New York niggers report. 516 here.
>/OurGuy/ in the white house
>cuck commie governor Cuomocan't win since MTA is fucked
>Democrat NYC mayor super unpopular
>tfw property taxes
New York niggers report. 516 here
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I'm a 718 aspiring to one day be a North Country 518er.
This bridge is so rusty bros. i'm scared shitless every time I drive to Fire Island.
518 here. Albany blows, rather be in the country.
631 Hamptons.
>tfw Citidiot season
I mean, they bring in lots of money but I hate these fags. City dwellers need to be gassed.
716 here and the signs have been all over the place for years
914 reporting in. fuck this place.
Just based on some of the responses, I think New York is really three states: 1. Downstate NY aka "the City" Long Island, NYC, Westchester, Rockland 2. Eastern Upstate aka "Yankee/New England NY" Catskills, Hudson Valley, Capital Region, North Country 3. Great Lakes NY aka "Midwestern-Rust Belt NY" Central; and Western NY We'd all clearly be a lot happier if we were three states.
716 as well. Hopefully the Brown lose's this election. He's one dumb nigger.
But we're building a new new york. Haven't you seen the TV commerical goy? Look, bridges and shit!
Cuomo-induced kek
716 here. Used to be 516 but fuck those living expenses. Now I live comfy on a 54k salary.
Brown won't lose an election until he's been dead 5 years and even then it'll still be a close race.
I used to be 631, back when I enjoyed life
What are the odds of Cuomo getting kicked out by next election?
Oh wow. I drove through Wyandanch once and stopped for gas. Some crack whore was dancing in front of me and kept asking for money.
Major niggery at work there.
212 here
Kill me
None. You know in your guts that he's staying.
914 here, fml.
I been to wyandanch before, disgusting.
631, one of the few non cucked NY counties that went red
>going to faggot island
718 HERE... ASKING THE FLY OVER STATES TO STOP SENDING YOUR TRASHY FAGS HERE. Them hipster fags are ruining things here what with their transgender leaning and all
Me too. I've gotta get out of this hell.
I'm not very optimistic about the mayoral election, though. Giuliani winning was kind of a fluke, and that was back before the city was 70% shitskin, 20% hippie. We're probably Chicago-level fucked.
Brown's a sharp dressed man
No we want andrew Homo to run as the lead demo... then all we can guarantee another Trump victory
>New York accents will die in your lifetime due to these faggets
Sup, when we forming defense squads?
it happening already... most om old school Italian friends are leaving too. selling out to chinks and hipsters
ayyy hello fellow 516.
A Republican will never win gubernatorial or in NYC mayoral races ever again. This state is only 40% white if you take jews and muslims out of the census as being "white"
585 here.....
845 Represent
Maybe Trump can clean out the voter rolls and get those non citizens out.
>mfw live in NYC
>make $150k but still not enough
>mfw our mayor and governor are literal pinko retards
>mfw roads in NYC are worse than my old country Albania
>mfw there are niggers, Chinks, Arabs and spics everywhere
Im just goin to move back to Albania?
finger lakes here
new york doesnt have that many illegals. it's still majority non-white even w/o them
Lol. This place is going to look like Illinois. Can't wait to flee.
Wtf are you talking about? I used to live in Brooklyn and all there are thousands of illegal Chinks, Mexicans and Illegal Arabs
Now I live in Queens and there's Mexicans everywhere working in supermarkets.
I'm a former 516er living in 212, sup faggot
>Democrat NYC mayor super unpopular
Did you know DiBlasio's real name is Warren Wilhelm the 3rd and that he married a black lesbian?
I doubt it. This state has no future. There are more people leaving the state than coming here domestically, most of them being white. The population is still growing at an incredibly rapid pace but only because of immigration and non-white births.
Maybe not illegals necessarily but immigrants that aren't citizens yet.
hello friends
his wife is also a """""recovering"""""" crackhead too
Brooklyn has turned into place where the new immigrants or refugees are just hipster queers from the mid west and south. They destroyed brooklyn and have made it a place only for the rich or poor working and middle class not welcome any more
Currently doing that now. Got a job offer in comfy Pittsburgh for 60k and I'll be moving there in August. I also got a job offer in Manhattan for 80k but fuck that because commuting from Westchester is tougher than ever and there's no way I would ever want to actually live in that crowded shithole. I've wanted out for so long and I'm glad I get to make it a reality before it was too late.
631 reporting in
Wont the nigs in brentwood not like him?
Nogs and spics don't vote nearily as much as whites.
eyy you goys are everywhere in Arthur ave, how the mob?
/917/ here. Anyone else /Columbia/?
well yeah, but drulmfph is heading to brentwood, isnt he?
isnt that like Diet wyandanch?
Long Islandbros?
>"""""recovering"""""" crackhead
this reminds me of Jeb and his troll wife
I heard a rumor 10 years ago from a relative that Jeb was a kiddie fucker
It didn't strike me until just now that she's probably his beard
could diblasio be a pedo? he is a sanctuary city leftist
Shkreli? Is that you buddy?
I know columbians
Ayyy my nig
516 guy reporting. A lot more asian people are moving here in the last few years
They're dumb as rocks. They won't do shit.
Parts of this island are concentrated degeneracy
>manhattan beach
>rich area for whites and jews
>full of niggers going to the beach
actually his daughter is the crackhead, I mixed them up. maybe they both are
IT always blew My mind that they gave part of the rockaways to the niggers, and none of them swim
rochester is only cool if you have a boat
Does anyone want to meetup later tonight or have a meetup sometime in NYC?
