I'm not /leftypol/, but I do believe that the truth ought to be pursued wherever it may lead; if it doesn't match The Narrative, so be it. Truth has lead me to this, senpai.
Cologne sex accuser is a porngirl
But you are a Jew.
>not /leftypol/
The moment you said that, you are a lefty pol. Fuck off.
>Cologne sex accuser is a porngirl
Does not surprise me
Post your internet speed test with date, you VPN larping faggot.
Also, more fucking machines
>The moment you said that, you are a lefty pol. Fuck off.
Come at me bro
She can be a prostitute, if the sandniggers raped her they need to pay, fucking Goldstein, wake up Europe!!!!
That doesn't look like her at all.
it's the old women are whores who lie about rape vs immigrants are rape-machines Sup Forums dilemma
Pretty disappointed after it came out that a lot of the accusations were false. Fake news strikes yet again.
what a coincidence that theres a stitch line in the image right on the fat crack on her neck, heh silly jpeg encoding am i right
why does she look so mongoloid
>these things
She has a point tho
The honesty is refreshing.
no she doesn't, don't fall for it
she is "crazy" because she's a entitled bitch that's all
plenty of women in this world know that in order to get a good husband they shouldn't act like this, they'll only attract desperate guys with this shit
wow the jew is mad its goy slave is talking about the mud niggers that the jew is importing into Eur.
Really makes me think. Fucking jews
>> that roast.
Photographer here
Large Shadow behind her makes that lighting on face unlikely
>t. MGTOW kike
the trick is to make them dependent on you, desu. then their "I'm like so fucked up xddd" shit will have no affect on you
Why would anyone sexually assault a bird though