Is shit getting worse Sup Forums? What happened to that supposed coup? It's been kinda quiet down there. When will the next major happening occur?

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Operation Just Cause 2, when?

they're all gone

We at Hispachan are interested in telling you, lurkers of Sup Forums what's going on in Venezuela.
If OP doesn't mind, we are taking this thread to inform everybody in here about what's going on since there's a complete media blackout.

I-its happening?

I want my freedom ;_;

Do it! Godspeed to you and fuck communism!

Thanks for your support, partner.
I'm going to do a quick review of everything that has happened today, here goes.
>Maduro closed the campaign for the National Assembly
>Maduro gave strong and serious statements
>Maduro: "I would rather form a dialogue board than go on with the Constituent
>Mexico states that it supports the sanctions imposed by the USA to 13 members of Maduro's goverment
>Caracas under siege, the National Guard, National Police and paramilitary guerrilla soldiers are attacking civilians and kidnapping them
>An Argentinian reporter was denied access to Venezuela
>Democratic Union Board (Mesa de la Unidad Democrática, MUD from now on) calls for the people to "plant" themselves and hold their positions on the main avenues and highways of the country beginning at 12:30pm, strong focus on Caracas.
>More than 6 people have been killed between yesterday and today
>National Guard attacks condominiums located in Los Teques, capital city of the State of Miranda, near Caracas
>According to the opposition leaders and spokemen, the strike and lockout today abided by 90% of the population.

What a fucking waste. While oil prices were high, Chavez should have used the money to diversify the economy away from oil. Now it's too late.

>Vicepresident of the (real) National Assembly during a press conference
"People have to prepare to deepen the conflict"
>8:34 pm: 3 National Guard Tankettes and 1 National Anti Extorsion Command (CONAS) are marching towards Palo Verde Neighbourhood

Chávez wasn't interested in making Venezuela great or a world power, he was only in for the money and drugdealing.

I really do wonder why is Michael Moore absolutely silent over how things are going for Venezuela.

venezuela is what socialism looks like

Any chance of a civil war?
Maduro hanging from a tree when?

This is not failed socialism. This IS socialism.

What civil war? Civilians do not have weapons. Only the GNB and PNB and the "colectivos" have them, and they're all sided with the regime.

As a german, I really wish the people of Venezuela the best of luck.
Know that we will always welcome you with open arms.

Did anyone care about Lanata there in Venezuela or nah? News say anything at all?

For there to be a civil war, there needs to be two armed sides. There's only one, the government. What's actually going to happen is a massacre

No neighbour have offered help?
What about Colombia?

>Civilians do not have weapons.
>there needs to be two armed sides

Holy shit, you are fucked hard.
I don't think you have many option left anymore.
Except maybe US intervention. Maybe.

Also, how many civilians have been killed since the beginning of the protests?

Santos? That's another pusillanimous only interested in saving his hide. He's already fucking up enough in his own country with the FARC to bother meddling with Venezuela.

if you're going to take what someone says, nearly word for word, you should quote him.

Arturo Uslar Pietri?

Yes, El Nacional did report on what happened to him.
>The Supreme Court forbids mayor of Chacao District (part od Caracas) Ramon Muchacho from leaving the country
>Also forbids the mayor of Lecherías (east) from leaving the country.
Both mayors were discharged from their positions

Pretty sure your resistance will be able to get weapons from the black market.

The national guard or GNB just burst in normal neighborhoods to fuck up houses and the people living in there

Yes, Colombia is studying giving Venezuelan humanitarian visas so they can cross the bridge.
Colombia wants to help the people and is completely against Maduro

Off-the-record 120. Officially the Attorney's Office (the only government official that sides with the opposition) has 106 registered murders.
Most of them have been killed by national guards. Some of them have been national guards and one (alleged) pro government woman

How do you see the future after Madur* ?

In 119 days 109 Venezuelans have been declared dead because of the repression and violence promoted by the goverment.

The black market is controlled by the government guerrillas and delinquents and they side with the government too because the Minister of Prison Affairs has links with the prison leaders, which control said delinquents

Well, given the fact that your country is neck-deep in civil unrest and economic disaster, this is a pretty serious number.

