Why is libral humor so much better than conservative humor?
Why is libral humor so much better than conservative humor?
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k keep me posted
>s-sure we got decimated, but we are funnier!
you really couldn't find something interesting to post?
If they stopped focusing on being funny and worried about winning the election maybe things would have gone their way. Bigly!
There are conservative comedians, they just don't want everyone to know
the real title is already so damn hillarious it just can't be topped.
Funnier than right wing memes? I think not
little pissy liberals having a pissfit because their cunt lost
Maybe because actually funny conservatives get banned from Twitter.
these veriliberals are the worst
>marries black woman
>gets bossed around
>forbidden to talk to his friend
Wow, so conservative
I honestly wished the title was
>My Stamina: And Other Short Stories
It's really not. Liberal humor consists of mostly going after low hanging fruit.
wtf is this??
Can't imagine (((Why)))
I knew this meme was coming.
Conservatives are typically angry, paranoid and conceited to be funny. But it's fun making fun of them.
why does it never occur to them that they might be the ones with a humour problem
clearly people are enjoying joking on that hashtag, so obviously a lot of people do find it funny
and it never occurs to liberal mcshekelstein that other people might have a different sense of humour
to the liberal, if they don't personally find it funny, IT'S NOT FUNNY YOUR OPINIONS ARE WRONG.
It's not a meme. It's literally what happened
>bill burr
Kys yourself homo
There's no huge multinational corporations funding conservative humorists. There's not a single major cable network devoted to conservative comedy (unless you count Fox News).
Right wing humor won Trump the election, and this cuck thinks conservatives don't have a good sense of humor?
Also, if he thinks liberals have good humor, I guess he hasn't turned on the TV in the last 20 years.
>wants everything to be political
>gets devastated by trump
>"at least we are still the funny ones!"
There's a difference between laughing with someone, and laughing at someone sweetie ;^)
Liberals have threat of arrest in many countries against right wing comedians that joke about Islam the way they joke about Christianity.
Richard Dawkins can get on Ted Talks and say it's time to step up and openly discriminate against Christians, and it gets rooms full of thunderous applause form liberals. Meanwhile, people have been arrested for suggesting that against muslims, also to crowds of cheering muslims.
As long as this double standard exists then it's going to favor them.
but everything's sexist and racist right?
look out, it's spooky putin!
lol trump wont even win the republican nomination! trump btfo!
One of these days liberals will rediscover sentience and will become self-aware enough to realize they ARE the joke.
>unfunny-butt-hurt-nobody libtard is still sad Hillary lost
>not funny guys, jeeze
liberals unironically think the cringe is funny
>cheeto orangutan drumpfykins
Trump humour is the best humour.
Sup Forums is the best source of humor on the planet. Also most comedians throughout history were politically incorrect.
Leaf gets it.
>(((liberal humor)))
(You) in black vs him in white
>liberal humor
>conservative humor
It's all garbage.
There can't be conservative comedy. Stand-up comedy is inherently leftist and subversive and has been invented by *e*s to sell liberal politics under pretense of having a few chuckles.
Even the few examples of comedians who hold conservative views like Sam Hyde or various youtube comedians are the rule rather than exception as they just use leftist tactics against them.
Modern comedy requires political satire. They have one upped themselves to the point where reality is more absurd than their satire. The hypocrisy of the left wing narrative and the fact that people accept it to varying degrees is the richest source for satire in a long time.
Bill was on the precipice of being redpilled, but ultimately rejected the progression. His humor has suffered as a result. He had a few years of greatness though imo.
He was just looking for low level irony. I'm sure there are many conservatives still trying squabbling about in low level irony. We've moved past ironic commentary. It was never going to be our thing anyway, due to the nature of political correctness and the way masculinity is policed. Dennis Miller tried to make the swap politically, as he aged. He paved the way for Colbert and all of the ironybros. But his commentary got a bit too aggressive and emotional for many to handle because it was moving in symmetry with his intellectual transformation. Non-baizou whites have been post-irony for a couple years now, and even people who aren't into art "get" it. It's not too kino for even working class conservatives. I've seen vets, construction workers and even boomers laugh themselves hysterical at some of Sam Hyde's comedy. Libshits can't into it, and it's legitimately depressing.
