Just a reminder if you are American, you pay to fund Israel. you will go to war for Israel. Israel is the reason for us being at war in the middle east for 30 years
US is cucked by Israel
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stfu thats where we get all our laws and societal structure from, the Old Testament. The bearded hippy of the new testament didnt add SQUAT
What are you even babbling about.
enjoy your circumcised dick with all the feeling cut out of it jew slave
OP on suicide watch
Molon Labe
All western culture descend from the west, particularly Rome. You dumbass kikes.
we don't want your money it weakens our economy and gives you a leverage on us
That's why you take billions of US tax payers every year, eh parasite.
>book full of blood sacrifice
>all our laws and societal structure
Semite religions were a mistake.
Build that border wall for us shlomo make it Gaza style with the anti rocket shield and we'll call it even
it's a tithe op, reparations for op. paperclip
Every time you put gas in your car, buy a product that requires transportation, or live another day where you're not threatened from another super power absorbing Saudi Arabia's oil you benefit from Israel's location. It's in America's national interests to have Israel located where it's at.
Israel does not exist in a vacuum.
"Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security."
-- General Alexander Haig
Inb4 "good goy!", "shekels", "oy vey!", "da goyim know", etc. etc. ad nauseam....
Our money is what keep both of our nation's alive. It's mutual interest. You are our oil police. We are your physical police.
Being used to fight Muslims for Israel.
Once again we are CUKED
Despite the fact that America don't need saudi oil. Let alone heebs to help it's military. And you're not a "good goy"you're just a shameless kike.
we don't need oil police because we have natural oil.
we have been cuked by the OIL rich to think we need it
hence why solar is not on every house and our middle class is shrinking instead of growing
you will never have an economy
you're worse than muzzies at having an "economy"
>oy veyy how in the hell would us kikes profit from oil price manipulation if there wasn't you isrial
Re-read the first paragraph in its entirety.
Re-read the first paragraph.
We don't need saudi oil. Read this vermin.
Read the 1st paragraph of:
in its entirety.
its all AIPAC to, but you cant even call them out on their shit because of stupid stormfags and you get lumped together with them, making it political suicide.
>"good goy!", "shekels", "oy vey!", "da goyim know", etc. etc. ad nauseam....
so because we are Dependent on them in the short term its ok to fuck us over long term?
Because we need oil products now its ok that we keep companies that hold solar energy down that would get us out of the middle east??
the muslims would quit fucking with us if we left and Israel wasn't guarded by us.
Israel took their holy land dude..
Re-read the first paragraph in its entirety.
The truth is anti-semitic, I know.
That scarcely means that the current relationship is optimal, only that it is functional. Israel would do well to remember that it is the junior partner by far.
America needs fuel
>Oil means : need base in Israel, dependent on ties with Saudi money, Solar products cant take off because Oil money keeps it down
>Solar means: Get the fuck out of the middle east, weaken the Saudis form of fuel by making it less important, create a stronger more independent middle class
It's ok as long as they get cheap cheeseburgers and gas...
Israel's existence prevents other super powers from threatening America's and our Anglosphere allies' security.
Repetitive. Autistic.
Obama and Trump reminded them. See Trump and Netanyahu's first press conference.
> pretending the USA isn't built on war and oil
Americunts are the real kikes, not the Jews
And soon you won't even be allowed to support boycotts of Israel or request information about which companies do business with Israel.
>Solar means: Get the fuck out of the middle east
That also means giving Russia and China access to Saudi Arabian oil wells. That threatens your safety.
I'm not the one repeating to read something that was already answered.
we get most of our foreign oil from canada dumb fuck
dumbest form of news, They cant stop the boycott. its becoming cool to hate the media, and so all you have to do is explain to people the jews own Hollywood and our media. so its pretty much cool to hate the jews controlling us. Israel will be defunded in a few decades no worries
Autistic. Low hanging fruit.
lmao really so when OIL will end , you will finally let go of israel ? i don t think so .
they have access you fools, china has been around for thousands, THOUSANDS of years.
they basically have infinite money to work with.
we need to focus on us becoming independent and armed well informed population like our founding fathers intended
We're in the middle east mainly because of oil.
