvation, massive killings and a new authoritarian to fuck them in the ass how did the work out?


Is this list a joke?

Russia got tricked during the October revolution by the younger Ulyanov brother into thinking the people won a victory over the corrupt tzars. But they just replaced one tsar with another.

However I believe it was necessary. The Russians suffering through communism gave them good wisdom to learn from in the future.

t. Grew up during the cold war training how to kill commies

Elaborate a bit more on how we are like Asians? I'm actually interested now.

the white army beat the shit out of the red army

Still whiter than Germany. And also.

It worked out pretty well. Russian empire population was 90% uneductaed, meanwhile USSR sent the first human into space and was the most reading nation on the planet. Thing is, you retards can't undrestand, that doesn't matter how bad USSR was, the Empire was worse, and famines were a pretty norlmal thing then.

Tell me, how collectivist was Nazi Germany?

It still upsets me when I think back or read about it. So many good people died because of the Jewish menace. Its hard to say what the world would have been like if the whites won, but that can be said with every battle.

Both sides were shit Tbh.

Green Armies should've won though.

That explains why the Lithuanian men and women are so beautiful. Estonian girls are the most beautiful though.

Communism just replaces the state as God. That's why they wanted all them kids to start reading, not a bible but the manifesto. Peasant class didn't become literate overnight

butthurt slav gopnik, finland had literally border 50 km away from your hellhole capital st. petersburg.

It seems that stalin was very effective when he planned the purges..you seem one of those usefull idiots that were left alive. go drink some more vodka and buy new adidas tracksuit, hhahah

yeah, but the same happened with Austria-Hungary when WW1 was wrapping up, yet here we had 11 different ethnicities Splitting up, which could have been a gigantic slaughter. But in the KuK countries the "Whites" or what you could compare to the russian Whites were able to secure power. And what happened ? The same modernisation like the USSR had without any of the bloodshed.

Yeah but again noone in Empire could've read the bible, coz 90% didn't even know the alphabet.

What was that one city called, Vipuurii or something, that looked chill before the Russians came

Kind of how some nations that were taken over by fascist were in a pretty bad state too in that sense right?

Russia would have returned to a post-Feb Revolution republic if the whites won. Not some turbofash superstate.

A monarchist revival would have likely occured after that.

Daily reminder, the """"royal"""" family the red army killed was not even russian but german. It was the same family that infested russian intelligentsia with a bunch of western liberal masonic literal satanists and threw russian empire into debt slavery to rothsschilds.
Communist russia was the high point of russian empire and peak of russia's might and relevancy on political stage.
You can post as many photos with yellow stars as you want, russia was far better off under communism.

thank god for soviet revolution and win of the whites in baltic and finland.

Look at a picture of slavs, then look at a picture of Chinese. Exactly the same facial features and hair, only thing different is the skin and hair color. Also like the Chinese you are crazy as fuck and most are easily manipulated by the smart ruling class.

Makes sense since East Russia is right by China. But this is more true for Eastern slavs then west, I would consider some western slavs white.

Russian emperors were not intersted in modernization, lol. and they didn't care about the peasants. Do you really compare advanced european Austria to fucking agrarian africa-tier Russian Empire?

Brazil has about 200 M people, according to you all whites from colonization times just disappeared, then?

>Jewish education

Whites looking out for whites is noooooo problem. If we practiced the same nepotism as Jews we would be in a much better place culturally and globally right now.

National Socialism is Socialism.

I googled both just to see really and I think you're retarded

and except for 3 Famines during WW2 (Greece, Netherlands and Germany) all Famines from 1900 onward were in Communist Countries or Africa

One drop rule idiot.

When i was talking about "normal famines" i was talking that it was a common thing in russian empire, not Europe of course.

What is the average Ruskie's thoughts on the Russian Revolution and Civil War anyway?

Do they believe the right side won?
Do they believe the wrong side won?
Do they want the monarchy back?
Or are they mostly indifferent about it all?

>Implying most European colonizers race mixed

The race mixed ones are pardos and declare themselves as such for university/government jobs quotas

Also, one drop rule is retarded, specially coming from an American.

Brazil has an enormous population, half of which is unmixed and of European descent. I know Sup Forums and most of the world has a certain perception of Brazil but if you actually went to areas densely populated with European diaspora you would see that there are millions of actual whites in that country. It also used to be much whiter and will predictably be much less whiter based on the trends in procreation between whites versus blacks and pardos.

i m not comparing them, but the Tsarist Regime was done for anyway and modernisation was Happening with or without Communists. Whites were a lot of different Factions, from Fascists to centrists. Russia would have gotten into the next century but the way the communists did it was the most brutal meat grinder the Russian People had to endure. Not even hitler killed as many Russians as the rushed badly thought out Communist plans for russia did

much less white* fucking hell


>Do they believe the right side won?
babushkas do, majority of others not

>Do they believe the wrong side won?
babushkas dont, majority of others do

>Do they want the monarchy back?