Also, fun fact: The word "Maduro" here means "ballsack".

Capriles, one of the oposition leaders, also made a mention about him being expelled.

Fuck, i see some kind of CIA coup happening un a short time. Pinochet 2.0?

Kind of harsh we are under 120 billions in debt, luckily there's the possibility of returning 80 billions from officials' foreign bank accounts and also what the Caricom owes us

Let's face it as long as you pay for it these monkeys don't give a fuck about who you are, or why you want the gun.

We don't know, none of these people want peace, they want chaos.
The attorney General said a few days ago "even if it costs me my life, I will defend the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela"
The attorney General has been attacked by the government officials

i keep saying the US is being set up to be forced into taking "refugees" from Venezuela as soon as they crumble into anarchy. We will see endless droves like europe. Fortunately thye are not muslims, and are likely redpilled beyond all comprehension due to communism in their homeland. Cap this and never forget it.

>attorney General
Can Maduro just fire this guy?

Dude, Venezuela is IMPORTING oil from the United States. They're making the deal of the year. Why would they ruin that for themselves?

Woman. Her name is Luisa Ortega Díaz. She's a polemical character, since she has for years been negligent with the regime, and now that the ship seems to be sinking she's pronouncing against their officials.

If you ever see a socialist/communist venezuelan in you country, just shoot him/her in sight. They don't deserve mercy.

Woman. And no, she can only be "fired" by the National Assembly which is completely against Maduro, but the Supreme Court ruled that the National Assembly is under legal contempt and thus all hearings, bills and legislations are unconstitutional. So the political game is pretty much blocked, the Constituent National Assembly is a suprapower which does not respond to any other, so essentially, maduro is building a Soviet

Well, we call sweet plantains maduro here.

Man I'm scared, Maduro keeps claiming all the crazy stuff they'll change in the Constitution. I really think this could turn into a shittier North Korea soon if no one does anything.

I second this. If they so much love their socialism, then they should stay in their own country and embrace it.

Nope. If you talk to people here about communism, the CIA and all of those tin foil paranoid plots , they would most likely spit on you

American born venezuelan, i cant wait till i graduate so i can go to OCS and hopefully be deployed to Venezuela. But if Trump decides to intervene before then, then i gotta enlist. I cant wait to shoot commies. Ive got no loyalty towards venezuelans, i just wanna shoot up some commies for the RED WHITE N BLUE

Can I take a pic with you if you come here?

>The opposition ran a plebiscite asking Venezuelans what they thought of the National Constituent Assembly
>about 7.1 million Venezuelan voted against it
>The very same day, the government made a simulacrum of the constituent
>barely 210.000 Venezuelans voted and the sheet has odd rounded participation numbers

only if you promise to let me take home one of them commie issued hi power pistols and an arepa

Where city you born user?

>National Guard and SEBIN (Intelligence services) are patrolling the district of Caricuao in Caracas
>allegedly, some communities are protesting "caceroleando" (the act of striking a pan with a metallic object in sign of protest) in Santa Rosalía and Puente Hierro communities in Caracas.
>In the city of Barquisimeto (midwest) the government guerrillas shot at portesters

montgomery county, Maryland. i live in this commie state still

Fuck yea dude whatever you want

>They might as well build all the prisons they haven't built in over 18 years to put us all in jail, said Freddy Guevara, vicepresident of the National Assembly
>Henry Falcon's party, a chavista governor turned against Maduro, wants the opposition to sit in a board with the government officials with no warranties and no demands from the opposition.
The opposition has sat numerous times with the government, last one was last year after a massive protest in Caracas where allegedly 2 milion people from all over the country, some of them went there by foot, took the streets, after sitting with the government, the opposition leaders claimed that they didn't follow the deals they made. The oppositon suffered political backlash from their supporters because of this and they are not willing to be fooled for a third time, yes, a third time. The first one was after Leopoldo Lopez was taken into prison in 2014.