Yeah the Jews really had a beef with Hussein right? This thread is what happens when you rely on Sup Forums for education
>muh Russia
Peak kike argument.
Have fun being put in jail for making a list of corporations that have business interests in the occupied Palestinian territories.
I mean, we literally have another country's flag in our flag and we aren't as cucked as America.
The day where oil is no longer needed to power aircraft, spaceships, and other vehicles is a long way off.
If there's no economy there is no security. If there is no security Israel would likely move to a safer location.
after ww2 the jews got Israel. History goes to the winner right?
look up the six days war to see why Hussein has beef with Israel from an Ideological point of view
America has 1st priority.
No they do not.
Security through strength. No nation lives in a vacuum--especially the world's first hyper power.
> muh
> muh
> muh
> muh
> muh
>Repetitive. Autistic. Teenaged.
We are in the middle east to protect jew banker oil price manipulation.
The shilling reddit spacing kike keep spouting his lies. America don't need saudi oil you vermin.
Go back to your safe space if you don't want your feefees hurt,
>I mean, we literally have another country's flag in our flag and we aren't as cucked as America.
The UK is one of your greatest allies. And Australia's national security is dependent on the USA.
That doesn't mean the Israel Firsters (on both sides of the aisle) understand. And it's getting to a point where Israel is losing control of those people whose job is to be controlled by Israel. The neocons are the worst offenders but the left has its share of converts too.
If America has first priority according to you why do we get poorer every day?
maybe we are being drained?
maybe by jews in the middle east?
More like the jews in the far east.
>America don't need
>The shilling reddit spacing
>Go back to your safe space if you don't want your feefees hurt,
Trump's America first message has been received. The left's anger and hysteria is settling down. The right is cautiously accepting. No America = No Israel.
>And it's getting to a point where Israel is losing control of those people whose job is to be controlled by Israel.
Trump is a jew, he visited them and put jews in power
The reddit spacing kike can't even write something that makes sense.
Not Israel.
Intelligent Automation 1st and China 2nd are the main causes of why you are getting poorer. We went through this before in the 1920s and 1930s with physical automation.
We had to implement social security to protect old people, create a high school movement to give farm kids a higher level of knowledge, and break up the monopolies of the robber barons. They overcame the issues.
We will likely need to do something similar. Implement Charles Murray's UBI plan, create online polytechnic schools, and breakup big data companies. Data is the new steel and oil.
We already pay taxes to cover food stamps, social security, AFDC, HUD, schools, and other welfare programs. A UBI supported by taxation will be cheaper than the current welfare system. It will also be more efficient.
UBI supported by taxation (not printing more money) will allow citizens the space and time to learn high technology trades. It will also allow citizens to compete with Silicon Valley start-ups.
Jordan Peterson recently stated he is looking to create an online university supported by testing revenue.
Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc. will need to be broken up just like AT&T was.
The man who lead the Manhattan project was a jew. We also have jews who are creating super artificial intelligence. That very easily could lead to a Skynet scenario without the most intelligent minds protecting you.
Do you really want those people living in another nation?
That did not work out very well for Germany or Japan.
>The reddit spacing kike
Its better to pay for that than pay for social justice bullshit....israel is based....negroes = cancer...
also islam=cancer...so we would be at war with islam no matter what
The level of this fucking clueless whore.
>the based jews are creating Orwellian technology that PROTECTS YOU
They are not even trying anymore
I bet you've never even read that book. It's pretty funny that the authors reiterate the same "now we aren't saying Israel/Jews are bad line" a million times
13k per year per citizen costs $4.29T. Are you insane?
So subject them to another round of Darwinian evolution that makes them more intelligent than the average population. And exponentially increases the chances of a super AI attack on the USA.
