Why Can't MILLENNIALS spot fake e-celebs?

why the fuck can't millennials figure out these people are fake?

this girl is fucking STUPID

some professional marketer asshole monitors this board and comes up with some character and they hire some hobag to act it out on camera and get clicks. that's who youre taking your cues on politics from.

they make these character fulfill your dreams of this perfect conservative girlfriend. this girl doesnt exist in reality.

pretty fucking dumb.

Other urls found in this thread:


t. increasingly nervous liberal

t. anonymous promoter of said e-celeb

im not a liberal

Commie rat or Jew detected

You shills are not subtle at all. What's more, your shilling is having the opposite effect, at first I didn't care a shit about that girl but after seeing all your lame attacks now I like her.
What I don't understand is who would pay money to defame a random eceleb?

this bitch is just the latest trend astroturfing kikes are trying to sell us

Because millennials are vapid shallow people that can only go from one trend to the next. They stand for nothing and are therefore nothing

Yes, in fact, there's no bigger kikes than Trump and Hitler.
What do you say we impeach that stupid raci- I mean, stupid kike?

>this girl doesn't exist in reality
you act like Sup Forums doesn't know that lad.
We use these pawns to push our agenda, we couldn't care less if they are 2D, computer generated or a reptilian.

>this bitch is just the latest trend astroturfing kikes are trying to sell us


who can not tell this bitch is fake?

its totally obvious to me

Everybody who has common sense knows she is a fake. You can't be 1488 and have nigger friends.

Of course the kike shill uses reddit spacing.

Rage after storm, realitycalls and Lauren southern have all been soundly defeated. Millennial woes, Sargon and black pigeon are next. These people are all degenerates and are enemies of the white race.

I agree with Mr. Goldstein here.
After this, we must go after Trump too, and then we should just go punch the remaining nazis.
Reminder that white people are our true enemy and they must disappear.

Rage is an atheist. Realitycalls is Indian And Jewish. Lauren is a rent seeking cunt. Millenialwoes is a fag and Sargon is a quadroon nigger. And black pigeon just sucks. If we tolerate these people we will end up a rainbow coalition like the left.

They are tools.
Except skeptics, of course, those belong in the oven.
I don't care about the rest as long as they do their purpose.

She is hot and hate niggers.
That is overton window material faggot.

They are degenerates and must be shut down. The white race should not stoop to relying on people like them. Have some racial pride! We can save ourselves

>why the fuck can't millennials figure out these people are fake?
I certainly can, it's not rocket science.

Magapedes who've flooded Sup Forums ever since T_D can't see it.

Black Pigeon is probably the best of those and he still basically just lifts whole arguments word-for-word from whatever he's recently read. I remember him repeating exactly part of what Cochran had written in a post of his in a video.

Sup Forumsacks either like them because they're similarly third-rate or because they think they're useful tools.

Sure they have, Mr. Goldsteinberg.

>Have some racial pride!
I have, that's why I will use them as tools.
Like animals and nature, their purpose is to be used by us, and then discarded.

wtf styxx transitioned to female???

I bet you are the kind who unironically types ''u'' and ''ppl'', so please, take your reddit speak elsewhere.

Maybe you see them like that. But some see them as our leaders and champions. These people do build large followings. They could become to big to purge without a schism

wtf I hate wtf now

Why do adults pay money to watch other people play video games or in some cases walk around the streets?

fuk off niger

I'm a millennial and I have no idea who that person is.

>But some see them as our leaders and champions
Tools, just like them.

>They could become to big to purge without a schism
Irrelevant right now as long as they don't turn to leftism.

red pill me on the plebbit spacing? why do they do this manually here? what happens to the text on thwir shit show of a site?

>red pill me on the plebbit spacing?
Why did you use the question mark?


>no upper cases anywhere

Seriously, is this thread composed exclusively of spics?
Why can't you speak proper english, subhumans?