But in all honesty, there is no work to be done in many regards. There is no irony that can top this I chuckled at the things Assange and a few others posted. But nothing made me kek as hard as the legit, actual unironic title of her book. After this fucking title and the unironic DNC slogan reveal and I was making fucking dolphin noises, trying to get some air back into my lungs. Existentialist kek's desu. This is where the right has its roots, in terms of western tradition.
Liberal humor is observe>analogize>receive conditioned response and shekels.
Conservative humor is "lol did you just see that nigger get tazed?"
Trads don't need a jew to stand under lights and sell us back their misinterpretations of the phenomenal world. We just look at the actual world we live in and laugh at it. That costs nothing and is closer to base reality.
Pro-tip: Everything jews sell is mishapern microcosm, a simple piece of your own world/culture (which costs nothing to experience), co-opted,re-interpreted wrong, comodified and sold back to you. Jews are happy to be the middleman of your material experience. Comics are no different. Real humor is IRL idiots getting BTFO , not "what's the deal with hypotheticals?"
I legit miss old RedEye. It was the funniest show politically, funnier than Colbert back when we thought he was funny. I have a really liberal/feminist family member and she even admitted she missed it bigly.
Heres the Daily show highlights since Leibowitz left to become a soeech writer for Romney
The difference is that if someone makes a funny joke about Trump I'll laugh. But if someone makes a joke about a democrat they'll get triggered and offended
You're right, liberals are the best at jokes. Just look at Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
I laughed. The irony is killing me. I didn't know you had it in you.
Asfor rightwing comedians, the man of the hour has always been a personal favorite
The problem is that liberals think when do it it's funny. We know it though. It's not about being funny liberals.
if you guys think american liberal comedy is bad, you should check out the cbc lol.
Rick Mercer, one of our comedians, was so triggered by an anonymous shitposter called "tunnelsnake87" that he went on a rant about how hurt he was by the anonymous opinion. He was really vague about what the comment was about, though many pieced together that it was mocking his buddy Seamus O'regan for being an alcoholic.
Seamus Oregan is a politician open for public scrutiny, and Rick's rant for the week was about how we should do away with hurtful anonymous comments. Thats how petty, political, and just utterly pathetic comedy is in canada.
Also, our tax dollars payed to broadcast the opinion. But hey, I'm sure that shitposter had too much sway, and must be stopped!
Conservashits tend to be extremely anti social, uptight wads and their humor suffers greatly. Liberals tend to be more socially savvier and womanizing type of dudes
pic related extremely unfunny fraud who has a small fanbase of christian beta cuck boys who find him funny
Trolls are just part of reality. Mercer should stop mansplaining.
>mocking his buddy Seamus O'regan for being an alcoholic.
lmao, that guy must be a walking stereotype.
Oh my g-d this is the single most soylent mocha frappe-sipping baizou thing I've ever fucking seen.
>Conservashits tend to be extremely anti social
making a generalization about a broad demographic - pretty antisocial!
>Liberals tend to be more socially savvier and womanizing type of dudes
ya i hear liberal men are alpha af, probably due to being in touch with their feminine side!
>pic related extremely unfunny fraud who has a small fanbase of christian beta cuck boys who find him funny
and you put a swastika on him? whoa, comedy genius man.
Where do you think you are right now?
>Trads don't need a jew to stand under lights and sell us back their misinterpretations of the phenomenal world. We just look at the actual world we live in and laugh at it. That costs nothing and is closer to base reality.
>Pro-tip: Everything jews sell is mishapern microcosm, a simple piece of your own world/culture (which costs nothing to experience), co-opted,re-interpreted wrong, comodified and sold back to you. Jews are happy to be the middleman of your material experience. Comics are no different. Real humor is IRL idiots getting BTFO , not "what's the deal with hypotheticals?"
Good post, user.
>big bang actor criticises the state of comedy
The ironing
It's so weird how he can go from "shitty comment moderation for major news site" to "anonymous speech must be stopped."
still one of my favorite parts, jewish fake news sends retard reported to interview a presidential candidate and fails horribly because hes a retard and trump blows him the fuck out.
Someone is upset. Its okay no one actually believes you.
It's not. You probably mistake conservative humor as liberal humor. Protip: Liberal humor is about insulting others. Conservative humor is self-effacing. What is more funny? A jackass on stage that laughs at everyone else or a jackass on stage who can laugh at himself? Who is the audience going to relate to more? This shit is simple to understand. Sage for slide thread.