>Or are they mostly indifferent about it all?

If the tzar fed his people and avoided war, there would be no civil war

You're arguing against literal storm fags and shills m8
the "x isnt white" is an old shill technique
disregard their flags
if they are more interested in infighting between whites
chances are they arent white

um, no, except for the Doab Famine in 1870 and the famine in 1917 that killed the Tsarist Regime in the end, there literally were no famines except in wartime. And the Doab famine affected Austria-Hungary as well

$10 says ole' sammy went drillin for oil in yellow top there

anyone not functionally retarded knows the whites should have won. look at the development of taiwan vs. the prc. imagine what mainland china would look like if the nationalists won. what could russia have been if it weren't for bolshevik terror?

>modernisation was Happening
No it was not.
>Whites were a lot of different Factions, from Fascists to centrists.
All of them were weak and had no support from the people. They were fighting for the tsar, and peasants hated all the nobility and they were right to do so.
>but the way the communists did it was the most brutal meat grinder the Russian People had to endure
I don't argue. Stalin was a retard, probably the biggest retard in russian history.

> Do they believe the right side won?
Only the >45 do, older generation was so brainwashed by commie propaganda that they often are incurable.
> Do they want the monarchy back?
Lots of people say that monarchy should've remained but most of them are not that passionate to restore it.

World would have been a better place, Russia would not have been better necessarily.

I know, sometimes I just can't resist the bait. It's like when people debate on commie generals

turn off ur computers and pick up a book

i think when the world stood back and allowed jewish communists to murder european royalty was when it all started going to shit.

>In XVIII century 34 famines were recorded, and in XIX century only before 1854 35 famines happend
Straight from the russian wiki

you really want to tell me that the Duma under Lwow wouldnt have been a good alternative in 1917 ?

Turn off idiot-mode and learn how Nazis ruled Germany.

See Virginia

I can't stop laughing

> No it was not.
Because you say so, aha.
Also rate commieworm logic:
> Alexander II introduced a dozen of major positive reforms
> kill him with a bomb

> Stolypin began major reforms in economic sector
> shoot him at the theatre

> then whine about the lack of reforms

Duma was weak ever since 1905, they couldn't have done anything.

>Alexander II introduced a dozen of major positive reforms
>Alexander III goes full conservashit vatnik

>Stolypin began major reforms in economic sector
Yes that was a major fuck up, unfortunately for everyone.

I mean Stolypin's killing of course.

Noone "stood back", the West tried to stop it with multiple interventions but was unable to.

>Alexander III goes full conservashit vatnik
>A bad thing
Sure thing, mr cuck.

Talking about "large Famines" here. There were just as much in the HRE. These provincial famines were allways present, also in the german territories. Those are dependent on bad wheather affecting the Harvest. What cant be affected by bad wheather are the large scale famines, those are the ones you have to look after, because they are created by bad policy. and those werent that comman before communists took over. Neither in Europe nor in Continental russia
Yes, they were weak, but they wouldnt have been able to install the Gulags.
And the Politics of Lwow were the same politics western Politicians used to Reform their countries

>everything works as long as it's white ppl xD
>thinking everything is race
>thinking race is a valid classification method
holy shit this level of retardation

So the old folks who grew up under the USSR's oppression are its most ardent defenders? I thought it would be the opposite. The older generation who did not grow up under

Communism would be more receptive toward it, since it would seem like a glorious past compared to Russia's modern social problems.

>Nationalize everything
>extreme emphasis on nationalism to the point where it's homosexual
>high level of authoritarianism

>A bad thing
It was apparently. Peasants couldn't endure the tyranny any longer and rebelled agains his family shortly after.

YOU read a book nigger. YOU READ A BOOK
just a basic economic history of nazi germany will do

Spotted the nonwhite

>their enemies were no Saints or brilliant People themselves, but 100 times better than the commies who won in the end

This is the story of communism.

What could an alternative party done that would have been worse? Starved their people, intentionally or not? Secret police shuffling you off in the night? Death camps? Removal of personal and property rights?

The absolute worst they could do is everything the communists did except for longer.

>And the Politics of Lwow were the same politics western Politicians used to Reform their countries
Who cares? Withoug political will you won't accomplish any of dem reforms. And he lost.

They could've kept status quo. That was hundred times worse.

I am probably whiter than your mexican ass, but that has nothing to do with my post or arguments.

>Nationalize everything
Such as? Private property and private business existed in Nazi Germany. You had individual rights.

>extreme emphasis on nationalism to the point where it's homosexual
This is supposed to somehow relate to collectivization, correct?

>high level of authoritarianism
This has nothing to do with collectivism.

all because you find them attractive doesn't mean they are homo

well, yes he lost, that is the Point of this thread isnt it ?
My main Point is that anything else would have been better for russia than Lenin and Stalin taking over

Old folks also survived through the 90s, so they prefer communism over so called "democracy"