What will Aztlán's foreign policy be like?
What will Aztlán's foreign policy be like?
Hopefully to import some non-fridge body bitches to fix that shit right there lmao
They would probably be very anti-nigger.
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macys pleb tier
idk i just come here to shitpost m8
god damn what bland boring women
Export their criminals, drug dealers, and rapists. Bitch about the states wanting to build a new wall to block this shit.
This is like asking what currency California will use when it leaves.
someone post the video of the the beaner in cali livestreaming while driving her car, crashing, and killing her sister in the car by splitting her head open like a watermelon and filming the brains.
I'm gonna point the obvious. They're ugly.
I call the one on left.
Cant wait
They all look the same
these girls may be 10/10s in spicland USA
but always remember
pic related is certainly a 10/10 in Bongland
I think this would be an interesting empire.Mexicans and whites can eleminate niggers and build a proper utopia to dominate the world.
Hey spics.
You are no better than niggers, stop trying to pretend you are.
All these hot "latina" chicks are at least 75% european
>let the wolves into my home to kill the bear
>implying they aren’t already here
Eyebrows are as real as a tooth fairy with janet jacksons nose
Post a pic of an attractive full-blooded mesoamerican. I dare you.
t. Damarcus Lashawn
they're having more babies than you, I doubt they care what you think
Their foreign policy will be to flee their nation to illegally live somewhere better.
Hey hillbilly stop pretending you are "the master race" you are most likely a fat neckbeard and nowhere near superior to anything.
nice meme
states CANNOT secede and you subhuman manlets would not win a civil war against the US Military in a thousand years
Even the most rock bottom "hillbilly" is better than a latrineo.
seriously though. why do hispanics become fridges?
What happened to the fourth one?!?!? did they kill her off?
They'll be ours bros.
Keep telling yourself that.
I look forward to growing old and watching your race get rapidly kicked out of this country. It was never the white man. You belong in Europe, so go back there
They are objectively not, simply by virtue of living in a urban sprawl they're already contributing more than the average Heroin-American.
This nigga? Way-too-obvious allusions to Christian imagery, probably.
she got too fat for the group photo thing to work
Implying you lads wouldn't Procreate with this, what are you faggots?
Lmao it's what your girls look like in spain. These girls probably hardly any native in them if at all.
No niggers or sudacas.
>It was never the white man
It sure as hell was sure as hell is and good luck living long enough to see your petty fantasy take place.
You really should stop believing everything you read on Sup Forums, the average spaniard is white. Those girls in the pic are very native. You just think native=ugly, simply not true.
The beauty of latinas is the mixture of white and native.
Military is full of spics if you hadn't noticed leave your room
If we gave California back to Mexicans, none of them would even want to live there anymore. It would quickly turn into the shithole that the rest of Mexico is. And then, they'd be running across to new border to get into the United States again.
The reason they're here is not because of the land itself, it's because they want to be part of the American economy. The whole narrative about reclaiming lost Mexican territory was just a bullshit historical excuse to say that they don't have to obey our immigration laws.
Motherfuck the goddamn fat Mexicans and their circus music. I really can't stand them.
What I meant to say was it never belonged to the white man.
Im 31, ill live minimum another 40 years.
Whites will be a minority by 2050.
Your grandkids will probably be darker than me, its going to be lovely
Stupidest fucking flag I've ever seen. I'd rather live under the Leaf.
Damn that is fucking hot...
How do they look without the pound of make up on their face?
oh come on dude.. I'd say they are 7-8 out of 10..
hardly ugly
I doubt it. They look like the girls in my family and I'm barely over 50% European.
should we have sacked Mexico City when we had the chance? We were right on their doorstep.
Yes, yes we should have.
you fool
they are literally 2/10s
There is literally no reason not to reproduce with a aesthetic Latina. You're basically whitening them. Your kids would be 80% white you stupid faggots. The "MUH PURE WHITE GENETICS" is a fucking meme you fucking retards in the US, you're all fucking muts anyway, might as well breed with the aesthetic attractive latinas.
still like 79% white retard
how would we have limited their migration north though?
I've been to spain and I've dated a girl from spain, she had hazel eyes and dark hair. I know what Spaniards look like and I know what mestizos look like. The natives in Mexico were ugly as shit and short, those girls hardly have any native in them.
>They're ugly.
You're absolutely right, it's your Iberian-Moorish nigger genes fucking it up, Diego.
No, that whole area was highly populated with Mexicans. That would have been a disaster.
What was great about Texas, California, and New Mexico, was that they were sparsely populated.
There were only about 10,000 spics in all those territories combined, and most of them were white Spanish descendants.
Sure you have, sure you did.
You are 15 and have never left this country user, quit larping
Considering we're closer to them in this picture than in reality, we would have probably come up with a proper solution eventually.
Is meth made from corn? because there's a fuckload of it in Iowa and middle america.
your mom is a 1/10
I want to correct this because the Spaniards cucked the shit out of the Arabs. Almost like 85%+ of spain men have a European Y haplogroup. After spain beat the moors, spanish men started to have Catholic wives and a moor concubine while it was illegal for a catholic women to be with a Muslim or jew. Then the Spaniards got rid of all the men with kike or Arab names.
