Saviors of Europe - Russia

These shitslavs are saviors of Europe according to Sup Forums LOOL

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That tat of jossie looks shopped.

Was thinking the same shit

Yeah but that dude isn't posting hashtags on twitter calling for trannies in the military, is he? In fact, he could probably break your neck with a single touch. The lady, too.

Where's muh tracksuit

Woman is Ukrainian - writing on her back says donbass.

>wow 2 people that look bad in a country with 280 million people

wtf i hate russia now

the majority of russia looks like this, very poor, their gdp per capita is almost as low as Romania and Bulgaria "superpower" my ass lol they are lucky they have gas

Russia, the nation of Asiatic mongolids, the saviour of the white race?

>turk rape baby
But it's true. I don't know where this meme came from. Russia doesn't want to save Europe, nobody actually cares about it.

looks like the average american family

That's their strength, they are savages, the savagery of the poor is very dangerous because you can expect no mercy or fair play, they'll even drink a bottle of vodka to make them superhuman

But yes Russia desperately needs to get their act together and the sanctions won't be helping them at that

that's what nu pol says

any real polster knows that russians are Asian rape babies

>country with 280 million people
American education strikes again.

you have obviously never been to east europe my half turkish friend



okay chang

meme is shit shareblue

>the left can't meme

>says meme flag man
Take it off faggot.

>the sanctions won't be helping them at that
On the contrary. Sanctions and low oil prices forces Russia to reform.

Shill threads are so basic bitch these days.


>that pic
Now go and learn some history, you ignorant amerishart.
Russians didn't want no communism. Bolsheviks were predominately jewish and your country along with anglos prepared and financed them. During the WW1, using all kinds of minorities and foreign merceneries like latvians, hungarians and chinks, plus the allied intervention that actually helped them, they took over Russia. Most Russians actually fought for the Whites.
So fuck you amerigoy.

>your country along with anglos prepared and financed them
stop lying, every bourgeosie state hated the bolsheviks and they send 10+ armies to fight them , only Germany supported Lenin in the SHORT RUN because they thought disorder in Russia would end the eastern front shorter which it did, in the LONG RUN in their own country the German Bourgeouie shot the spartakists and other red rebel groups, so your wrong here pal

how 'bout this?

As fucked up as Russia and Eastern Europe is, I have a lot of respect for Slavs. The shit Russian and Eastern Europe have been through over the past 100 years has made them strong.

Who the fuck else is going to save your worthless asses? America is tired of riding in to save the day, we're just gonna arm the Poles to the teeth and let nature take it's course.

why do slavs like the confederate flag so much? what does it even mean to them?

>Ron Slavson

This meme would be better if you used the Russian imperial flag on the first one rather than their post soviet flag you uneducated faggot

Oh, thank you, greece-monkey.

average russians


Putin is Pinya.

How about ths?

Trudeau is either really skinny or he has some actually decent lats. low insertions too, he should get into working out more but I guess the ladies love a slender man