Official Sup Forums IQ distribution

Let's settle this

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I've come across just as many retarded ancap posters as I have decent/average ones.

Same goes for the other idelogoes, especially AnCom

>not kekistanis

gas all kekistanis

>separating people into groups based on iq.
>separating people into groups
Get out

kekistanis in wrong place faggot

AnCap poster last week claimed that is he say a woman without a parent or husband, he'd snatch her, as ''women are property''. He didn't even mention purchsing her from anybody, not did he mean that he would pay her for her services.

In an AnCap world, there is no traditionalist gender shit, nor is their anyone to decide these roles.

>cringestanis above 100

Hmm, eh, no.

>not understanding the curve is symmetric

kekistani detected

>No "I want Europe 1914 back" branch
Out you go.

It's true though. Your leftist brain just can't handle it.

switch ancom and ancap

This, groups are wrong and we're all one race: the human race



You need a happy merchant bookending the right.

Don't be that gay, though. Democrats experiment with identity politics is and has been failing. Putting people into groups of a or b doesn't work for any side.

That's accurate my IQ is 121 but I'm from the third world.

I'm not a lefty, in fact I'm a social traditionalist myself.

What i'm saying is. In an ancap world, who is to say that she is property?

What if she claims you're property? What if you're the bitch, and she's an inceredible hulkess and claims you're property?

Ancap is a political meme that has no basis in reality


Is that a rainbow dildo?

>having kekistanis and ancaps over 90 IQ
fuck off

Not an argument.

>Pretending ancaps and ancoms aren't the same thing.

Anything that has communists, deus vult and anarchists at the lowest tier is correct.

I'm not against AnCpa btw. I'm being neutral here.

I'm just saying that claiming that ''someone is property'' in thin air, doesn't mean they're going to be property

Self-ownership is basically the axiom that makes anarcho-capitalism, so... I'm comfortable saying anyone who thinks people should own each other is simply not an anarcho-capitalist. They're a statist and they need to go back to their own kind.

You dont even know how to read a graph you fucking mong

maybe not on your echochamber

You have to observe the NAP and let people be stateists if they want.

>haha my favorite ideologies are the ones who are smarter OWNED libtards

Ancaps are the biggest retards around.

I can't remember much of statistics, but I don't think that is how the Normal distribution curve works.

Senpai, your distribution is absolutely meaningless

>having vertical order for the labels

Just how retarded are you, lefty/pol/ shills?
Saged, reported

Kekistani are at least as dumb as Democrats and less smart than nazis dude. Place libertarians instead of them.

Anyone got the study that proves Libertarians are the smartest of all?

>that flag
>kekistani being high IQ
Opinion discarded

But how can you protect yourself and your property against other organized state and private actors without a state?

Kek. Conservative leftist (national socialism) have the lowest IQ.

>high IQ
oh yeah, you're from Puerto Rico

Lolbertarians and natsoc are both the top intelligence

Lolbertarians think that there is still hope, natsoc has accepted that there is none and drastic measures must be undertaken

>115+ IQ
>can't build roads for shit
Nice try ancuck.

More like

>natsoc wants eugenics done by the state
>ancap wants eugenics done by natural selection

>natsoc wants state armies removing undesirables
>ancap wants private armies removing undesirables

We libertarians are basically the smartest and least "feelz" of all the ideologies.

Feels good desu

What if the undesirables pay the private armies or form their own and attempt to remove you?

in ancap Bezos Prime has already bought your mother and your children to use as sex slaves

he owns their DNA so he just keeps cloning off copies of your children to add to his harem just to piss you off

>>ancap wants private armies removing undesirables
And you don't see a problem here?
The richest people in America right now are hollywood liberals, you know that; right? Would you really be okay with them hiring mercenaries to kill you, take your shit, and redistribute it to the poor as part of their grand communist scheme? Because that's what would happen if people were allowed to have private armies.