>BASED Peter Oborne.
Big story ignored here, where the Israeli Lobby were trying to get Jeremy Corbyn attacked because of his anti-zionist views by trying to setup (and it worked to an extent) this idea that he is some raging anti-semite.
An Israeli intelligence official was caught and the Israeli embassy half-heartedly apologised.
Also Al-Jazeera documented this.
If we are suppose to try some meme fantasy I think should try doing a real holocaust.
we got higher gdp than u nazis
>muh tax money goes to ISIsrael
1% of jew gdp u donkey
The real insanity is the much more expensive welfare programs currently in place, or allowing them to damage our economy so badly that hyperinflation eventually occurs once China or Japan suspects we cannot pay back our debt.
Or allowing trillionaires to walk around while everyone else -- customer service and surgeons alike -- are lowered down to $25k a year due to increasingly more powerful AI and automation.
liar.. u fight for iran
Learn from history. Hitler chased out the jews who were the most advanced in nuclear science. Two of those jews lead directly to the development of the atom bomb.
Christians were also important to developing the atom bomb, but Oppenheimer was needed.
America does not fight for Iran. If it did you would be dead.
Why does Israel provide medical aid to ISIS fighters?
Also how does it feel knowing you'll never Mossad the Assad?
there are plenty of geniuses to go around, they only chose jews because they needed those they could trust
>there are plenty of geniuses to go around,
No there are not. Especially in regards to the increasing power of AI.
It is a danger to all of humanity and the economies of Western nations. Research must be maintained within the West.
> they only chose jews because they needed those they could trust
Oppenheimer was one of only a handful who had the capabilities to lead the Manhattan project. That same project ensures your security to this day.
Stop being ungreatful.
assad is no one, but ofc hes an easy target for iaf
isis are zionists because the koran is zionist
I am ungrateful. the bomb could have been any kind of bomb. the newest technology always ensures security. in the ages of guns vs swords the gunmaker was who I was supposed to be thankful for, in this age where its bombs vs guns I'm supposed to be thankful for oppenheimer.
also your fear of AI is retarded. listen to Jordan Peterson. if AI cant even figure out reCAPTCHA how is it gonna danger us all.
fucking idiot
>the bomb could have been any kind of bomb.
>the newest technology always ensures security.
Who is developing AI?
>in this age where its bombs vs guns
Nukes vs nations. Nations vs AI assisted economies.
>I'm supposed to be thankful for oppenheimer.
>also your fear of AI is retarded. listen to Jordan Peterson.
Listen to those who are experts in their fields.
> if AI cant even figure out reCAPTCHA how is it gonna danger us all.
>how is it gonna danger us all.
>how is it gonna danger us
>gonna danger us
>fucking idiot
Capitalize your name.
Just a reminder: the key to connecting Israel to 9/11, search
>Daniel Lewin + Sayeret Matkal
Go to Google Books, find his biography 'No Better Time', and search "Zionist" in its pages, you'll find that his own brother called Lewin a "super Zionist." Screenshot and archive the link, before it's scrubbed.
>the first person to die on 9/11 was a "super Zionist" billionaire top Israeli commando trained in hijackings who was fluent in Arabic and in impersonating Muslim radicals. Sayeret Matkal is the Israeli Defense Forces' very own version of Navy SEALS and Delta Force. Israelis argue they are even tougher. Daniel Lewin was a captain, top ranked. He was also a passenger on Flight 11 on 9/11, the first plane to hit the WTC. The story goes that he was stabbed by a "terrorist" seated ***directly behind him" in seat 10B.
We all know about the five Urban Moving Systems "dancing Israelis" arrested on 9/11. Very few of us even know about Lewin. The coincidence that he'd be on a 9/11 plane and the first to die in the entire attack, is insurmountable.
Israeli Deep State did 9/11 with Israeli Firsters in US gov like Dov Zakheim and the neocons. But Israeli Daniel Lewin lead the operation.