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>jewish police


Do the police just not care about a neutral appearance or not showing group affiliation? That's the entire reason they're wearing a fucking uniform.

>Could YOU be a West Yorkshire Police Officer?
>$22,896 per year
Nope. Only someone sub 85 IQ would willingly do so.


That's racist and Islamophobic.


>stop right there user! you are under arrest for suspected possession of a butter knife. get on the ground and wait right here for mr. mohammed to come and search you. allah akbar!!

Only white British refugees, Muhammad.

If they did, do you think they'd make the person brown too? Just like in most EU countries, they either don't care, or are to scared of the consequences to do anything about it.

>what could go wrong

No wonder their police don't give a shit about their Benny Hill police state.

Literally not paid enough to care about their shitty jobs.

>only NVQ 3
Christ almighty.
Can you do algebra? Right-o, here's a uniform and billyclub, now go uphold the foundations of society.

Their twitter banner is about forced marriage.

Nothing wrong with a brown woman being a police officer, but what if I'm in some conflict with a Muslim and this turban wearing cunt shows up to write up my report? You can be pretty sure I get fucked over.

There was a big debate about this in NL when some Amsterdam cop decided to wear a hijab for a day recently but we decided not to allow it for that exact reason.


Isn't 23K pounds lower middle class at best?

I'm from West Yorkshire. £22,896 is a lot of money per annum; the average wage (in the county) is £18,000 and the average wage, from my city, is £16,000.

>4 days off

but I have 7 days off now

Nah, that's pretty much average.

Uni graduates earn like 25-30k

Where tha fuck is this from?

How do you earn money

What the fuck? Isn't rent like 2500 for the cheapest 1 bedrooms?


Why do you guys so against hijab?

If you strive only to be "slightly better off than the average" you might not be white.

With even a modicum of agency it's easy enough to make over 40k p/a almost regardless of where you are in the western world.

Yes, I can tell by the uniform.

Movie called Riot

This. I love hijabs. It legally allows you to fight back against hijab'd officers in self-defense if they refuse to remove it.

no... are you retarded? it's like 600-700 in cheaper cities and 1000-1200 in London.

I like the concept of freedom of religion, which is extremely easy to abuse.

>2 earliers, 2 lates, 2 nights, 4 days off
That averages out to around 30 hours a week at most assuming it's 8 hours shifts but even then it'll probably be less than that for a woman. I'd say £23k/yr and rising is pretty fucking decent in West Yorkshire for basically a high school education job. It's higher than average.

I have a level 3 NVQ.
Should I apply?
Or am I too white?

If you strive to only be slightly better than average you are not white.

I never said I don't strive. My wage is £21,350 a year.


kill all mobile posters

23k GBP = $400,000 AUD per year

I literally can't wait until they hire a female muzzie as a police officer.

The first muslim men she pulled over would beat her to death and rape her.

brb, cooking popcorn

My point about the skin tone was to clarify that native British males are white. That is the only significance of that statement. However, in conjunction with the hijab, this can suggest official leniency/acceptance of an invasive population which harms the prosperity and lives of the native people. That's what I dislike.

It makes me question how much respect I should have for a country when they don't respect their own people.

I've only really looked in london and close to it, but the only things at less than 2500 I could find were shared accommodation deals (in particular, shared kitchen and shared bathrooms). Do you have any links for cheaper shit in london (hopefully not in the middle of a shariah zone)?

If you knew what West Yorkshire was like then you'd know why they have that poster

What is that worth relative to Canadian gold reserves?

I imagine you won't take up this job offer then.

The hijab represents the oppression of women. In Islamic societies, a woman not wearing a hijab is thought to be inviting rape on herself. It is something that is usually forced on women in Islamic culture.

Some women might like and choose to wear it but many others don't like it but have to wear it because of religious and cultural expectations. Any more questions?

London is objectively the worst place in England, why bother

I have a L70k job offer there.

South and West are 2 different things.

Whats the Movie?

what is the movie of this?


Can't wait for them to totally infiltrate the police, military and parliament. They'll totally fight terrorism, then. What a bright future Britain has!

