How does this make feel, pool?

Are you ready for order to be restored in the world, with Greater India as a dominant superpower?

Other urls found in this thread:

Feelings are for liberals. Fuck off.

do it

They're even training small girls to remove kebab.

How much would pol pay for their young women to say the same as the girl on pic related?

God's speed, Hindu Man.

>war with China for Tibet
lol good luck

Just actually read that map. Don't really have a problem with India becoming a superpower, but good luck trying to fuck up China for Tibet. Lol.

Also, please fix your urban planning. Literally half of you guys shit in the street and that's kinda' fucked. Also if I'm not mistaken poverty is godawful. Fix those and you're great in my book.

If I get to have sex with Nirrti sure.

Yes but papa john really does run cern on a Jew diamond to create better atoms for better ingredients

Interesting colour, but no doubt an appropriate one

Chyna is gonna get less people than India with time, they're growing gray and pathetic while India is still strong and full of virility. India will have more people than China in a couple years, and by 2100 it'll have half a billion more people, and people younger and more fit to fight and make India wealthy than old chinamen with no pension and no children

And Tibet wants independence, there is local 5th column and militia to support, plus everyone hate red chink, no one support them

India little girls more patriotic and based than old chink soldier

They better fucking leave Tibet alone. I feel bad for those poor bastards, always getting kicked around by China. Mao was a serious cunt.


What will you do with the all toilets in the newly acquired terretories?


Do it! Take those Chinks down a peg, mighty poos!

Why doesn't pol open camps like this?

First based girls I've seen in years

As long as they kill the pakis, the bagladeshis, and the indonesians, I don't give a fuck.


Why would they kill the indonesians?

240 million muslims. I tend to dislike islam and its followers.

Honestly I hope India gets its shit together. Please genocide all the muslims.

I think it isn't their main objective, just securing all the land in the OP would be hard, no reason to go after Indonesia so soon, there's too many of them.

Although they used to be buddhists and hindus before, and some islands are still mostly hindu, so some more radical people might want to annex them or something. In the most expansionist case they'd even annex the guianas and a couple former british islands like Fiji.

Holy fuck India could be huge if it did this

India? That shithole of a country that can't even keep a bus on the road? (google india bus crash)

I've spent some time there, and indians are the most obnoxious slimy people I have encountered (after jews).

Pic related. Greater India in orange, countries where hindus are >5%¨of the people, or which were historically full of hindus and still have large numbers of hindus today in orange-yellow, and in dark yellow the new hindu frontier, countries where hindus are at least 2% of the population

Forgot Tibet

1.3 billion poos. I think you can manage.


where jihadis and chinks at

I like this thread

LOL @ New Guinea.
Take it, you have no idea the headache it would case.

Fiji. The natives are tough bastards and fucking hate the local indian migrants. Again good luck.

>shit in the street
>be a superpower

pick only one

New Guinea is not painted

And indians already rule Fiji

I'm sure the designated industry is not going to be happy and destroy them all.

>going to war with two nuclear powers and the CIA's drug stash

I wouldn't recommend it, India.

Lol have fun getting gun down by Muslims

>any kind of power


CIA with India now, the porkistani fears the strong trump

LARPing OP show your flag.

no one larping here mr gandhi

I remember there was a post yesterday trying to divide South from North. Now this.
Why Sup Forums got a hard-on for us?

Show your country flag.

>Why Sup Forums got a hard-on for us?
Because most Indian anons fall far it and get all defensive about it.

Go Poo in the Loo.


not enough poo posting in this thread

I never claimed to be Indian, I'm asking pol how it feels about India being made great again and retaking it's rightful place in the universe as a prominent power and south asian hegemon

Why do you hate India and doesn't want it to be great? Are you a Nehru-Gandhi family supporter, aka a turbocuck?


I'm sure people in Afghanistan can't wait for someone to build streets for them to shit on.

I'm surprised this is legal tho, despite how based it is

Plz hurry Bhai

That's an air rifle. I learnt how to use those when I was liek 3

why did they interrupt the training then?

Because they have a low IQ ?

What in the fuck is that picture? Please tell me you mudshits didn't do that to that poor doggo.

might be, maybe even air-rifles are illegal

most countries are this cucked
btw how the fuck are some of these girls, like the one in the right, not white?

daily reminder indians are indo-european

It was from China you idiot. China wants WW-3 with India (My clay). You need to get your shit together and help us liberate Tibet and Wegarstan

There is also this option, which is already a start

I'm ok with other countries doing whatever they want.

Their people can stay in their own nations.

thats all i give a fuck about

Whoa leaf don't spurg out on me because you forgot to change your troll flag to your other troll flag. Muslims are a bigger threat than the Chinese.

You've clearly never lived amongst them. Come to Weedland

Also they're more Muslims in India than the entire Middle East and Europe combined FYI

I lived in Shanghai and Singapore for a year each; must be the rich chinks that are the problem. There are too many mudshits in India and Pakistan is a fucking country-wide madrassa. Either way, the moment actual fighting starts Pakistan and China will ally and then we'll see how well we remember kshatriya dharma.

India should be in brown, surely


Go on son, show your flag.

I don't read poo. Is that pic suppose to represent the magnitude and coverage of the ensuing shit tidal wave if every pajeet in India took a shit in the street at the same time?

>he doesn't realize the pajeet tide of shit will wipe out 98.5% of life on earth in one of the greatest mass extinction events in geological history

it's literally in english


China is willing to go to war with half of Asia over uninhabited and man-made islands in the South China Sea. They would not be afraid to nuke Tibet if it meant preventing India from controlling the source of its major rivers, and they don't have the white guilt and value for individual life that holds Western countries back from committing atrocities.

Numbers are meaningless when India in question was colonized by a country with >10% of its population. China could be outnumbered ten to one and still come out above India due to its size and economy.

>implying old men with no child no woman can have strong economy on the long run
top kek

And let's see Chyna nuke the source of their water and all die of radiaton poisoning

90% of their trade depends on south china sea, they care more about it

i accept our true aryan overlords

this thread is why they need to remove meme flags



I've always thought this guy looks like an old, Indian Jeremy Irons.

Good goy
Keep worshipping sex and other worldy pleasures
>rubs hands


why does teh flag mather, leaf? I mean, half the "americans" are mexicans, a bunch of "leafs" are chengs and pajeets, so what difference does it make anyway?

it's actually LOO