I'm not sure what the purpose of this reply is. There isn't that many fair featured Spaniards but I prefer that anyway. I think a better label for Spaniards is European anyway.
>seriously though. why do hispanics become fridges?
Beans, tortillas, and rice. Carbs, carbs, and nothing but carbs.
Its the same reason Ukranian qts go through a similar process and turn into babushkas. All those potatoes...
That was fake, right? How could someone that ridiculous be real?
>Hello fellow white man
No, not the leaf. Say it ain't so. You've hurt my feelings. Nothing is lower and more degenerate than a leaf.
Would have been a lot easier border. What are we talking about 2 million mexicans in 1890?
And considering northern mexico was much more white than the rest of the country as it was desert wastelands and ranchlands.
But I would have used that land to move make a large dindu reservation that is a buffer state between latin america and the US. They had a chance and fucked it up.
>Trump travels back in time and builds the wall before a bunch of fee-fee crying fucktards try to prevent it.
I'm guessing the climate of that northern mexico territory was very arid, and probably sparsely populated at that time, so it might have been pretty easy to integrate that small population into the US.Hell even now mexican posters say the north is more "white" but I have no clue if they are telling the truth, I live in MN.
Cuban americans have seemed to be pretty good, but I'm guessing those yucatan people polk wanted were probably entirely mayan midget retards. Even though there is vast mineral wealth to be had in that region, I think I'd prefer to keep those midgets out and reproduce for centuries, rather than the billions of oil wealth we would get
elaborate, faggot
Their policy is to live like a mexican/latin american ghetto. To turn the US into "home" aka: third world.
A place designed to grow. What do I mean by this? They'll turn it into the same place they've left and naturally they'll want to immigrate illegally and turn whatever new place they move to into "home" as well. The cycle continues until they've ruined everything
t. Hisp who lives in the epicenter of what will be Aztlan.
Ever since I was a kid I've wondered when everyone else was going to catch on, how long the state will allow it. The answer is they'll allow it to go on forever, the laws are becoming even more lenient. They've turned this city into a sanctuary city, headed proudly by our stupid white mayor. It confuses me more than it does someone from the outside
Dude, just stop. Not saying I don't dislike what you're saying, but so fucking fake with this switching IDs.
this chick is no spicksican she is more causcasian than anything else
It's not fake, I just had to edit some typos
Probably like Mexico's or maybe Columbia's.
And of those how many do you think are spics who are just labeled white? I'd say at least 20-25%
Daily reminder that "Aztlan" is a stormnigger funded and inflated boogeyman
No significant amount of Mexicans in Mexico, or the US support or identify with that shit, hell, the first time I heard about that shit was from stormniggers on Sup Forums
Prove in this thread, using objective data, that more than 10% of Mexicans in the US or Mexico even believe in this bullshit
Lying, shill stormniggers
79% non-Hispanic white you illiterate shit colored monkey
for real. tattoos are disgusting!
I took a Chicano feminism class and there are scores of books written about atlzan from Mexican women. You're just an uneducated beaner who spends his time on top of roofs.
Fuck Latino girls are so ugly.
Shitskins always turn to shit. Mexicanas stop being attractive at like 17 if they EVER are attractive
ah yes so basically the world goes to shit from the south up to the north
Since your made up bullshit about aztlan is supposedly so widespread in America, then you shouldn't have to bring up shitty non arguments like this one, and instead, you could provide hard data about the percentage of all Hispanics who identify with its ideas.
However we all know why you opted for posting literal shit, shill
Even worse. I fucked a Latina girl in my car with black seats and got makeup literally all over the car. I've come to the realization I'm not even going to waste another minute on them, I need every minute I can to find a white girl who are getting rarer to find in my area.
At first it will be please stop nuking us
Then it will be US foreign policy again
Fucking stupid flag. Why would you include the stripes which represent the original 13 colonies?
Nigga that's Denise Milani, she's a Czech not a Spic
I had to take a chicano womens literature class in college, and the professor this pale as fuck landwhale who apparently was born in mexico, and was obsessed with all things "latino" started crying in the middle of class because of the treyvon martin verdict which just came out, and had to go out into the hallway to cry her pain away. No one had any clue what the fuck was going on. People like to complain about the rising cost of college? well shit, start with forcing students to take middle school tier classes in subjects they aren't majoring in. Christ.
These classes wouldn't even exist if it wasn't forced on us.
They have to use European women to show off since their women are so ugly. Even ar*b shit sand nigresses are better
Historically Mexican women spent hours every day grinding maize by hand for tortillas. That body type has been selected for
I took that class because it was catalogued as environmental literature so I thought it would be some nice shit about the woods or something. Nah it was a Chicano feminist class. And most of the kids when the instructor left would talk and were confused as to what the fuck happened to environmental lit. You're right about that shit tho.