>I literally can't wait until they hire a female muzzie as a police officer.

user, I.........

Cheers cunt.

They already have many muslim police chiefs and mayors. England is fucked.

England is lost, it's time to retreat to AU/NZ get citizenry and vote conservatively.

Let the world learn from England's mistakes.

I tell this to all women who are arguing about joining the military.

I tell them that if I was attacked by a female soldier, or a group of them, that I would definitely """demoralize""" them

>The hijab represents the oppression of women
>falling for this meme
Most of the Middle East and North Africa are fair skin, especially when compared to individuals from regions further south. In all likelihood, an average Syrian or Lebanese person could be confused with an Italian or Greek individual based on complexion alone. If a society covertly values retaining their paler skin, especially on their females, of course their culture would value women covering up to prevent skin damage and darkening.

"We will stone you to death for your own good, skin care is very important to the Islamic doctrine."

Succinctly put, professor.

Here's a radical thought - use some common sense to determine how certain societal trends started in the first place. Are you really surprised that fair skin people who lived closer to the equator than people in Europe decided to protect themselves from the sun? The fact that this has to be spelled out for anyone is astonishing.

And, next time, try not to compare capital punishment to personal hygiene.

Do you honestly not understand what oppression is?

It's one thing to say "put on a hat in the sun", it's another thing to say "take off this hat and I will fucking murder you".

The origin of the practice isn't what's in contention here you spastic cunt.


Just how fucking dense are you? During a public health crisis, a government absolutely has the right to instate martial law. What are you, some sort of fucking anti-fa faggot?

Here's an idea - take a few million people from Germany and stick them closer to the equator. After the first generation grows older, come back and tell me what percentage of the population is now suffering from some sort of skin disorder. Bear in mind, there was no such thing as "sunscreen" in the past.

I actually plan on doing that. I hope you guys take me.

>During a public health crisis, a government absolutely has the right to instate martial law.
So is Islam a religion or a form of government? Oh right - it's both! There's this concept of separation of state and church so you don't end up with moral decision forming public policy to the extent it is ok to kill someone for not wearing a headscarf. There was once a country where this was a founding principle (I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Syria).

>Here's an idea - take a few million people from Germany and stick them closer to the equator. After the first generation grows older, come back and tell me what percentage of the population is now suffering from some sort of skin disorder.
What percentage of that population do you think will be in favor of murdering people who don't conform to the state policy on skin care?

>be me
>muhammad as fuck
>force all 3 of my wives (at least the 18+ ones) to become police officers
>i can kidnap and rape as many british girls as i want and my wives will throw the police off the trail to protect me

As expected, you are an anti-fa. Moreover, you also appear to be a SJW, since you are apparently championing women's rights and arguing against their "oppression" and using the hijab as an example. Which, begs the question, what, exactly, are you doing here?

If you want to make a criticism of Islam as a religion or as a system of governance, feel free, but, if you're going to do it from a faulty perspective (oppression of women) you're just going to make yourself look like a dumbass for not understand the societal roots of the trend. Hijabs have absolutely nothing to do with oppressing women and everything to do with the prevention of skin disease.


I found this instead

What a disgusting country. This shit is encouraged by british politicians and police.

Come back and save this country, king Edward.



>recruit Muslim officers so you can actually police in the Islamic no-go areas
>Muslim officers have links to the Muslims in the area because everyone is married to each others 1st cousins
>Muslim officers ignore Muslim corruption, sexual assault, violence, drugs and gang activity
>Muslim officers actively push to punish anti-Islam viewpoints including those within the police force itself
>"Hey this works"
>More Muslims join the police force
>Elite whites who have no idea what is really going on are happy with the "diversity"

And so the cycle continues

we are a joke

A lot less after taxes. Look along the tube lines and get a place that makes commuting easier.

West and South Yorkshire (Historically both West Riding), are full of inbred Paki shithole enclaves, and some of the most incompetent, negligent police in the country.