>Highest IQ
>graph made and posted by AnCap

You guys have your heads so far up your own asses. Your ideology would probably be more destructive to society than Communism if there were enough fools to get it going.

They can't. Undesirables are dumb and can't make money by themselves. They just die of starvation, AIDS and of doing drugs

natsoc is very close to communism ideologically

how anyone can consider it "redpilled" is absurd

It's never existed, and it never will.

No, the Grand White Conservative Private Army (TM) would win easily

LMAO. Retarded ancap thinks pleb kekistanis are in the 100-120 IQ range and that ancaps are somehow even above that. Ancaps are even more retarded than I had previously thought. This new adjustment puts ancaps in the 75-90 IQ range.

Ah, I remember being a teenager as well.
>tfw too intelligent

its close

It does have a basis in reality, it would be the tribalistic brutal apocalyptic society that would continue on after the fall of the state, industrial capacity and rule of law.

Ancap is a meme, that if it ever became reality would be hell.

Natsoc is clearly the best setup for a society.

Try and get it, that's the point.

>implying physical capital is the only way to measure the quality of a society
Hey ancap, deregulation isn't the solution to everything. If you lose your job, but none of your very wealthy neighbors is willing to take care of you, how prosperous is your society really? Social capital and group cohesion are equally (if not more) important.

tree huggers = 600 iq

But what if they have the support of a private or a state entity.

you cannot say no because he keeps buying all the food stores within 5 miles radius of you wherever you go and explicitly denies you service

>Be me
>Be autistic
>Have an IQ of 144
>Know that AnCap is retarded
Great thread user, great thread
Good day

There should be a minarchist flag.

Can confirm, 130 IQ here.
I'm also half black.
Nazi flags won't believe this.


Bullshit. Libertarianism is just privatized communism. Stop lying.

Did you know plants can feel pain?

>mfw fucking idiots span the whole spectrum.

Ancap here (mobile poster while out of town). The chart is all wrong. It should be all ideologies overlaid upon each other. Utter fuckwits exist on all sides, same with geniuses. Ideology tends to drown out intelligence, because "I'm right, you're wrong, faggot"

Ancaps are literally
>tfw to smart the political movement.
You dont take our site form now and for ever you will be breed out and or killed

>former anarchist
>current anarchist


Very unpredicable, but okey. Bare in mind that the average normie really is a lemmywho'll follow what is acceptable, and will bow to whoever is feeding them.

I honestly think it would work in remote and small communities in Alaska, Siberia, and maybe some Islands in the pacific. As long as they're not Aricans or Abos.

It just really isn't going to catch on within a civilisation of normies who're already living ''comfy'' lives.

What do you think about people like me who don't give a fuck about NAZI, Anarchist, Capitalist and others shit.

Adolf did right.
You love trannies.
You don't give a fuck about women
You need the enough money for learn, eat, smoke and sleep.

yeah, so?

He was too stoopid to be An-Cap, so he turned into ancom

>large masses of individuals don't naturally cluster into self-interested groups
Get out.

>having a group interest is failing because white people are tired of minority groups being sucked off

Jesus I fucking hate civic nationalists

Shhh don't tell him.

meh, sounds like ancapism leads people towards communism.

he begins to buy all the air in your city and charges you and only you 1000x what you are earning just to breathe it. he forces all your friends to disown you or he will turn off their air supply

>who'll follow what is acceptable
There's no CNN where we are going

They will get what they ask for when WWIII happens or when Yellowstone erupts.

You really think ancap is the smartest? I don't care for Nazism but I realize that the most resilient society is a traditional one that values the collective more than the individual. Ancap is a meme because humans will be content without needing degeneracy or McNukes.

>he thinks federal serve toilet paper will be worth anything
top kek

Okey, so you've come face to face with some woman, and you want to claim her as property just by your own words...

How is this any diferent from her coming over to you and going the same thing? Their is no sky fairy, entity, or state that says anyone is property. And ther certainly isn't one saying that one is property just because she's a woman because their is no one around to force traditionalism on anyone.


how can you assume that a message board would have an average IQ distribution ? how are people with less then a 60 iq able to get here and post ideas ?