Doesn't matter if she exists in reality or not, i would never meet her.
But she is very lovable

It's just non-argument faggotry that newfags spout on here to pretend they're old.
Just ignore it.

haha i think u are to intelligent for Sup Forums

I literally cannot stop taking cocks into my faggot ass all day long

White and fighting a two year old who doesn't want to sleep; also on moblie.

If they weren't making money I would be fine letting them shill for us

On reddit you need to press enter twice to have one space.
So if you see someone doing one space after each line, and then suddenly double space, that's a redditor.

Rage turned off her patreon and said she's going to release her next video in mid August.

Isn't this the edgy teenager that got BTFO by that German twat? Top kek, only nu/pol/ would worship such fucking autism.

Seriously. I didn't give a shit about rage before, I thought she was just another shoeonhead attention whore who went after low hanging sjw fruit like the rest of them. Then people like OP kept trying to discredit her for some reason, going after her hard similar to how they went after people like molymeme and to a lesser extent, Jordan Peterson. So I checked her out and found her race realism video.

Ah, that explains it. She's going after an issue that people are deathly afraid of touching.

Some people ask "why even bring it up? Theres no point in talking about it, feelings just get hurt"

The answer is: Theres knowledge to be gained. And that knowledge can be used practically.


>edgy teenager
Yes, leftypol, all of these filthy misosgynist racists are fucking edgelords who deserve to be killed, right?

She's a coalburner too? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA I can't fucking breath. This place really has gone to the shits since the elections.

Shut up shill

are you sure though. there are a lot of brown haired girls with nose piercings

Not even the same facial structure.
Then again, obese shills don't have a single argument aside from repeating "coalburner" and "kike" over and over again.

Lauren has been around for a while though. She didn't just spring up overnight like Rage did.

That's why I think Lauren is the most genuine of the bunch. The evolution in her views mirrors that of a lot of Sup Forums, for example at the beginning she was just anti-feminist/anti-SJW. That's where a lot of people begin their mindset journey.

Wow a girl with black hair, glasses, and a nose ring. I only see about 20 of them every fucking day.

wtf are you talking about shill

she just reiterates the most blantant inane points and adds her tits to the equation

Kraut and Tea is a fucking insufferable faggot desu

can i get sauce on that

Do you have an uncensored version?

So, in the best case, she redpills some people.
In the worst case, she does nothing.
So tell me, why would anyone here consider this bad?

why are you so obsessed with defending this sloot

>Talking about race realism is kikedry

Boy look at this big ol shillfish we nagged!

She's a useful tool.
Why do you attack her?

>your shilling is having the opposite effect, at first I didn't care a shit about that girl but after seeing all your lame attacks now I like her.
>Then people like OP kept trying to discredit her for some reason, going after her hard similar to how they went after people like molymeme and to a lesser extent, Jordan Peterson. So I checked her out and found her race realism video.
That's literally the point of they're shilling. You guys are all morons for falling for this over and over again.

>Shill: How can [insert random e-celeb] be /ourgirl/?
>You: Hurr is this /ourgirl/ now? Haven't seen anything better check her out
>You: Wow she really is /ourgirl/. OP is a fag.
>Shill: Good goyim

Not even close. Fuck off.

Show your flag, you fucking fingol

As if you couldnt already see it in her eyes

What did you say?
I'm a 300lb, blue haired dyke who's getting increasingly mad at all these fucking racists?

lmfao you think this is the same faggot who white knights kikette southern all day?

Slide thread. Sage. Only under 18s use the term "e-celeb". Mods please perma ban

>butthurt fat girl detected
there is a good chance youre right though

She only did it after making enough money to pay for (((college)))

Oh look its a coordinated e celeb hate thread. Antifags/ctr/reddit/ trying to rally us against our own. Granted I know some of you dont like these people, but notice how these kinds of threads pop up constantly. Lefty fags coordinate this shit.

None of her videos ever had cleavage in them. I know, I checked.

Who would you bang, Sup Forums?

Who else could it be?