>(ex) Minister of Internal Affairs, Nestor Reverol said that, starting tomorrow 12:00pm, "public gatherings of any kind will be forbided", to this, Vicepresident of the National Assembly, Freddy Guevara responded on twitter: "The dictatorship doesn't want us to protest tomorrow. So? Tomorrow we are not only taking Caracas, we are taking ALL OF VENEZUELA."
This isn't the first time the opposition has called for the "takeover of Venezuela" after the massive protest of September, 2016, the oppostition said people now had to takeover all of Venezuela. The protest was received with a mixed response given the fact that people wanted to go to Miraflores Palace back in September.

>Be venezuelan
>Trust in MUD

You gotta be kidding me. They should be a tool of the people, not the other way around. That's why so many of us have made our own plans.
Well, it's not like the MUD have a plan.

>Two youngmen have been taken by the National Guard at the Panteon Avenue in Caracas.
>The National Guard also shot tear gas near La Candelaria sector, near said Avenue.

Go Venezuela!

How can you stand the communist scum taking over Mexico? I would've already shot some redtards.

La California fag here. Do any of you know the feel of trying to sleep at the same time there are SHOTS sounding all over your city?

Glad you are Mexican. I forgot to mention something.
>The government's program "Comités Locales de Abastecimiento y Producción (CLAP or Local Supplying and Production Committee) claims to promote the production and consumption of venezuelan-made products, although, several people from all over the country have received Mexican products.
>This "box" with supplies comes with mayo, ketchup, rice, flour, oil and many other things, all of them imported from Mexico.
>there's a rumour going around that says that the contents of the boxes come from a donation made by the Mexican government and NGO but the government confiscated it and it's now selling it to the people
Fuck do I know, I live in Guarico

we are welcoming all qt venezuelan gurls

Llanero how's the thing there in Guarico?

>Canada's Ambassador in Venezuela has left the country with his family
>Canada has been completely opposed to Maduro's regime as of late, but the country is willing to give maduro and his family political asylum if he leaves Venezuela and calls for elections

Meh, San juan is what it is. Most of the offices here are from the public sector and the PSUV rules here. There have been tiny protests but nothing major.
My mom always talks to me about how Venezuela received all Chileans that left their country when Pinochet, you people can only do the same for us.

canada are the good guys


>9:53pm National Bolivarian Police (PNB) National Guard (GNB) CICPC (sort of our FBI) CONAS are patrolling Candelaria Norte sector with high caliber fire weapons.
These madmen are not carrying regular equipment.

They think we have weapons or something. Kek.

> give maduro and his family political asylum if he leaves Venezuela and calls for elections
Russia and China need someone to pay up Venezuela's debts to them, buy their stuff and military hardware with oil revenue. USA influence in the Latin America and supply them with crude. It ain't gonna happen - there are too much foreign players/interests in Venezuela status: from CIA niggers/ USA -Western Imperialist and these global power Eastern Imperialists.
The Bus driver and the Druze guy associated with hezbollah and the military high-ranks are going to stay there and sell cheap crude to everyone
while rest of the OPEC stay happy that one of its members can't even afford to export oil through international water (less competition) like US oil shale production and other companies
companies stay happy.

Huh, this is a surprise for me.
>San Juan de los Morros main bus station (and main exit) has a lot of people protesting because of no food.
For those that do not know this, San Juan de los Morros is the capital city of the State of Guarico (Central) and most of the country's trucks have to go through it in order to reach the Llanos or the northern central part region. If, by any means, San Juan is blocked, the states of Carabobo, Aragua and Miranda would lose essentially 40 % of their meat consumption and a big part of their cheese consumption too.
San Juan de los Morros is a tiny yet very strategic town, if the protests take over San Juan, the few people that do have something to eat in the northern-central region, will lose it.

The only countries that support Maduro in America are failed Caribbean countries. Wanna know why? Because they are all into drug dealing and they have owes us a lot of fucking money.

Our country is very small compare to Venezuela in terms of population, and in the last years we have had a new kind of
inmigration of haitians, colombians (we always had an inmigration of peruvians and bolivians).

