Today I visited the White House, to protest against our current President.
Transgender Rights are Human Rights.
Today I visited the White House, to protest against our current President.
Transgender Rights are Human Rights.
Other urls found in this thread:
See a psychiatrist
Why is this deserter not dead?
How's the dilation going?
Nice lipstick.
Do you have nothing better to do?
easy bait but I'll take it
>military service
>a right
>ITT people dumb enough to take bait from a bot
It's called sage and report, newfriends
You're a human waste. Please go kill yourself.
It's funny how these obvious shitposts made by a bot stay up, but EWO and commie hunting threads are deleted.
Really tinks yr dink.
It's how you can tell it's a girl
Did you go through this same process?
Why is everybody thinking Im a bot ?
Are you guys assuming my Gender ?????
gender confusion is a mental disorder
You're such an embarrassment.
did u have to stop to dilate?
Transgender freaks are "human" therefore deserve to be treated with respect, or they complain about "muh human rights". It's almost like nobody likes them and the govt shouldn't force people to care about their issues.
Did you dilate today?
why do they not even try to look like women?
Visit the noose store on way home.
Yelling at the white house won't change the fact that your father hates you.
This is not Bowe Bergdahl, I know it's easy to confuse untermench traitors, but they are in fact different people.
>OP visited the white house and teleported back to Germony in a few hours.
Why do you faggots keep bumping this slide thread? Type sage in three options field to avoid bumping off topic threads so actual threads get seen.
Joining the military is not a right. You're mentally ill and thus not qualified
You should kill yourself.
You seem to tell us about your rights all the time.
What are your responsibilities, to yourself and to society?
If you're going to try and become transgender at least make a honest effort to look like the gender you're switching to.
Maybe next time try matching your foundation to your skin tone
New Gender = bot
And the list increases.
Fucking Jews man!
Funny story: I was very young, maybe 5, and I was putting lipstick on in the mirror. I don't remember quite what i was thinking, other than mimicking my mother. She came in, saw it, took it, washed it off, spanked me, and I was never confused again.
This is the proper order of things. It's the first time I can remember being disciplined and learning from it.
If that story were on the news today, it would today spark "public outrage", aka news outlets looking for comments.
Mental illness can be treated.
This is the most degenerate shit I've ever seen. These people have a massive mental illness and need to be hospitalized for it. Fucking unbelievable sickness.
If you get raped by a pack of niggers, it's not my fault. Enjoy D.C.
In Canada you'd be taken away from your parents.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
Is the joke here that nobody in the thread has acknowledged that this is a picture of Manning?
>CHELSEA manning
>OP puts up a picture of a boy
Imagine being Jewed to the point where you're happy to butcher your own genitals
I'm sure there's an user around here willing to post the picture about the medical dilation that you would have to do everyday.
I stumbled across this gem yesterday on /gif/, really made me think
Even with a lipstick, it's still a pig.
Is that that Manning fag?
Transgenders don't have rights. They are literally fucking mutants
>Even with a lipstick, it's still a pig.
My grandfather used to tell me "No matter how much you polish it, it's still a turd".
>claim to hate Trump
>cake yourself in orange makeup everyday
Very Freudian. Are they just looking for a daddy?
>Pandering to the 000.1%
Sage this bait thread
it's not lipstick.
he's in DC so he's been sucking the black off niggers
>Visited the white house today
>German post ID
Seems legit.
The only human right is the right to property.
You have the right to do whatever you want with your body. I also have the right to tell you that you're a mentally ill degenerate, and to get the fuck out of my property. Now fuck off.
That guy looks like a fag.
Humans are male or female
>Human Rights
Pick one you fucking headcase
What is the opposite of a trap?
an am-bush
It's always a shame to see an orange turn on its own.
>right tilt
what set you claim hoe?
mental illness is not a human right.
he needs to be arrested and charged with treason with execution as penalty.
The tragedy is he'd be an alright bloke
Wassup Sam, I had a hardon with Smocaine 3
I keep seeing this word but what does your pupils have to do with cutting your dick off?
He is hospitalized for it and they gave him a fucking pussy. lol
Fuck you dickpuss
Really not a bad looking dude if he wanted to to back
Jew confirmed.
Chelsea?? Glad to you're out!
Dilation is a term where the mtf trans have to stick a dildo in their wound so it wont close up. Someone probably has the pic of what it looks like I didn't save it.
Like it or not Transgender people have mental disability and their needs are detrimental to an army, fuck them all to hell
gr8 b8 m8. i rel8 str8 appreci8 nd congratul8. i r8 dis b8 an 8/8. plz no h8, i'm str8 ir8. cr8 more cant w8. we shood convers8 i wont ber8, my number is 8888888 ask for N8. no calls l8 or out of st8. if on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. even with a full pl8 i always hav time to communic8 so dont hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 ur ability to tabul8 the f8. we should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, im sure everyone would appreci8 no h8. i dont mean to defl8 ur hopes, but itz hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, im sure u can rel8. we can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the nile's str8s. well be the captains of b8 Sup Forums our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like reel est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8 like a blind d8 well coll8 meet me upst8 where we can convers8 or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly tail g8. we cood land in kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed by a dessert pl8 the payment r8 wont be too ir8 and hopefully our currency wont defl8. well head to the israeli-St8, taker over like herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses 8 million m8. we could interrel8 communism thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8 volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8
He is a bloke