And if she was in it for the money don't you think she wouldn't have shut the Patreon down?

In the end, it's irrelevant, she can't do any damage, and can only bring good.
Only a leftist would attack them.
And no, calling people "ecelebs" won't make anyone automatically hate them, this isn't Sup Forums

Hello /leftypol/.

Go away, /leftypol/.

Too bad i'm not him, leftypol.
Although it's understandable that you are getting mad as fuck at everyone starting to reject your dead ideologies.


i have a weird intuition that tells me which lets me know ((())) things

i should really use it for internet sleuthery, but im too busy drinking beer in a park by myself rn

And here we have the text representation of this gif.
Leftypol is losing it.

None of them. I'd stick to my principles and report them to their employer for having illegal opinions.

>Although it's understandable that you are getting mad as fuck at everyone starting to reject your dead ideologies
>t. mad as fuck that everyone is starting to reject your faggot e-celebs

Who's this again?

Cointelpro general?

By, I sure do hate -insert right of center indovidual here-, don't you fellow Sup Forums and reddit users?

I hear they are Jewish/Controlled Opposition/A marketing team.

Let's raid them and denounce them. I'm sure we can agree with the marxists on this one, isolated case, right?

A bunch of irrelevant leftycuckolds while their videos get hundreds of thousands of views?
Remember your laughable anti-Spencer shilling, and how, after 2 months, you achieved literally nothing at all?
It's the same once again.
You simply don't have the capacity of achieving anything.


Would wife Faith, Lauren, and Brittany Pettibone.

In that order. Lauren is the most attractive but Faith seems like more marriage material.

Pretty much. It's (((summer))) now. You can expect such retard logic more often now.
>muh e-celebs!!!

Someone needs to add RageAfterStorm to this collage.

The list of nationalists and public figures that trigger shills is growing.

I can't tell if they're dumb or it's e-celebs exploiting the streisand effect themselves.

A guy like Spencer or Southern has their own little followings - but they've increased exponentially as the shills won't stop screeching about them and giving them attention.

All white females (female) + Yoko Mada.

She has been doxxed. If she returns we will report her to the local authorities

>some professional marketer asshole monitors this board and comes up with some character and they hire some hobag to act it out on camera and get clicks. that's who youre taking your cues on politics from.

That's everyone out there. I'm currently chatting with this hot, blonde roastie you might be seeing here in the very near future as we figure out an angle you goys will throw shekels at. Gotta make a few thousand bucks a month somehow.

That's the most disturbing thing I have ever seen.

Why would you put echos around "summer"

The desperation of leftypol is sometimes sad.
The only weapons you have are lazy shops, and calling everyone a coalburner, a jew and controlled opposition.
And no, not even the word "eceleb" will make everyone side against them.
You have literally nothing.

Morpheus, go be irrelevant somewhere else, please.

This. Is go- uh, guys are waking up!

We all known promoting white nationalism is a ruse to divide and conquer the white race.

Shadily brothers!

Reminder that shills never address the arguments or actions of the people they're trying to discredit, they just use lies and slander:

>she's a Jew!
>she's a coalburner!
>she's not a blonde!
>she's just an attention whore just doing it for the money!
>she looks like a tranny!
>she's actually a fraud!
>she's a man!
>she doesn't have a kid at 22!
>she's a whore!
>she's alt-lite civic nationalist!

They can't go beyond that because they would give away that they're just leftists/shills.


I hate that stupid fucking idiot face she is making, she's thinking about sucking a nigger dick while he shits greasy fried chicken farts out on the toilet.

>It is, one of your fellow nazis, Mr. Joss Goldsteinberg, don't you think we should side with the marxists on this one and take these ecelebs, but only the ones of the right, my fellow goys?

that cuck fantasy projection. wew lad.

when will this alt lite e-celeb worshipping faggotry just die

She needs to get a lot smarter before she comes back. She's still a qt tho.

wtf I love diversity now

who knew she would have acquaintances with the death grips