How about taking pride in your home country and don't LARP like a faggot with a meme flag?

Well, ther isn't a state, that's for sure. But ther will always be influencial people, businesses, and other entities around.

People will still be sucking up to Steve Jobs, Hollywood, and the new Google iColon+ that is to be installed into them as buttpulgs.

Secondly, you'd have to acheive AnCap in the first place.

Most people with successful careers in academia, innovation and creative industries are leftist. Hence, it's a fact that within the top percentile, leftists are more intelligent.

Sup Forums can whine and flail as much as they like, but they cannot change facts. Conservatism is the ideology of the ignorant average joe who is incapable of seeing the bigger picture and plan for future generations.

That said, there's a huge bloc of stupid leftists on the lower end of the IQ spectrum in USA specifically, occupied by you know who.

>muh roads meme

Fucking kill yourself. private businesses would happily provide roads for cheaper than the government does, and better quality. Where there is demand, the need is fulfilled you braindead commie

Perhaps he figured out how to trick the system, by being ancom he can take all the property of ancaps?

Any small-government movement is automatically sub-70 IQ because to be minarchist, libertarian, or anarchist is to fundamentally not understand modern social contract theory, modern theory of justice, or just the logical fact that without a big state to unify a people, they will always be preyed upon by people who ARE represented by a big state.

The Soviets crushed Germany despite Russia being a Commie hellhole. Why? Because it doesn't matter if your enemies are slaves to a state and you are totally free. They will win if they outnumber you, and their slavery ensures they will outnumber you. Always.

So we can disregard most of Sup Forums as morons when we disregard the minimalist government meme.

Let's look at the other end of the spectrum: Socialism, Communism, etc also fails to account for modern theory of justice and social cohesion. People chafe under government control, so we can never achieve true Socialism or Communism because the restrictions on freedoms become too massive to tolerate for most people. So those are out.

That leaves the modern mainstream political ideologies, unsurprisingly. I mean, how could we arrive at any other outcome? Billions of people have spoken: Social Democracy is the best political alignment.

Everyone agrees the government should stay out of private business.
Everyone agrees the government should guarantee basic life, liberty and happiness.
Almost everyone agrees that democracy is the best way to select a government.

The only political ideology that enables a democratically elected government big enough to provide a social safety net for people but not intrusive on individual liberties is Social Democracy.

Not Democratic Socialism. Social Democracy.

Problem solved. Be a Social Democrat or be wrong.
Most of you already are Social Democrats. You just don't realize it.

is this an arguement for NASOC instead of ancap ?

how can i take pride in my country when its filled with collectivists and identitaryans

Looks good to me, mate

>Getting triggered over a meme
Close this tab.

Problem with a lot of 'acedemia' is that they think the average normnie is intelligent as them. Secondly, a lot of them have not had much life experience other than middle class home, school, university, and then silicon valley.

Not to mention that a lot of modern 'acedemia' is pseudo bullshit anyway.

Yea I tend to agree, the low IQ leftists are just in it to virtue signal and feel good, while the higher IQ leftists know the repercussions of their policies and have a utopia that they are striving for.

Social contract theory is absolute rubbish.

>Not Democratic Socialism. Social Democracy.

Stopped reading there.

This is untrue.
Otherwise it would happen.
At any time.
We have had millions of opportunities for private companies to rise to fill these roles and they never do.
Every state in the US takes bids for road work, looking for the cheapest but highest quality work.
Every fucking state has shitty roads because nobody wants to do the job or do it right.

It's a constant issue for 50+ years now:
>Our roads suck! Fix them!
>Ok, we'll take bids. Who can provide us with the best cost vs value?
>*One or two companies step up, one gets hired, they do a meh job like all the rest*
>*cycle repeats forever*

This is just one example. You can spend all day going over every single instance in which the "free market" has utterly failed.