Not really. Both South and West are historically part of West Riding of Yorkshire, and both had a fuck tonne of South Asians settled in them by our govt after the war in an obvious effort to seed demographic replacement.

>A lot less after taxes
Yup, but it's still equivalent to what I'm making right now (we also have outrageous taxes, but our money is a joke, on top of that). I'll see if I can find something cheaper along the tube, hopefully not half an hour from my future workplace.

>arguing against actual oppression makes you an SJW
cool story bro

I'll afford you one more chance to justify how stripping individual freedoms isn't oppression, though given your previous posts I'm expecting less than a coherent response.

it would be nice where you are from, especially considering the importance of geography to this conversation
>fucking flags

>(((Oppression )))
Whores deserve to be put in their place

I've already made it clear that the hijab is not an example of a government oppressing women. Rather, it's a societal choice to protect fair skin while also preventing skin disease. And, if a government decides that it's a public health concern and uses martial law to protect its citizens, then so be it.

Try taking MUH SOGGY KNEE arguments elsewhere and stick to legitimate criticisms of Islam next time. You're not going to pick up any femanons on Sup Forums by shilling SJW and anti-fa narratives.

muslims are only 4% of the english population
why is that woman on the poster a muslim?

You should see Government funded TV in Australia. It's like Pokemon.
>Gotta collect them all

It's like you're not even trying to convince me. If the US government said tomorrow, you must wear SPF30+ sunscreen at all times while outside, this would be a perfectly acceptable use of power to you, completely inane.

>Rather, it's a societal choice to protect fair skin while also preventing skin disease.
Put aside the fact that a compelled action is inherently oppressive which you don't seem to understand, why do they have to wear them at night if it's about protecting their skin?

that was great enrichment she got, looks like she really liked that sandnigger seed pumping into her womb.

I used to believe that people who say they hate Islam because of MUH SOGGY KNEE used those arguments just to make Islamophobia more mainstream. However, it's dawning on me that they're actually just another flavor of SJWs.

It's hillarious when muslim cunts say
>I feel safer in my oppression garb
>I choo choo choose it
Yeah, safer from all the muslim men that will rape at the first sight of a little ankle

Can you put me in touch? I am looking to hire IT specialists, preferably brothers.

Never mind the fact that the reemergence of this "free choice" was caused by strict Islamic government legislation during the '70s.

There's a reason I'm hiding my flag user-kun. Sup Forums is literally incapable of conversation any other way. After all, who cares about the content of posts? All that matters is ebin maymay and being able to track people across posts! t. Sup Forums

14 year kid on pol:

> The jews did dizz!!

Fucking losers, learn from history and geography. Around the world muslims are silently subverting everything.

You presented literally no argument against the strawman you presented regarding da joos (surprisingly your posts was the first even mentioning them) and you also presented no argument to back up your assertion(no, "read a book" isn't an argument sweetie).

In short, the flag suits you mate.

Says the "shitposter" straya who lives only on the sheep-mentality reputation of his flag and for him flag and ancestors come before logic. Fuck off you faggot. Actually kill yourself for being a dumb retard

For a nice neighbourhood in London

Your argument falls apart given the fact that the blackest of African muslim females in Somalia for example also are forced to wear the hijab. And if it was really a light skin in equatorial regions condition, why does the practice only apply to females. Next you'll be telling me that female genital mutilation being practised in muslim countries is empowering to muslim women.

Lets promote hiring muslim police to patrol jewish neighborhoods, its the only way to really celebrate diversity.

>Says the "shitposter" straya who lives only on the sheep-mentality reputation of his flag and for him flag and ancestors come before logic.
Somewhat ironic that you would ignore the central point of my post and attack my flag while complaining about that very thing.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

The quran explicitly states that women must cover themselves to protect modesty ie to not be raped, you fucking spastic. It has nothing to do with fucking skin conditions. Tell me you're trolling.

Not real Islam.

There's still a few Pakis in Rotherham looking to leave the country I bet.

>two earlies
xD why you talk like that?

Iss 2 appeal 2 da hip muslima minorities innit bruv?

Who cares? Women deserve to be treated that way