I have come to truly hate women. They're generally either "hot" brainless feminist sluts spewing pure degeneracy or based conservative chicks who act like grandmas in their 20s and are usually fat and ugly af, and just as insufferable. Im not quite ready for the MGTOW autism and I do wanna contribute a family of civilized and intellectual white people to the world, but I just don't see any hope for our women.
I have come to truly hate women...
try russian girls.
I feel the same, I went to a couple of churches and the few women that are there are ugly and act like they are grandmothers. And women who lean left very much repel me...bleh
Even if lefty women are pretty they just spew regurgitated retardation.
Miley Cyrus on toning down her image: 'I did feel sexualized'
The singer says she grew tired of being ‘expected’ to dress and act wild
nice politics-related thread
Maybe it's your state at least, or maybe your uni?
Most women are kind of inbetween what you're talking about. In fact, the most degenerate ones are the 5-6/10s trying to get as much attention as the 8-9/10s.
Of ocurse, if you're also going to judge women by taking a trip to your local high street on a saturday night, then yesh, you're going to come across the drunken thots by mass.
I'd say that western women in general today aren't ''feminist sluts spewing pure degeneracy'', but more ''meh alright...''. Still not marriage material though, and should certainly improve. The current west isn't the best place to raise your daughters though.
Most feminists are mingers lad.
lol. please don't cuck yourself THAT badly, my dude.
>I do wanna contribute a family of civilized and intellectual white people to the world
don't lie about what you want
>women repel me
sounds a lot like something a fag would say
>these women aren't good enough for me
you're going to die, be lost and forgotten like everybody else. what is your worth?
Don't hate them personally, but I did have to come to terms that I will probably meet very few women from the ca. age 20 I'll genuindly respect. But I guess you have to keep trying and if they dissapoint you'll have to start viewing them as a useable.
Feminism has always been cancer user. Most women have already been told to embrace their sexual freedom and defy gender roles, MGTOW is the true redpill.
>Jeez I hate women, they're either degenerated or they're not
Most women are just grown up children, user.
Feminism has always been cancer, yes, and it's only drivel their own lives into misery, and everyone else's.
Women should be brought up properly, and not shoved into office jobs.
Take a hot woman and redpill her progressively
Once you go full MGTOW, it's like getting your life back.
Honestly, which is more autistic? Fretting about finding a girl who isn't a morally bankrupt piece of shit that's in to you, and worrying over how your life will be a disaster if you don't find this unicorn? Or saying "fuck it" and taking better care of yourself, spending your money on yourself and your friends, doing things you enjoy?
Just accept that there's no reason for a man to get married in this day and age. On the bright side, there are plenty of worldly pleasures for you to enjoy. Read books, play vidya, learn origami.
>but muh white birthrate
This is a liberal feminist meme designed to make men subservient to women. Birthrates don't matter. Population size doesn't matter. If it did, then the Jews wouldn't have most of the world's wealth, and Africa would have colonized Europe. Population size does not matter. Education does.
Your average american is an idiot, that goes for both men and women.
>tfw no qt3.14 18-year-old grandma wife
I just want to come home from a day of work and relax playing my favorite vidya while she cutely knits nearby.
okay, grandpa
It's really hilarious just how obvious her career has been.
Everyone predicted she would go on a drug-fuelled degeneracy spiral. Then everyone predicted she would get "clean", expecting everyone to take her seriously and pretend that she's not a worthless whore.
I fucking love it when sluts hit rock bottom and try to climb out. The look on their face when they realize that actions have consequences, the stunned realization that men don't want to marry a whore, the soul-crushing epiphany that they drank and fucked away any chance they had at a happy life... it's wonderful.
I do feel bad for them though, it's not their fault that feminists lied and said that it's OK to fuck everything you meet and that nice guys will still line up to date you when you want marriage.
I hear that, something switched in my head and I find them insufferable lately. All the shit I used to find cute or endearing just pisses me off anymore, I don't really like it.
That being said, my life is significantly more fun now that I have hobbies aside from chasing bitchy skirts so I'm good on my own for the moment.
Stay away. Like seriously. They are dumb as a bag of rusty hammers mixed in with rocks. They are (probably) fine if you wanna reproduce (however good luck finding a girl who hasn't been on cock munching spree since 15), but finding a female companion is nigh impossible.