Fuck off.
>dont like conservative humor
>hence they're no conservative comedians
He doesn't realize you can turn this argument around pretty simply,huh?
Friendly reminder.
Faggot OP + 1 post = slide thread
Always sage, and then ignore.
He's a retarded, alcoholic, literal faggot former talking empty head for Canada's version of Live with Kelly. Perfect candiate for Canada's globalist cuck government.
This is a pretty good point, that ties into other posts made ITT. I don't normally care for Crowder's stuff, but that vid he produced of Bob Ross painting Mohammad was incredible post-irony. Not as good of a repeat watch, very edgy. But there's no way a leftist would do anything of the sort. There's no way a major network would allow that to happen. And most libshits genuinely don't understand the humor of it.
Most right wing humor is mostly effortless or layered in irony though. The irony is never glib.
I don't understand how the mouse from CatDog came to be associated with some autistic porn artist, can somebody explain this one to me?
>Conservative humor is "lol did you just see that nigger get tazed?"
Because honestly, they have all the best jokes and the best comedians. Must being something about a lighter worldview that isn't motivated primarily by butthurt and whining.
This is it! It's self-forming and self sustaining.
> humour is leftist tactics.
The only thing that makes something funny is the element of surprise. That is universal.
It is true in every culture and every country, except for Germany where they have no sense of Humour at all.
Crowder is a bit of a gay cunt, normie conservative and normie liberal comedy are two sides of the same lame duck coin.
Daily Stormer has a lot of great laughs desu
It's precisely why liberal urban retards listen to comedians for their political news, because hey, if it's not funny, why listen to it?
what friend was he forbidden to talk to? I know the crazy nigger cunt made him get rid of his dog, and sell his drum kit.
The white man has spoken
I don't read it. And for the most part, I don't care for him as a comedian or a commentator. But my point still stands. They don't understand post-ironic humor in any capacity. It's all glib, surface level irony. It fires up my almonds.
>Liberals tend to be more feminized men
I agree.
The women seem to resemble feminized men as well.
Lmao, find me one liberal funnier than Andrew Anglin.
Because the Jews say so
also, sage
So glad GW Bush lost to Obama
It isn't. Liberal humor is cringy as fuck.
I don't see how constant reiterations of "Fuck Trump" can be considered comedy genius.
Simple yet hilarious.
This. The moth is funny. I keked and I love Trump.
If that had been a Hillary joke the whole collective left would have had a Twitter based aneurysm.
its better than listen to mouth breathing kike retards that push obvious corporate kike agenda fueled by white victim mentality like Rush and Hannity
hard to believe your deplorable kind have lost all avenues of communication
If you think the liberal worldview isn't centred around but hurt and whining I got some bad news for you son.
because liberals make a bigger fool of themselves since they're so vocal and quickly resort to violence.
Blown the actual fuck out.
>I remember when the internet happened
clearly he didn't start using it until 2008 or something.
>If you think the liberal worldview isn't centred around but hurt and whining I got some bad news for you son.
Honestly, this is just a right-wing meme. Most people who vote for Corgyn or Shorten or Sanders are optimistic idealists. They just want a better world with more opportunity for everyone, better protection for the environment, and less concentration of wealth in the hands of the rich. Very few left people are like Trigglypuff.
In contrast, Sup Forums is the biggest whine box on the Internet. It's all identity politics based on hate and resentment ("I'm a failure because the other ethnic group took all my jobs," "I hate trannies coz they make me confused," or shit like that). You've fallen victim to a meme, dear user.
cause humor is about feelings, not thinking
>2016 sucked amirite?
>I let a taxi driver finger me! I just like cocks up my vagina HAHA
This is the state of liberal comedy in 2017 without exception.
only communication that could wake up the Mindraped
Is this her new book?
so much this.
post modern conservashit movement is the new muh white victim identity politics party now
tfw Nobody will ever get on stage with an act about Yakub, we wuz kangz, etc
Because being funny at another persons expense is racist. That's bad, so liberals aren't funny, thus everyone wins.
anti social religious indoctrinated home schooled uneducated retards dont make for good comedians LMAO
>Somebody on Sup Forums knows who John Ross Bowie is
>wtf is this timeli-
You probably just watch the bazinga show or something