How do we purge the /r/the donald from Sup Forums?

How do we purge the /r/the donald from Sup Forums?

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stop being le_edgy

ban everyone who uses new flags

/mlpol/ did the trick last time

Find a way to filter all posts about American politics pls.

I say ban the krauts for being the biggest cucks in the world since the end of ww2.

you don't they will learn to much lurking here


Reminder, ShareBlue first priority is division. Saged.



We purge the discord crew shills by saging their threads

take a breath after you read titles and think yourself.... is this bait... is this a slide.... is this just pure shit from a redditfag..... if the answer is yes then DONT FUCKING REPLY


I don't even know what that is and I've been here for 10 years.

More redpill threads. The_Donald faggots will defend niggers to the death and gargle Jew semen on a daily basis.


Too late; le_donald has minority majority control over pol. Should have built a wall to keep normies out.

bring back /mlpol/

But how can I ironically LARP as a crusader who argues with pagans, and then pretend that I'm starting to get convinced by the whole pagan thing to save europe while masrubating at the same time?
No one would take me seriously with the geographical location flag. I don't want to go back shitposting on /x/

I've never experienced the Donald. Are they a bunch of cucks or something? Do they believe niggers aren't retarded?

Without the donald he probably would've lost the election. You tards need to understand that most normals can't handle most of the shit on Sup Forums
I suspect this is a divide and conquer shill thread.


Post lots of gore stupid.


the_donald is like the radio friendly metal that you listen to for a bit before you segue into the hyper-fast porno grind type of metal (Sup Forums) that you never knew existed but cant stop listening to.



We need more nigger hate threads.

Can we purge /leftypol/ first?

How do we purge Storfront?

There is no going back, Sup Forums hasnt been good since zimmerman

Life isn't about not having problems,it's about dealing with th problems you got. We are damn lucky we elected the God Emporer,for real.


Campaign for mass spam of redpill threads.

All the reddit spacing is what pisses me off the most.

we redpill them.


Easy. Stop posting screenshots from Sup Forums on r/the_donald or citing Sup Forums in posts.

After the dnc purge and fake news correction.

why would you want us to leave

>tfw I got banned from r/the_donald after I only posted once.

It was after Trump attacked Assad. Everyone on r/the_donald celebrated that some muzzies got fucked.

I tried to explain that we this was a betrayal and Trump should be attacking Assad.

Got banned after one fucking post. Place is ran by kikes.

Sorry, drunk and sleep.

>I tried to explain that this was a betrayal and Trump shouldn't be attacking Assad.

this. fuck the flag system. i want to know where you leafs are posting from.

Don't purge ,redpill

So this thread is what 90% shill raiders?

It's a Trump support sub. They support anything Trump does by default. Most of what he does is good, so the sub is mostly good.


Do nothing and stop screeching about them

>Most of what he does is good, so the sub is mostly good.

by posting pussy
redditors are notoriously gay

You don't. Their part of the family now.

I say ban Kekis and Commies

Idk. I am noticing the same thing with the Sessions drama.

Sessions is good, every nationalist-oriented American seems to think he is doing good work in the DoJ because he mainly focuses on the immigration issue. A lot of the alt-lite crowd don't like him for that and want him to do a bunch of dumb shit like make a martyr out of Clinton and go after antifa. They never shill against the Globalists in the WH so why do they put so much pressure on Sessions who is doing more than anyone to fulfill Trump's No.1 and most important policy objective - sort out immigration - end the invasion?

Basically the way I see it is:
-There is a nationalist wing in the WH headed by Bannon and it is supported by the real white base because it supports policies that benefit.
-There is a Globalist wing in the WH headed by Kushner that has a bunch of e-celebs, many Jewish, that can astroturf.

The Kikes have a lot of power in the alt-lite which is good at pretending to be Trump's base. So they get the retarded magapedes to attack people that are sound and aim for their replacement by some shitty cuck or a Goldman Sachs fly-in

like this?


I'm saying you have no one to blame but yourselves.

I need all plebbitgirls to submit feet pics to me ASAP.

Found ya kike! :D

I fail to see what the problem is.

The_Donald is an entry point.

Do you expect your avg Normies to shake off all of the MSM, Hollywood, academia, pop cultural marxist, brainwashing all at once?
There needs to be gradients to the political right. Preferentially with some overlapping interests willing to work together.

Every Normie that goes "magapede/kekistani/civ-nat/alt lite", is someone that is way more willing to work with you, be less likely to fight you, more open to be convinced by your arguments, convince someone else, and may in turn fully agree with you. Redpills tend to be a one way ratchet, so have a little patience, even if they are painfully naive. We need about every thinking person at this point in the game.

We don't. They'll either become like us or they'll leave. You can't unswallow a redpill. It can make you sick and you end up jamming out, but still the pill remains. Your old life is ending and you don't realize it yet.

You are obviously from Reddit also or else you would know the answer
> The answer is Gore and has always been gore
> I don't enjoy go work anymore so I'll let the real old fags destroy the Reddit fags and summer fags minds
> destroy their soul the way mine has been destroyed from the endless hours and 20 years of seeking Gore for no reason other than I was bored and curious
> Isis videos are always good but the Mexican cartel videos are fucking nuts
> it doesn't always hit you that hard watching black and brown people suffer because they are lower forms of life
> so white people and especially white children will almost always do the trick
> A bunch of these nerds on here will also get easily triggered by dog torture videos which I still find kind of funny
> and if I still find dog torture videos funny as a family man with four dogs then you know I have no soul and the black pill has hit me so hard that it doesn't even bother me

I just want all of you to die if I'm being honest here

Bring back /mlpol/ or allow Ponyposting on Sup Forums.

Why do edgelords care?
>you turn some away from reddit everyday, thus winning the

>New flags = fags
>New flag = summer fags
Pick one

You're the newfag, the geographic flags are newer than the "new flags"

We had those before jewt forced geo flags on us

I have no idea! Awooooo!