>Going to the opera
I mean come on lad she would screw you for every penny you had
Is say close to 50% of Americans under 30 have a tattoo.
They're trashy as fuck. Especially on a beautiful woman, totally ruins her look.
Ironically they're usually uneducated, or just an idiot in general.
They may wear square glasses/beard to make up for their mental deficiencies.
I just started dating after a long time, and its like I adopted a child.
constant babysitting her. making sure all her needyness is met, make sure she is entertained, managing the moods.
fuck this.
Don't marry for looks. Don't marry for money.
Marry for loyalty.
>based conservative chicks who act like grandmas in their 20s
There's nothing wrong with that.
>and are usually fat and ugly af
Sadly, yes.
You can't marry children in the west, lad.
>My Horse
Women with horses are fucking crazy. Not to mention horses are expensive as fuck so you already have to pay out the ass for this chick and a horse. Just pray she doesn't have sex with it also.
what about belarusian girls?
Jana is proof pure virgins still exist in the west today, as are her faithful sisters.
If we move back towards being a Christian nation, wholesome women will become a normal part of society again.
>but finding a female companion is nigh impossible.
Nah you're just a turbovirgin. It's extremely easy compared to the West and the women are infinitely better in every way.
t. Lived in Europe and USA for 14 years
>not ready for MGTOW autism
then why are you here ?
You clearly are a dead-end. kys.
I have my doubts but it would be nice if that happened bro.
Fuck if I know. I would guess they would do anything for money since they have it pretty rough economy-wise.
Oh, is she ready to settle with you now, user? She's finally ready? Good luck scrubbing 20 years of cum out of her gaping cave of a vag.
It's ok OP we knew for a long time, welcome to the club.
>sluts hit rock bottom and try to climb out.
most women hide their past
they can't hide the thousand cock stare resting bitch face though
>I have my doubts
The only conservative girls I know basically know they're wife material and are even worse than degenerates at being picky
most Russian girls have dick-breath
Apply the same standards to yourself and realize that you're a porn watching little boy
I've run into some decent somewhat conservative women with a head on their shoulders, but since I'm in Massachusetts, second only to California in liberal lunacy, they're a rarity.
That said, I haven't given up, got back to the gym after almost 4 months this week, and school's going well.
Holding out hope for that unicorn, but I dunno, if push comes to shove I may end up having to move to find a partner that's not crazy.
Girls LARP in real life as what they want to become. They are usually bored with this lifestyle with the first chad they see. It never lasts, especially when she is so pretty.
Hot af
>Insanely less thrifty than average
>Fucking Wes Anderson movies as favorites
Red flags
Not of them but that people in general will be wholesome families again. I hope you find a Christ qt.
Dominate and conquer the means of reproduction immediately!!! Take back your women from the fucking dindu hoards
>womyn define my worth
>based conservative chicks who act like grandmas in their 20s and are usually fat and ugly af
Are you retarded? Conservatives are objectively more attractive than liberals. There are actual studies that prove this.
Google it yourself.
feminism is a sexist supremacy ideology
egalitarianism is not feminism
Society as a whole started to fall away from Christ in the 1920's.
I think I can say for certain that the last 30 to 50 years have been lived by most in an extremely un-Christian way.
We don't know what it's like to live in a country where Christian morals stills serve as the foundation for our morals.
The people around us while claiming to be Christians fall short of God's glory.
It's time for the youth of our generation to turn to Christ.
I hope I find a Christian qt as well.
>They're generally either "hot" brainless feminist sluts
HaHa funny user, there is no such animal.
Try reversing you descriptions.
>Even if lefty women are pretty
You need help user
Hating women because they won't bang you is pretty autistic
Try again
I need sauce, who dat qt on the right?
Try again
These are from 19 Kids And Counting
>women are disgusting vapid, shallow low intelligent whores, nation wreckers and notorious race traitors
news at 12
I am a 30 year old wizard. The older you get the more you realize a decent woman is like a winning lottery ticket, sure they exist, but they are extremely rare.
I have never been kissed either.
the trick is to spank them hard over your knee,you need to learn how to beat your wife
the mudshits have a point on this issue
Lefty women are hot af
Yeah just did some digging myself, which one is the one right tho? She has one of those looks that make my dick diamonds despite being a 7 objectively speaking.