Our margin is small in terms of new inmigrants and I would be happy if venezuelans arrived first instead of colombians or haitians.

sorry for my englando

BREAKING: Cota 905 sector of Caracas is building roadblocks
Cota 905 is infamous for being one of the most dangerous parts of whole country, where even the military is afraid of stepping in.
Even these people have had enough of Maduro.

Our only hope is named JULIUS CAESAR COCONVTS, he is the chosen one

>Táchira (Andes south-western): a person has been shot in the little town of Táriba. Over 50 motorcycle patrols of the National Guard are patrolling near Avenue 1

Praise him

Breaking: The Governmet of Canada follows the US and suggests its embassy officials and citizens to leave the country
It is interesting to note that afte Senator (state representative?) Marco Rubio called Diosdado Cabello "the Pablo Escobar of Venezuela" the batch of sanctioned officials by the USA did not include him. Although some people claim that Diosdado has been sanctioned since 2014.

>nd they have owes us a lot of fucking money.
Because of oil?
>But it failed to get the support of two-thirds of the OAS countries present, as Caribbean nations which rely on cheap oil from Venezuela put forward their own, softer declaration.
>Nicaragua, a staunch ally of Venezuela, opposed the crisis meeting altogether, arguing Venezuela was the victim of a "political lynching".
>After five hours of discussion and no agreement, member states agreed to postpone the meeting to a later date in June.

>Except maybe US intervention. Maybe.
Bulgaria you dont want to give it a shot this time?

Government-sponsored guerrillas are marking certain buildings in Caracas with sign codes, following behaviour from the cartel of Colombia and Honduras.
Triangles are for those that cooperate with the government and Circles are for people that are against the government

Yes, Petrocaribe is a mafia that buys influences of Caribbean failed states.

Be safe guys viva la liberdad.


Ayyy, the Thieves Guild seems to be back on its feet again.

Breaking: Tweets from the Attorney General's Office
>81st associated attorney is investigating the case of one Luis Olavarrieta, journalist that was allegedly attacked by the National Guard and then taken away against his will.
>He was checked by the medical team of the Ministry of Public Affairs.
>The 21st associated attorney of the State of Lara is running an investigation about the death of one José Miguel Pestano Canelón, male, 23 years old, during a protest in Cabudare City

Why has no one ever commented on this? It's obvious foreign interested third-parties (The US) let this destruction happen so they could profit off people's suffering.

Fixed the unarchived clickbaiters

Venezuela has the large oil reserves,if it is run by a man that resemble pinochet,it will be far more successful than chile.

Fuck. stay safe, anons. Luso-Venezuelans can come back to ancestral homeland if it is necessary.

I can't speak for the rest of my fellow friends here or at Hispachan, but I'm keeping it safe for me.
Also, here's a sad story
>Officers of Carabobo (mid-central) Police Department presumably shot to death a 48 years old man named Leonardo González, the man helped the kids of the Resistance by cooking and feeding them soup

Dude, you clearly don't live in here, the National Assembly highly condemned Goldman Sachs for being such motherfuckers.
BREAKING: After the murder of Mr Leonardo González, people enraged burned the Police Module of Guayabitos sector in Naguanagua District of Carabobo.

I'm pretty sure all of your fellow Portuguese brothers would appreciate your kind words, user. Portugal has given us their hardest working men and we are really grateful because of that.
>BREAKING: ATMs from the state-owned Banco de Venezuela are being burned by the people of Naguanagua

Heh, at least we're getting the good sequel. God, the third game was such garbage.

That Ben Shapiro tier comment could only mean that you're from reddit. In which case: fuck off back to r/T_D, you faggot

>BREAKING: Air Canada, Lufthansa, Latam, Aeromexico, Gol, Tiara air, United Airlines, Avianca and Delta suspended flights to Venezuela.

Good luck my friends, if you don't resolve it, then just send your remaining castizos to FL so they can open more arepa shops with frescolita

Picture related, me and my memezuelian qt 3.14 saucing up our arepas in the first world.

It's that a motherfucking R E I N A P E P E A D A