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This is literally just someone else's art with Trump's head on it.
> Immersion (Piss Christ) is a 1987 photograph by the American artist and photographer Andres Serrano.
How original and innovative
HAHA.... Blimpf is done for this time
Just goes to show, when the jews perceive the second coming, they'll crucify him again.
It that JEB????
I cringed irl
It was his turn!
it dosnt even look like trump, the sculpturing is shit
is this anything more than virtue signalling? what is the message? Trump is jesus but drowned in piss?
this looks like these old troll figurines
People need to comment on "This is Trump, sacrificing himself only to be pissed on by the public is what I perceive this art as."
Get the asshurt liberals going
it's just a copy of a more famous work.
if anything, it's pro trump
from wiki about the original piss christ:
>Sister Wendy Beckett, an art critic and Catholic nun, stated in a television interview with Bill Moyers that she regarded the work as not blasphemous but a statement on "this is what we are doing to Christ."[15]
so trump is jesus christ, and the media is piss
>is this anything more than virtue signalling?
>he isn't good enough at sculpture to make a good model of trump
anyone else notices that this is a very bad photoshop?!
>jeb's black hand
newfags think of the porn site, but pic related is the real reason it's funny.
Liberal everyone , is pretty much just piss and shit
So are liberals associating Trump with Jesus now?
Do they not see the irony?
That's a shame but we're used to it now, right? Not like important voters and true Americans will give a shit about this loony leftist
This. Sister Wendy was always redpilled.
At some point I have to just stop paying attention.
This is like when you are a little kid and someone gets roasted but wont stop trying to spit out a comeback. This is that kid at your lunch table going "oh yeah.. well.. uh.. uh.. FAGGOT! ASS SHITTER!" and then laughing at his own comeback really loudly. The people I see doing this weak shit always look proud of themselves like somehow they've advanced their cause.
I guess its okay though? I'm a moderate who wasn't excited about either possibility but the absolute worst of the left are all outing themselves as feral retards right now.
does this word even mean anything anymore?
So deep
What did he mean by this
Would have been cooler if they actually had a tank filled with piss and then a submerged sculpture of trump fetus on cross instead. Unoriginal horse shit
heil hitler
most powerful number
what did kek mean by this?
Someone should do "Oven Moses", where the ashes are swiped out and put in an ashtray afterwards.
So he is comparing Trump to Christ?
Okay then.
I guess it's okay for people to mock my savior, Jesus Christ, like this?
I hate society.
why piss? is the image painted with piss?
We already have a piss Trump he's president
if you where muslim, it would be ok for you to go and rape their daughters, then beheaded them
look at that smug face
he looks so proud
>heh look, it's trumps face on a turd xD
This only proves lefties have overly inflated egos
the year is 2884. the civilization begun by donald j trump, now a theistic figure, on mars has built upward into the american-man-made atmosphere. relics and places of worship from times of old remain but are concealed by the rusty waters of barron sea.
I think everyone just wants to be special, so they try to express themselves through art
Unfortunately they're usually so vapid they have nothing to express, or just do imitations of other vapid expressions
Art went from talent, plus expression to only expression
>Liberals comparing Trump to Jesus
>They're basically saying Trump is a prophet, will die a martyr, and his legacy will shape the West for centuries
But wait, there's more :
>Jesus was betrayed by Judas, one of his closest friends
>The Romans crucified him
>Then Christians were hunted in the Roman Empire
>Eventually they became Christian
>Trump has many leakers working against him
>Liberals and the DNC want to impeach and/or assassinate him
>Trump supporters are often mugged by liberals.
G-G-Guys, I see a pattern here
What a fool.
The Memes win.
The fact that Marilyn Manson saw it is telling of the current status of (((artists))):
The media is cruxifying President Trump for things He's not related at.
Wow so creative, original. It's like something from the mind of a 6 year old
>kekistani faggots showed up and started worshiping in front of it
>fag takes picture and auctions it
>martin shrekili buys picture for more than "piss trump"
He ripped off Christ in Piss from the u0's which became a huge problem. Then came Mapplethorpe and Jesse Helms trying to strip away the Endowments for the Arts. It was a decade where the parameters of how far things could go and what government could finance. This is a huge thorn in my side with ripping off ideas when these idiots know it's as easy as a Google away to see the original. Low energy
These people need to be murdered in the worst, most dehumanising way possible. Honestly, the White anti-American Liberals need to be culled.
What a faggy edgelord.
That's one of the most annoying things about modern degenerates... they don't have any new ideas. They just take things that have already been done and redo them, whole-cloth, with modern figures.
I work in an opera house and see this all the time with opera directors. They don't make new operas. They take classics (like Faust), and turn them into SJW statements on ridiculous things like nuclear proliferation.
So this SJW idiot just copied an earlier SJW idiot and used Trump as his subject. *yawn*
> media crucifies Trump and the normies piss on him while he sacrifices himself to make the US a better place for his tormentors
I don't really see any issue with the art.
That's Christianophobia.
post the clinton one
Lmao what a loser, Piss Christ wasn't edgy enough?
The leftist hypocrites respect only the religion that threatens them with violence.
well, i mean it's edgy as fuck but at least it's an actual drawing and not just piss stains on blanket
Should have a mushroom cloud rising over it.
>modern """""art""""""
This world is driving me insane
doncha guys just love modern "art"?
>throw blue paint on a canvas
>make 50 million dollars
Wish I could get in on that racket.
based CIA is paying for this
why is there no Piss Kike?
or Piss Rabbi?
>"I want the unveiling to be a catharsis for us," he says. "Not another reason to express anger."
we did it you guys, we got him
So subversive and brave!
In another period, Eastern Bloc artists were actually standing up to commie tyranny.
This guy is just jerking off into his own mouth.
why is there no Piss Nigger?
we must make Piss Nigger and tour it around the country with a placard about Jewish Crash on the side
This suppose to not make me want Trump?
This is just a shitty ripoff of piss christ
Someone gets it. Pisschrist, which is actually called "Immersion (Piss Christ)" is brilliant. The point is that without it explicitly stating that it's urine it looks like amber. It is a beautiful and striking image on its own, but the medium is what makes it revolting. The photographer, Brian Serrano has outright said that the point of the picture was to reflect his view that Christian iconography has been commercialized and cheapened by modern culture.
What's the name of the art in the background of that picture?
Manson hates Trump though.
Is the artist of the original immersion still alive? It would be funny if this Piss Trump artist was sued for plagiarism
Wow, such amazing art
Pretentious fucks.
nvm fixed it.
in the art world its referred to as "appropriation" and is a completely "valid" "technique"
Typical Jewish hatred for Christianity and whites.
yes. There's plenty of great art out there. Go to a museum.
The piss Christ was a subversion of a revered and sacred figure. They already hate Trump and so this Piss Trump makes no sense. Why is he on the cross? why is he fat? why is he in piss? It makes no sense, where at least piss Christ was coherent.
Good job beating us in ww2. This could all have been avoided.
mommy i made an art!
see what ill do next is ill take that photo of the canned poo poo and make it a can of "poo poo trump"! haha!
so trendy... so modern. what an artist. wew.
Very unoriginal.
Drumpffff is finished. Checkmate kek fags
Lets start our own "art" project
Quran in tank of pee
So edgy... So shocking... How will Bzlumpfy ever recover? Yawn
wtf i hate drumplft now !?
>modern art
Also known as money laundering