Post based monuments that celebrate your nation
God Bless the South
Btw this is a monument of red army's soldiers that died in Warsaw
Monument for our redpilled national hero
>Madonna of the Trail
we give American women a lot of shit, but they used to be based as fuck, carrying the next generation to promised lands while their husbands were dying to secure a safe passage.
>fucking stoned ass
pick one
Don't be a dick
wow, that must be the prettiest thing in Georgia
Brings me pride.
Thanks doggos
>tfw no longer a nation
>tfw now a fucking leaf
>United Statesian Talking about history
Yoghurt got more culture than you fags
kek eternal leafs
Walk under this everyday in the morning close to 7 am its deserted and calm, you can actually feel the energy.
>muh Vasco
dem good boys
El Escorial bitches, all the gold was here
i think i win
>irish flag above italian building
Get Mick'd, Alfonso.
Post a pic of the cluster fuck round about in front
Newfoundland will be a Republic once more, mark my words
i don t see a problem
4229 apolis
Lusitania never froget?
That was probably taken on a Sunday morning, as you were.
Belgium shouldn't exist, Flanders is either an independent state or part of the Netherlands.
Pretty. That thing still floats right?
God Emperor Andrew Jackson
Piss of you filthy drunk child molestor. Keep those filthy Flamish mudslime infested land away from glorious Netherlands.
>Implying it isn't rightful French clay
Posting pics of monuments I've visited. I'm always searching for controversial ones and found a lot, and am on the track of some weird ones. Now that I'm in Europe I have the opportunity to see some really cool stuff.
Pic is last year, at the Branch Davidian compound (what's left, mostly the pool and a storm shelter.)
All the dead are on this wall, donated by a militia
>Any cool monuments you guys recommend for me in the UK? Weird off the radar stuff appreciated
These disgusting monuments celebrate the oppression of workers.
Hearthy jej toothpaste, I think we just settled Belgium's fate
Also, pic related is a bretty good national monument
Hail Washington. The statue depicts him as a Roman god, as he should be.
It's just a two districts in Antwerp and Brussels which are mudslime infested. East and West Flanders are based as fuck. Most of the Flemish people in 1830 didn't even want the revolution. Let us reunite the empire.
France can have Wallonia.
Tbh monuments are just interesting. I started to take an interest in them after Antifa was trying to vandalize CSA monuments in my home state, and I'm planning on writing up a little pamphlet of themed road trips memorializing forgotten history.
This one was donated by the Northeast Texas Regional Militia, iirc. The wall of names was built around it, later.
Pantheon is also nice. Although it's one of France' s landmark I always found that we didn't really deserve to steal the greco-roman vibe from Italy/Greece
Murrah Building in OKC
I've wanted to go to this one because it's so isolated and out of the way. My dream monuments are KAL 007 and John Birch's crypt, although it may have been vandalized by Chinese communists
>demolished by the commies after the war, reconstructed in 2014
>Another monument from Parliament Square. This was also demolished by the commies, but it was reconstructed in 2014
Temple of Sigmar? Pretty dope.
Welsh monument on the back side of Mount Snowdon
>Same story. Demolished after 1945, reconstructed in 2014. Also from Parliament Square.
What does the stuff on it's wrist mean?
The only Celt in human history that was brave. The rest of you Celt cucks should kill yourselves.
The school I went to is on that picture.
>Temple of Sigmar?
I don't think so, we call it capela dos ossos (bone chapel)
Done with the bones of the moors that got killed when we did the reconquista, the whole chapel is filled with bones.
Pretty bad ass, this days government would never allow something like that to be built.
This is the only statue that wasn't demolished after the war.
>solve coachella
It's telling you to go to coachella
Is Ireland invading your country too? Poetic justice after you both invaded us.
My favorite memorials and monuments are made by private people on their own land and up-kept by them. This was a shrine to the veterans of an Apache County, AZ: Some elderly veteran that lives over the hill purchased some land next to the only main road leading into the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation and built a shrine to his friends lost in the war. Over the decades people brought their own stuff, and he's kept it neat and clean the whole time. People like that are the reason I love America and miss it
That is metal as fuck. I guess I gotta briefly stop in Portugal now on my vacation.
King Alfred the Great, from my home town of Winchester
"Solve et coagula"
Great art