Who is it okay to racemix with?

If you are a white person from these North Western Europe, which people are acceptable to racemix with and breed with in your own country? I have added a map for you to colour in.

Green means okay
Red means no
Yellow means depends (clarify)


Why is the middle east crossed out but China and Japan are fine?

I should add red for those wallabees or mountain niggers or whatever you call those things in Australia are.

Chinamen and japs aren't sand niggers.

What about Levantines?


Nice try schlomo
No racemixing here

Should be default tier - Europeans or white Americans or white south Americans

Things are bad tier - darker hispanics/Bosnian muslims/Turks

Bare minimum of acceptiblity tier - North Indians, the lighter the better

Nope tier - Asians, South Indians, native Americans

Jew tier - Africans, america/south american blacks, abbos, flips, eskimos, swedes

What about Levantines? Syrians and Lebanese
What about Iranians?

I guess those can go around North Indians.

My major cut off is Indo-European-ness. If they aren't IE, or at least significantly IE, then its just a flat no-go. I'm not even physically attracted to them.

Should be default tier - Europeans or white Americans or white south Americans
Things are bad tier - darker hispanics/eastern europe mutts/Japs
>Bare minimum of acceptiblity tier - North Indians, the lighter the better, native americans
>Nope tier - chinks/thai etc, South Indians
>Jew tier - Africans, america/south american blacks, abbos, eskimos, muslims of any race

I have a must have neanderthal dna and not be muslim rule, followed by a lighter skin the better rule.

if white
>asians latinos jews
if black
> blacks latinos jews
if jew
if asian
>whites mongols slavs and latinos
if general semite (arab turks desertmonkeys)
>join ISIS blow yourself up etc.

bare minimum tier only if non muslim, actually maybe nope tier because average iq is 80 something.


Yeah I have serious misgivings about Arabs. Some are probably fine but on the whole, no.

Persians otoh, fine with me.

What if it's a Christian levantine girl like this?

Eh, not sure but don't ever race mix with South East Asians. They're chuck full of stupid people. It is mostly the ones with Chinese, Japanese and/or European admixture who can think better.

Although, I guess it would be beneficial to bleach their population but you don't have to stay and be a daddy. KEK

That's fine. But the problem is the vast majority aren't like that...

A lot of them do look like that though

I had a qt half persian girlfriend who wasnt muslim but she was dumb as shit and really materialistic. I guess it would have been okay to reproduce with someone like that but I dont want low IQ kids

something like this

Whoever you're attracted to.
Physical attraction is your genetics telling you what is advantageous for your offspring.
Who are you going to listen to?
Your genetics/the universe/God or some idiot from Sup Forums who has never seen a vagina?

>Dumb fuck ameritard blots out the 80 million blonde russians
Now go out to your local wendys and sit around and live with the niggers and spics. Hope your mongrel (lul you're not aryan) daughter gets coaled and rage murdered by her favorite buck.

>breeding with slavs


>Who is it okay to racemix with?
>Asking on Sup Forums

Wigger, you must be new here

Perceptions and what you believe is desirable and wanted/worth pursuing is largely built by other humans meaning its a social construct. The only difference being pol gives you the un politically correct social construct, while outside of pol gives you the 'nignogs have feelings too, let jerome take your job because of aaction and race mix with some white bitch cause he has that undeserved misplaced salary compared to unemployed whites' social construct perspective

t. elliot

That's not true.
You might as well be arguing that gender is a social construct.
There are evolutionary reasons we like ass, tits, and symetry.

Base things like sex are wired but a non degenerate that has normal social life and relations would never opt to fuck a mixed or minority woman. You were advocating before that noone could tell you what or who to love/be with and that it is ingrained but that is wrong. Being a desperate virgin causes you to seek easier and easier avenues to fulfill you sexual needs. Many such examples here on pol (like hapa faggots).

You woudn't be desperate if you didn't have shit genetics so I don't see the problem. The world needs ugly people to make beautiful people look good by comparison.

Ugliness can be overcome if you work on yourself. The only time you have no hope is with a deformity. As in you have something no one else has and you will never see in 2 months of looking are hundreds of random people outside. I don't want to go into details but I've known some people like that.

Europeans and east Asians only.

You could argue that since iq is genetic the ability to be self-critical and thus able to improve oneself is also genetic.
So it remains true that the shit tier will always breed with the shit tier.

Its just habits t.bh really. If you just get in the mode of self improvement, get toned/look healthy, not be a complete manlet, reduce elevated test that causes hair loss, makes your sweat glands more overreactive/even causes sweat glands to form in your skin, which causes you to me more greasy and have worse body odor, fix your teeth if you've got really shit ones (just get veneers ffs), read a little and become accustomed to speaking with wit around women. I think I covered right there about 80% of the probs guys have around wimminz. Also find places to find dem bitches. Sport proented places are the best imo.
