Why do you faggots hate us (black people)?

Why do you faggots hate us (black people)?

Pic related.

>stink like wet dog

That about clear it up?

How much time ya got

Because if you had any intelligence, you'd think to yourself, "These people are offensive. Why don't I just use a media board that doesn't offend me?"
Seriously, though. You're just setting yourself up to get offended.

>12% of population
>70% of homicides
...I have no idea.

So are whites
So are whites
So are whites
So are whites
>stink like wet dog
So are whites

pic related OP

He means at much higher rates, you fucking mongrel.

The difference is that we can prove that you're incorrect using US crime rates, statistics, graphs, and charts.
And you're too autistic to comprehend our arguments even if we did.

Did you copypaste that? Because the last one makes no sense.
Because of that, "Lazy" should be added.

Dumb as a box of rocks.
Stink to high heaven.
Unwed mothers & Dead-Beat Dads.
Sky-High Crime Rates
Emotionally Underdeveloped
Muh Dick.

Do you really have to ask Joao?


Country ruiner apes.
Niggers are not compatible with civilization.

>just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should

We had a Utopia almost free of crime once.


I don't hate a person for being black. I hate black culture and people who identify with it. Black culture is a pox.

Because niggers destroy everything they come in contact with.

But we are white op

Sup Forums newbie confirmed. It's pretty obvious that Sup Forums is just a front to protect the true Sup Forums from white supremacists. If you reply to this thread with "sage" in the Options field, it actually brings you to the real Sup Forums board where we resist Trump and have been leaking documents against him this whole time.

You steal our women nigger.


Funny way to use their MtFm vag hair balls after ice cream scooping them out, but whatever floats their boat.

>But we are white op

Beta fag detected. Most white women hate niggers, but you wouldn't know that would you?

Well you guys kill each other in droves every single day, so I'd actually ask why you hate each other so much?



You don't just flat out say that you are insecure about your race and don't do anything about it other than whine and cry about how hard life is.

I saw you post this exact same shit yesterday to a Brazilian. Get some new material Carlos.

We don't hate black men
We hate nigs

That's the difference

Also ; rap music is a toxic culture even for whites


You are different.
I hate different.


Shut the fuck up chink.

Kanye West i based tho

The funny thing is we need to start doing this in our communities. Pedogenocide can't come soon enough

I'm not here to entertain you faggot.



>Stink like wet dogs
>So are whites
>So are
So do whites. That's what you meant to say. I guess we can add illiterate to that list. And let me stop you with an
>inb4 'so are whites'
from being your response. Faggot.


When the ww3 begin , I'll be the one who'll send you straight to hell

Sure why not.

Angola not brazil.
Try again

Why wouldn't everyone hate niggers?

being baited by the only white brazilian.
As if a brazilian black can afford the internet and write in english.

Look, let me open this by saying that there are intelligent, hardworking black people out there. Those are fine here, and we appreciate them. This question would even be acceptable from them if it were tweaked a bit.
Here's how I can tell you're not one:
1. That picture. Are you fucking proud of that? You shouldn't be.
2. You just assumed we hate all blacks. We don't, and you would have realized that if you were a smart one. You would have asked, "Why do condemn all blacks when there are smart ones?"
GTFO, Nig Noob.


not an argument


I don't stink unless I haven't showered in like 3 days. Meanwhile every nigger I pass smells like a mix of gasoline, baby wipes and olive oil. What gives?

because they were ungreatfull little fucks. we took them over to live in the blessing of the pressence of the whute man. gave you jobs, homes, thing to do withe your life other than chase dik diks with sticks.in reture you gave us soul food and full prisons

Only from the betas. Get yur shit together

Don't need one.

Blacks have more sweat glands than whites. Blacks are the smelliest whites are in between and Asians are the least smelly.


Also why do you all have tinted windows? Makes it so easy to spot niggers when their windows are completely black. Fucking retarded.

This is funny. A nigger trying to troll whites, by saying that niggers take white women, all while calling himself a nigger. LOL. White women liking black men is one of the biggest jokes blacks tell themselves. The vast majority of white women find blacks ugly and repulsive. Stats prove it. Only white trash would ever touch a nigger. Deal with it nigger boy. Muh dick

I like Stacey, so I don't hate all of you

no we hate them all. No difference between a black and a nigger. Be around enough of them and you will see its true. There maybe are 1 percent of blacks that are decent people. Its not worth looking for though. They are niggers.

Because you aren't people.
Animals belong in the wild.
Your habitat is the jungles of africa.

This. This. This. This. This.


Why didn't he run into the crowd and fight fire with fire?

Because you ACT like niggers. Knock that off, and we'll reconsider.



I noticed that as well. It's sounds so unnatural, like it's his first time calling someone a nigger. kek

Cause he was a dumb nigger i would have at least disfigured one nigger before i was killed.

is there a less meme'ified version of this?



Hahahahaha I love this video. Niggers killing and maiming other niggers is always a good thing.

>black """people"""

Because you niggers have to ruin everything that's good. Even here in Brazil we know better than to trust you ""people"".


New enough?

Nice argument mate

lmao he looks tired



>Because you niggers have to ruin everything that's good.

This is basically it. Anything that's remotely nice or decent, niggers fuck up. It's almost like you can't help yourselves and it's likely the case that you literally can't.

I don't hate black people, just degenerate niggers. Also, y'all can do really cool shit with your hair.


God bless you rando mexibro. Anytime we need gore or degeneracy webms for specific races, we can always count on you.
Keep it up, esse.

is that a nigs leg that nig is eating?

Statistically speaking you give us no reason not to

>13% of US population commits over 50% of the violent crime
gee I wonder


Though they try to hide it with manipulated statistics, it's a nig eat nig world.

99% of blacks are killed, beaten or wronged in any way by an other black.

Before asking white people why they hate you, you should first ask your black friends why they hate each other so much.

>yfw you realize he's blowing up it's asshole because he thinks that will push the milk out

*monkey paw caught in muh braces*

Niggers can't behave properly because as soon as they start to get in line, another chimp will remind them of their slave origins by calling them an "uncle tom" or something similar, effectively guilt tripping each other into being savages. This is why I fully support sending all niggers back to Africa, regardless of education, and maybe they will see what is it like to try to create a functioning society while being surrounded by animals.

If you think any guff coming from a fucking mexishit has any effect on me, think again. Clean up your own mess before pointing fingers at others'.

Yup, African delicacy

kanye is a nog. 50cent is pretty based.

Ok, I'll bite.
In Poland we dont have many blacks, we have much more roms (gypses?) - but i know 7-8 black folks, and ONLY ONE of them is remotely like'able - he's a CUDA programmer at some gov falicity, hence he have money, BECAUSE he had education. He had singl emother, his father was some rebel taht run through jungle with FNfal, even have some pictures of him. Rest of the black gentleman are on the same intelectual level as white polish idiots - i dont think it have something to do with race, rather with culture and envirnoment they grown within - i come from higly pathological neightbourhood, and if my parents dont beat me everytime i chimpouted, i'd probably be a coal thief like all my childhood friends - but i managed to learn some marketable skills and leave that shithole. That one black guy is my friend, we discuss /k/, /prog/ and /sci/ related things on a daily basis, and he's one of smartest people that i know, and i usually talk within circles of it engineers and other nerds, so they're autistic as fuck, may be unsocial, but you cant tell them they're not smart, especially working in places like local youtube/google underling companies, gov erment falicities and such places.

tl;dr - its not that we hate black, we hate dumb shitty people, and jsut becaus emajority of blacks are rather low-quality friend material, we just dont like them. Not that i like white people, i'd burn them alive with napalm if it was legal.