We can make a discord...
914 reporting, italians everywhere living the dream
>comfy Pittsburgh
I have some bad news for you
518 here, Amsterdam
We call it Amsterico. Take a wild guess why.
516er, former suffolk, former hamptoner
Bring me back to where it's white
516 whatup long ialand bois. FUCK CUOMO THE HOMO
Fuck rockaway. I wanna know why they decided to build projects near the boardwalk in Coney Island. That would be prime real estate.
t. CIA
607 is the real NY. Everyone else can FUCK OFF.
It's what they always say. "Diversity". They're trying to be rid of whites
/cuny/fag here
Same. Which neighborhood?
I'm in les
585 where ya fight to stay alive
716er too. Niagara County. Upstate Secession when?
I know the city is essentially all of our state income, but Jesus fucking Christ they need to be their own little political entity like Hong Kong. We're so culturally different, we're more like Canadians who aren't cucks.
Who /718/ here? Let's go for brews.
>tfw reading an article in the (((paper))) today about how even the Republican frontrunner for Mayor is supporting undocumented immigrants
718 here. What do you guys think about splitting NYC/LI and upstate, or just NYC, etc.? I found this page some time ago but have heard literally nothing else about it. The idea is to divide NY into two autonomous regions with a token state government so we'll still technically be one state. There's a vote for a constitutional convention this year (every 20 year) and it aims to start from that. It doesn't seem likely but living in a red state without having to leave NY sounds comfy as fuck.
They already are. It's mostly niggerspeak now. Some real oldschool Italians are still put in their neighborhoods, but that's only because they have tight families, and they're being replaced by chinks.
Won't happen, though it should. The problem is that NYS aside from the (((City))), Buffalo, Roch, Cuse, and Albany is fucking Wyoming tier in terms of population. Even though most parts of upstate would like to go through with the split, the niggers and SJWs in the population centers still control our politics.
I can rent in Shadyside for literally 1000 a month and the niggers are concentrated in only a few neighborhoods. What's not to like?
lol I'm not part of the Bronx crew but I know a lot of people there. Albanians are the only reason the Bronx isn't a complete total shithole.
518er here, loving nature and the most republican county in ny. Only 99 people in my town. It's okay to be lonely
Why are you a Republican, honest question without the typical Sup Forums shrieks about "muh t_D" and "muh plebbit." Do you actually believe in that party? If so, why?
Yeah, I know, wishful thinking. He's an embarrassment.
sup fellow 716er
315 North Country here.
I always get out and vote against these scumbag liberals, but we always get steamrolled by the Big Apple. I'm hoping this might be the first chink in Cuomo's armor.
Any other thoughts on a constitutional convention? Personally I think I'll vote for it just to stir things up (a la Trump), but I'm not sure how comfy I am with leaving the state constitution open to editing. Seems like it has some following though.
>Coalition wants NY constitutional convention question on front of election ballot
born in 718. grew up 516. back living in 718. this place blows. i wanna buy a place in the catskills on a creek and chill the fuck out away from all the neegs and hipsters and muzzies
I used to live in 607. Went to Broome Community College.
I seriously want to kill whoever is in charge of the MTA. Every goddamn day there's signal issues, track fires, sick passengers. IF YOUR FUCKING SICK DONT RIDE THE FUCKING TRAIN! And the beggars. The fucking beggars. It's always the same retards giving the same sob story. Always this one guy on the Q train with his dog talking about how him and his girlfriend don't want to go to a shelter and lose him so he'll beg instead. HOW DO FUCKING HOMELESS GET GIRLFRIENDS AND I CANT?? There's even ones that try to make it seem like its your fault thier homeless and you HAVE to help them. Then you got the niggers dancing on the poles and shit at 6 in the evening with the loud fucking music. Jesus Fucking Christ. If it were cheaper and faster to drive into the city for work, I would. Then the MTA wants to keep raising fares like they deserve it.
718 checking in, haven't seen one of these threads in a while
I think the time is right for a vote, but of course the NYC niggers and Jews will fuck it up. You see, this has to be an effort from them to leave us, otherwise their NYC attitude will cause them to vote against it out of spite. "What, leave us? fuck dat, we're da best!"
If the movement is meme'd into existence from the city side it just might work.
585 here, outside of Rochester.
Fuck that place man, why are you letting all the niggers in our area? You used to keep them contained
I guess I;m more tea party, but gay and trans are degenerate, I like capitalism(and kind of democracy) I don't like taxes.
315 here.
Waiting for that societal implosion since upstate will be a great place to ride things out if/when shit hits the fan.
They are known to smoke weed all day, they tried to deny it blaming the cops for spreading rumours then Chirline McCray's personal driver an NYPD Sgt got fired for failing a drug test
718. Thoughts on robbing illegal drunks, can you get arrested for robbing criminals? those parasites along with durkas and nigs need to die somehow and im tired of doing nothing.
>"Upstate NY thinks NYC can't live without them, let's see what they think"
I would die if I saw some shit like that. Doesn't the city rely on upstate for water among other things? What's the science behind this, and how could you actually convince city rats?
I don't use the train anymore but it's every day with that kind of news. I think everyone already forgot about the derailment a while back. Meanwhile this utter shmuck goes to another continent to protest.
Also can anyone explain the surge of white hobos?
Another 914 here. Just moved into the area for work from NJ and can confirm; tons of pizzerias here. Almost as many (((delis))).