tl;dr approx. 40% of Icelandic dna is IRISH
tl;dr approx. 40% of Icelandic dna is IRISH
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Does it say how we got there?
Rape slaves was it?
Since approx 1/4 of it comes from men, no.
You obviously didn't read.
>The study showed that between 20 and 25 per cent of Icelandic founding males had Gaelic ancestry
>The mitocondrial work showed that about half of Iceland's founding females were of Gaelic ancestry.
>"It is not inconceivable that the men who had come over from Scandinavia and lived for a time in the British Isles would have taken wives and then travelled to Iceland," he added.
Some Gaelic men could have travelled with them, he said, people who lived in or near early Norse settlements such as Dublin or Wexford.
can't read through pay walls.
Why do you pay for Soros propaganda?
I don't see a pay wall?
United Ireland and Iceland when
Just migration. Lots of Scotts and Irish moved there in early 1900s.
early 600s more like
We where in Iceland long before the Norse arrived, this is well documented
Maybe they only do the paywall for people in nice areas.
Appreciate it, a chara
Ireland is British. Ergo Iceland is British.
Just thinking, the Strongest Man in the World is Irish.
Can't blame them for taking so many rape slaves.
We're a good looking people.
ireland is Potatoish
Why would you insult Ireland, you know we are Iberian derived like you?
>One of the oldest texts composed in Ireland is the Leabhar Gabhla, the Book of Invasions. It tells a semi-mythical history of the waves of people who settled in Ireland in earliest times. It says the first settlers to arrive in Ireland were a small dark people called the Fir Bolg, followed by a magical super-race called the Tuatha de Danaan (the people of the goddess Dana).
Most interestingly, the book says that the group which then came to Ireland and fully established itself as rulers of the island were the Milesians—the sons of Mil, a soldier from Spain. Modern DNA research has actually suggested that the Irish are close genetic relatives of the people of northern Spain.
No. Long live the Kingdom
Yeah honestly Irish people look much more aryan. Too many mongrel looking Brits with African noses and brown eyes.
Dublin was established as a Saxon capital. Shocking that Icelanders would share DNA with Saxons, I know. I thought they were KANGZ too.
(Feels good to finally get to say that)
Iceland is rightful Irish clay
If you read the Sagas, this shouldn't be a surprise. when Iceland was being settled there wasn't really a limit on who could go there. Although many of the founding families were outlawed norwegians, not all of them were. Furthermore, at least during the inital founding period, it was not unusual for freed slaves to be allowed to set up their own farmsteads, and even the ones who weren't freed had living conditions that allowed them to continue their lines.
>It's based on Y-DNA
I thought it was based on autosomal dna results rather than a fucking haplogroup study
KYS faggot.
Why don't you claim niggers in central africa and turkmens as your brothers too? you share the same haplogroup at all.
That should honestly be fiarly self-evident. the Celts are black Irish who look like Colin Farrel, all the gingers and blondes were originally from scandinavia.
So ye truly be sayin' that we were Voikings an' shite, lad?
are you retarded?
in the next battle against the eternal anglo
What a behemoth
no but i'd be if i took haplogroups seriously.
have you embraced your long lost turkmen brothers yet? they're the same r1b people as you.
Look at how Irish they look
that article didn't mention haplogroups once
>The new study was an attempt to assess the origins of the male founders by looking for genetic markers in the Y chromosomes of men living in Iceland today
We wuz niggers n shiet
>Modern DNA research has actually suggested that the Irish are close genetic relatives of the people of northern Spain.
Bullshit, modern DNA says that the North Western Europeans came from Eastern Europe, but adopted cultural traits of Beaker people who were not Indo-Europeans. Basques are not Indo-European.
The similarity in DNA in Northern Spain is delimited by the borders of the Muslims. British people migrated to Northern Spain and didn't migrate into the Muslim areas.
too bad they didnt leave any good looking ones.
>vikings piss off the chief and are banished
>now wat?
>duh, have to find new land
>years on end on boats and dreary beaches prospecting for land to come
>lets stop off and get some women on our way
>good call!
your not a geneticist your just some retarded turkroach arrogantly talking about shit you have no idea about
I think historical evidence and genetic research matter more than your autistic ideas
Hahaha that one kid.
fix your own shit before coming here and bringing your shitty culture.
>your not a geneticist your just some retarded turkroach arrogantly talking about shit you have no idea about
I am way more educated about genetics than any haplogrouptard subhuman here.
and i don't give a fuck about European history. Especially Irish one. What i'm saying is that haplogroups do not determine what race/ethnicity a person belongs to, it's way more complex than what a haplogrouptard subhuman imagines.
You haplogrouptards are the cancer of our modern society and you're worse than megatron and hitler combined.
They look like they need a top-up, honestly.
delphi nord
Stop being so rude man.
> Fury from Manchester
> Irish
You sure it's not the opposite? considering vikings made cities like Dublin and conquered Ireland a few times with the likes such as Ivar the Boneless. As well as being the ones who colonized Iceland
I simply consider whites as my inferiors and treat them as such. If the poster were, say, a Persian or a naive Turk/Arab/Central Asian/Whatever, i'd be more polite.
But cumskins and their stupidity trigger me.
Let's take what's ours.
They didn't make Dublin city.
They had a few stick huts and a pig farm up the Liffey .
We have to be grateful to the Irish.
