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I think she was doing them a nice favor.
>not white, young, and pretty
>gets 230 years instead of 1 year probation
Checks out.
>During the sexually explicit chats, Nasser even sent nude pictures of herself to the minor, and solicited sex from the minor on several occasions,” said the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office. “After several days of texting, Nasser suggested befriending the child’s mother to gain access to him outside of a school setting. She actually picked him up in a full-sized van with a bed in the back several times. She admitted to having sexual intercourse with him on four separate occasions."
She deserves 460 for that obscenity.
I wonder if she has any relation to the ex-Egyptian president who shares her surname.
She will get out in ten years and also Nice
Fucking beautiful. I hope she never sees the light of day.
>230 years in jail
>not saying life in prison
The JUST of the shitty Commonwealth State
60 years later forcibly turn her into a cyborg without limbs so she can rot for the next 170 years.
That's a pretty good experience as far as getting v& goes.
i'll fuck her when she gets out
>tfw you never had a hot teacher gf while you were at school
Clickb8 title. She will get 7 years must likely
>You will never have a teacher pick you up from your house in their van with a bed made for fucking.
>On 4 separate occasions
Why live lads
Sentencing isn't till October you illiterate nigger. "... up to" is a theoretical based on the maximum possible sentence for every charge that the kikebait media keeps using to make sensationalized headlines for their clickshekel.
She's a qt. She'll get six months then be released on supervised probation.
We're not quite in the Judge Dredd timeline yet
No one has more pics of the whore?
It's for a friend.
We should lower age for kids legal to have sex at age 14
Odds are she will get a slap on the wrist.
Nice - that she was once treated the same as a man.
They're also seeking 132 years for a rim thief as well
Legislated collective jealousy
What a disgrace. The institution of being a teacher needs to be scrapped and built up again.
I don't want to pay for it, can we just execute her 5 minutes after conviction?
I wonder if she'll live that long.
she did nothing wrong!!
kids mom mad he got laid?
whats america coming to!!
disbar all judges n lawyers invovled n fine law firms and law schools millions
Virginia is such a fucking joke to me
I'm laughing
>whats america coming to!!
Corporate prisons, you're about to see Death Race coming soon a reality.
I'm pretty sure it's some sort of work around to ensure she gets life in prison. It's a parole thing, she'll never get it, because she'll die of old age before her first hearing comes up.
She's a pedo whore. No one cares.
imagine my shock
Yeah, but look at his criminal history. He already has two felony charges. One is unlawful imprisonment and the other is having a firearm while being a felon. Virginia is a state that has heavier offenses for repeat offenders, and not only that he's still facing similar charges in other counties.
fuk u commy
only real education from public school those kids will get
rest is commy garbage
WTF America?
You make degenerate weed legal,
and sex illegal? you want your young boys practice sex on goats or real women?
>high school
I say strip them of their right to teach. Fuck jail time. High schoolers obsess over getting laid and yet it's somehow a crime to give it to them.
I'm hard
Only high school you are legal to have sex with your teacher as long you have both consented.
no crime!
fire most judges n lawyer and ban private law firms!
The winners of the race will get hookers and one step closer to freedom right
Unless they become popular and generate a significant amount of revenue in which case their sentence will be indefinitely prolonged for the entertainment of the American public and subsequently via youtube and the various social outlet; the world, like modern day gladiator.
Roller Ball when?
>Only high school you are legal to have sex with your teacher as long you have both consented.
Wrong on all counts. I am not even going to bother to correct this amount of retardation.
Our country is a joke. And it's not funny anymore. What would George Washington think?
Because they fuck the niggers who went through puberty faster, who are coddled as sports stars in school, who get away with bullying and dindu behavior in school (thus appearing alpha) and because there's continual subliminal media programming that white women should take black dick.
>''I hope I didnt knocked up the negroid''
t. Bootlicker
Deep down you would agree with that user
>muslim men savagely rape prepubescent girl
>no punishment whatsoever
>teacher does a favour for a needy student
>230 years in prison
It's not the jews that are in control, it was never the jews. It's the muslims. We've all been led astray by anti-semitic Muslim propaganda.
>be 13 year old man in virginia
>legally have sex with every 13-15 year old girl in the state
>have sex with 31 year old female teacher
>teacher goes to prison for life
>Judge please add another 100 to her sentence cause she never fucked me as a teen, I had to jerk off alone and THAT SHIT AIN'T FAIR
It's illegal to be 31.
The face of no ragrets
Bye bye bitch. Thanks for all the pussy.
She is the real victim.
>go around fucking pussy at random
>half the bitches go to jail
Boycott 31 year old pussy. It's clearly evil.
This pussy is too loose! Send it to prison for life!
Moooooslims aren't smart enough for that...It's the jews, always has been, just not the (((ethiopians)))
It's funny the court only look at her investigation. But not the minor maybe that high school boy wanted to have it, I mean it makes no sense for him not get part of the blame especially when he was sexting with her not telling his mother.
>But no he was just a victim, it's not like his hormones were going through a phase or anything
That boy was probably was just as horny as that teacher as should get part of the blame as well the parents for not properly teaching him about sex
Where were all these sexed up teachers when i was in school?
>Sir bearington