Even the Christian women are fucked up user. I tried the churches in my 20s. It is probably a lot worse now.
you are not alone user. we are many
What is it like to be a 30 yo virgin?
Are you filled with resentment or does it fade away over time? Do you still feel biological urges towards women or are they just like alien creatures?
Maybe if you have such low IQ that you can't dominate her otherwise Ahmed. Spanking during sex is kosher though.
Yep went on tinder full of crazy horse bitches
Psst, your insecurity is showing.
Jill Duggar I guess
OP you sound like a slimy faggot.
By "MGTOW autism" you mean you get your dick out of your hand and climb out of your parents basement?
>OP is a sticky, fat neckbeard with no social skill
>Doesn't know how to talk to women(or anyone that's not on an internet forum) without coming off as super creepy
>"Stupid whore sluts!! All women are terrible! That why they don't like me!!!"
>cries while tipping fedora
Shower once a day
Get healthier
Dress well
Work on your social skills
Above all, stop being a faggot.
Not even this would help him, as the man from Mitch & Murray said, a loser is a loser.
He might as well go hang out in a men's room at a Jeffrey Dahmer bar and load up on roofies, his gaping bloody dicknot filled asshole will he touches wincingly in the morning will be the closest he comes to feeling a propery smashed pussyhole. And he'll have AIDs so we can throw trash at him and play Auschwitz Sonderkommando, picking up his gold watch when it falls off because he is skinny from having AIDS I think all holocaust corpses had AIDs.
I am really good friends with a hot Belarusian chick who is conservative and hates liberalism and isn't a slut
You get increasingly resentful throughout your late 20's, but later gain a peace and clarity starting at 29. You realize that even if you were to get a woman you desired to reciprocate, you would be unable to keep her since your own relationship experience is lacking as well as how women are wired (despise any sort of weakness or anyone who wants to disengage from clown world).
You also greatly stop desiring material things. I used to be a major gamer, now I am just focused on finishing my backlog. I do not own any contemporary consoles aside from the 3DS.
I am now figuring out what to do with my life considering I likely will never be with a woman I love and how entertainment no longer gives me the escape it used to (I have watched barely any TV for years, and my vidya is mostly playing stuffing going back at least ten years).
The Bible is wrong on this: The meek shall perish from the earth, not inherit it.
they're literally the biggest whores in the world.
I Hate women but I need to have myself some white children. It's about disciplining them. At the core, women are like children who need discipline. It's not hard. Make it clear they are there by chance, and they don't mean enough to keep around if they act out of line.
Not changing a woman is literally soyboy beta tier
Try surrogacy
Additionally I'm not sure about other Christian churches but at least in Pope Francis' church the young girls and young members of my parish in general seem to be completely brainwashed by the Pope's liberation theology crap and now want everything from a living wage tied to inflation to increasing my country's yearly refugee intake quota.
So you two are right that going to a church isn't a guaranteed way to find someone who is wife material.
Why post a reply if you're going to ignore every point made?
It hurts user. It really does. That was a bitter blackpill to swallow that even the Churches have fallen.
Women have been conditioned to be mentally weak and subservient.
They have to continue to be dragged along by men into the future, until they can be conditioned to function on the same cognitive level as men.
That will only BEGIN to come about when we conform to the same attire; which is designed solely for logical functionary purposes and not as a primitive and pathetic means to attract the opposite sex.
American women are shit...
Media brainwashed them too hard now they're just retarded.
you guys haven't figured out women are merely holes yet?
Ahh I see you found my catfish account made for gathering data on Sup Forumsacks. It's funny how easy it is to gather names, addresses and phone numbers this way.
Guess I'll have to make another one now, shucks.
hahaha, fucking kill yourselves already
Well there's your problem!
You're a catholic!
That will only BEGIN to come about when we conform to the same attire; which is designed solely for logical functionary purposes and not as a primitive and pathetic means to attract the opposite sex.
kindly elaborate please user if you care to?
You can't even trust digital white women anymore.
I prefer to think of them as walking axe wounds
although not the legendary nurses who saved my life last year
Can't quite reconcile the cognitive dissonance so chalking it up as satire in my head for now
you hate WESTERN women
visit russia, poland, belarus etc, then decide