A lot of the women of the 70's/80's porn industry were Irish-American Catholic girls getting schtupped by Jewish studs like Ron Jeremy.
Now it's changed to a lot of Irish-American girls getting fucked by big black dick.
pic related: two irish sluts loving some BBC
Fury is 100% Irish Traveller, born in Manchester.
The Furys are a Galway family.
Sure you don't the the order mixed up again?
You fucking retard, his family are IRISH travellers with ancestry in Ireland
Those could probably conquer Iceland if they could fly that far. You're gonna have to make a potato carrier to refuel.
Fury is not an Irish name you fucking retard. He doesn't live in Ireland and doesn't have an Irish name.
read from wikipedia:"Tyson Luke Fury was born and raised in Wythenshawe, Manchester, England. He was born into a family of Irish Traveller heritage.[5] His paternal grandfather was from Tuam, County Galway, which is also the birthplace of his father John Fury.[6] The Furys of Galway are ultimately of Gaelic origin, deriving their present name from Ó Fiodhabhra"
"the Furys of Galway are ultimately of Gaelic origin, deriving their present name from Ó Fiodhabhra"
Iceland is FUCKED
The Furys are a very famous Irish Traveller clan, known for their music and their boxing.
Just saying, the names Fleury and Fury have different etymologies according to Norman history.
Celts are like the eternal cucks. Used to rule half of Europe, now none even speaks their language, not even the remaining Celts.
Just lmfao
Pic related
>The Irish form of the name Furey is Ó Fiodhabhra, which has an old Irish meaning of "the man with bushy eyebrows" and has also been abbreviated to Ó'Fiura. In the Annals of Loch Cé it is given as Ó Furreidh, The Annals of Ulster spells it as Forréid(h) and the Annals of the Four Masters spell it as Ó Foirréidh ("Sloinnte Gaedhael is Gah", Patrick Woulfe, Dublin 1923).
so the celts come from spain?
i've heard that before but idk
and to top it off, american women of celtic descent LOVE big black dick
nothing says "I hate cucks" like posting 2d porn on a japanese image-board
Just saying, the Normans ruled all those places, especially Ulster.
Tá an teanga fós agam, a chara.
It's the English who lost their language, now speak a hybrid of French and German and name themselves after their colonisers. Likewise, the French and Spanish now speak a derivative of Latin although 40% of modern Spanish is now Arabic.
A lot of Ireland's pre-Celtic ancestry originates from Spain
some african dudes made their way to ireland too. the indigenous irish loved the BBC and that's why you have some swarthy looking irish ppl like collin farrell
>Celts are like the eternal cucks. Used to rule half of Europe, now none even speaks their language, not even the remaining Celts.
"""Remaining Celts""" are most of Britain, Spain, France, half of Germany, USA, Canada, Australia cucked they keep fucking their women and spreading their R1b haplotype from the Pyrenees to Tasmania to the Leafistan tundra. Wow, what cucks.
Modern DNA says you're full of shite.
> The Beaker Phenomenon And The Genomic Transformation Of Northwest Europe
Back in the day, the Irish and the Spanish were both told the story by the church that the Irish were Milesians who sailed from Spain and found Ireland.
Consequently the Irish were not considered foreigners in Spain and the law decreed they should be treated as Spanish people.
During the flight of the Earls when our aristocracy abandoned Ireland, many went to Spain.
Salvadore Dali's last name was originally D'aly as his ancestor was one such earl.
I think its a myth, I've been looking into it for years and it seems to be completely fabricated from this image. It was a meme to distance Brits from the Irish in spirit.
Original Celts were actually Iberian/southern euro looking.
long before you all got cucked by muslims you moorish rapebaby
Urgh, is there anything worse than celtic people? No idea why we let them reach our colonies. Should have just quarantined them all on Greenland or something when we had the chance.
Mate, you see Celtic genes everywhere cause their woman were taken as sex slaves. Much like what happened with Slavic woman. Blame the germanics and latins for this.
Also culturally and linguistically Celts are a dead group.
Only a coward slags off another nation without showing his flag.
"inferiors" Good one kek
>no france, spain
are you retarded? serious question
ok man chill
as a black man, i find it a little easier to get laid with germanic women than celtic women.
in germanic countries, the men even beg to watch me fuck their women.
found the butthurt iberimoor who wants to feel closer to whites.
TFW 30% Irish and 0% Southern Euro feels amazing
i've seen genetic maps and the msot similar genetically speaking, to the spaniards are the irish, and then the wales people and then some english areas,even more than franks. and very little similarity to northern africans
Is that due to your own women being inferior? Thus you spread spiritual sub-humanism wherein your sons will eternally hate your daughters.
Truly a wretched creature that should be wiped from the face of the earth.
Typical new world mutt
Far more Irish heritage people speak English than Gaelic, the Brits really cucked you bad. You're the only Europeans aside from Welsh and Scottish who don't speak their native language.
Bullshit, sources please. You're more like the French, or North Africans than us.
100% mutt > .001% southern euronigger
Are you fucking retarded? Europe standardized languages, especially France and England. EVer heard of Occitan or Provencal?
we don't hate our own women. Black men have the highest testosterone and highest fertility. as alpha males, it is our duty to spread around the world and impregnate women all around.
one cumshot of a black man's semen is almost guaranteed to impregnate a woman. there was even a study showing that men with subclades of the E Y-chromosome haplogroup found in sub-saharan Africa had the highest sperm count of any Y haplogroup