You don't get to suck your own cock.
You don't get to suck your own cock
It's not my cock.
>post pic of Mooch and Preibus
He said that about Bannon not Preibus you dumb faggot.
don't worry, no charge for your cock
Bannon will take care of him. No one fucks with Bannon and gets away with it.
Oh man, I never realized how badass Mooch looks
Bannon are loosing ground, he wont last..
Oh shit I'm sorry
Likely a manlet, but that stance is alpha as fuck!
>mfw I've actually heard this several time before.
Are you nervous, too?
How2hair like mooch?
why is preibus such a permacuck
check the power stance
A pound of grease and a bottle of hairspray.
He's barely taller than the door knob!
this is basically the new "said increasingly nervous man"
Confirmed manlet
Is that shopped or is he really that tiny?
Mr. Preibus, I'm CIA.
>You don't get to suck your own cock.
What does that even mean? ANd how exactly is Scaramucci going to stop him from "sucking his own cock"
I like Bannon a lot, probably more than Trump.
I've just noticed how he got side-stepped with the whole Security-council thing, and his debacle with Kushner.
he did have some success with Trumps removal from the climate-agreement, which I assume he supported.
now dat da fuckin moolie finally outta da house we can finally get sum fukn gobbuhgoool
Member when everyone said kushner was in charge now and Bannon was going to be pushed out? I member. Bannons not going anywhere
Really? The new Com director just talked about him sucking his own dick. He's obviously not afraid of the consequences of saying that. Bannon is probably on the way out.