Antifa is gay?

I didn't realize it was a requirement for males to be gay in antifa. It explains a lot though. Why did the movement require men to be gay to join, and is that why they are so bad at fighting?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, antifa is very gay and will use sexual harassment against their opponents. They're the useful idiots behind the go gay to save the environment blue pill.

I never thought there would be a group of faggots that tried physical intimidation tactics but antifa sure proved me wrong.


The streets will run red with the blood of those and their children who dare stand against us!

The time has come drumpfkins!

We faggots*

They think they're post red pill, as in too good for our conclusions, they think the answer to hypergamous women vs feminist women is to go gay, this is because they're nihilists who see a hard problem and immediately give up or look for authoritarian solutions, like sexually harassing men to "prove" they're gay. Feminists, especially the fat ugly kind, will also sexually assault men to "prove" they're gay.

BTW you're not going to notice this in most areas, in mine I do because I live inner citty Melbourne. I know their dirty, pathetic tricks.

The answer, in reality, has always been freedom and if dating is a game, it's a competition, and hypergamous roasties aren't doing well and fat feminazis aren't even trying. Of course both do not deserve to breed.

>Antifa is gay?
>I didn't realize it was a requirement for males to be gay in antifa.
It's not
>Why did the movement require men to be gay to join, and is that why they are so bad at fighting?
Assume that most gay men are gay because they like men not women.

There are a ton of gay men who link themselves to movements that put an emphasis on manliness, pic related.

Quiet, poof

I wonder what's worse, you being gay or you being antifa. They're both disgusting and pathetic.

Well I have never heard of a straight antifa member so yes 100% of their movement is homosexual/transsexual. I mean look they create their own hijabs because they want to be women so badly.

This is what all Antifa males fantasize about. This is the dark secret of Antifa.

Be warned: once you see this tumblr, you can't un see it

>Inb4 based gay porn actor




It's like a giant faggot brainwashing movement. I wonder how many antifa boys cry themselves to sleep knowing they are wasting their lives.






Face it Neonazi culture is more manly than Antifa culture, obviously the men who are sexually attracted to men are more likely to be in the organization that is manlier.

He's a tattoed degenerate, not one of us.

lel, this is gold


There is Antifa Hentai, rule 34 please?

There is Neonazi porn with real human beings.

LMAO look at this guy desperately grasping at straws. It's ok if your little movement is inferior, faggot. Just know your place.



That comic is great, we should throw that at all the anti-fa and anarcho communist types all day every day.

I kind of want to stab this guy

Face it there are a ton of gay right wingers.

I can spend the whole night screen capping stories of Gay rightwingers.

I'm not grasping for straws, you movement is full of queers, which is ok, but you shouldn't hate your allies that much.

I would pay to shoot all those antifa bitches in the head

Daily reminder

Apparently you have to be gay and stupid to be in antifa. The topic of the thread is it is a REQUIREMENT to be gay to join antifa you stupid, stupid faggot.

The Iron Cross is not a Nazi symbol...fucking nimrods

>There is Antifa Hentai, rule 34 please?

don't say we didn't warn you

> The topic of the thread is it is a REQUIREMENT to be gay to join antifa you stupid
See Now I'm just giving evidence how gay Nazis and right wingers are.

Fine then
Pinko commie
Also this thread is shit
Try to be more like pol and not reddit

lmao PPG has done more for the cause than any of you faggot keyboard warriors could dream of.

how many of you have left your cushy ass lives in your parents basement, to pick up a gun, and go fight in the desert? fucking zero of you. because you're all fucking gutless cunts who shit their pants first whiff of a confrontation.

PPG is a true hero.

>gay topic
>40 posts and still the gay Sup Forums discord has not been shilled
I'm confused

well I'm a heteronationalist and i don't want no homos on my side!

>don't say we didn't warn you
I'm not interested in gay porn, but I'm aware that rule 34 is always true, and saying Antifas are gay because of hentai is a bit strange, but Nazis are straight despite having a lot of Gay porn actors with ties to the Neonazi scene.

No but him saying >When it comes to having kids, I prefer to stay inside my race.
with the Iron cross kind of means something, also funny that a Gay porn actor is thinking about kids.

try harder faggot

These little faggots would die within a week in the factory/field




I'm more afraid of ANTIFA girls than ANTIFA guys. I would feel bad if I had to hit a girl. Then again sometimes it's hard to tell them apart in ANTIFA.


>deviantart link at the bottom

Nazis watch out, Jim Resisterling is coming for you

Maybe the most famous gay Nazi.


Thanks OP now I have a gay Nazi meme folder again. I lost my old one when I formated my last harddrive and till now had no reason to make a new one.

personally I don't hate gays but that picture seems a little un-founded the rest of you images were good but this is kind of grasping for straws no?

The anarchist antifa band WOLF DOWN like's to Rape women



>personally I don't hate gays but that picture seems a little un-founded the rest of you images were good but this is kind of grasping for straws no?
Not grasping for straws, was the only thing in English I found about Roehm in German there are a ton of links about his gayness, this was the best one I could find that described Roehms sexual activities in English. He was a known Homosexual.

no cops to protect faggots

Ask mathew shepard how that works out.

sounds interesting I am actually trying to learn German atm not for Nazism but more because its a useful language to have for working within the eu would you mind posting some of the links that said these things?

sorry I should clarify I was asking for links about Roehms homosexual tendencies

>The anarchist antifa band WOLF DOWN like's to Rape women
That does not seem to be a gay activity


I actually met him once
True story
>was and independent filmmaker/producer
>not very good at any of it except interviewing people and selling my services
>Worked in D.C. A lot
>could read people well
>interview Larry Craig pic related
>I knew he was gay about five minutes after I met him
>he hides it really really well though
>The producer I was with is a pretty boy but totally straight and really homophobic
>Larry is making passes at him the whole time but pretty boy doesn't notice he is being flirted with
>interview ends and Larry asks if my friend would like to be showed around DC since it was only his second time being there
>pretty boy producer is kind of a prick and once embarrassed me in front of a bunch of girls on purpose
>I encouraged him to go and don't tell him about Larry wanting his cock
>they meet up at 6:30 in Georgetown
>calls me to pick him up at 8 o'clock
>at a gay bar
>not kidding
>didn't say much other than "he's just weird let's go" like 7 times in a row
>silence in car for a solid 10 minutes
>"don't ever fucking embarass me in front of a group of girls ever again"

the first link is clearly very biased and the second has no sources to speak of how does this prove that Roehm was gay?


>of how does this prove that Roehm was gay?
There are no pictures of him taking it up the butt, but a lot of his friends were gay. It's common knowledge in Germany that Röhm was gay.

lol wp

I translated some parts out of piece.
>1924 war für Röhm auch privat ein entscheidendes Jahr: Er ließ sich von seiner Frau scheiden, weil er erkannte, dass er homosexuell war.
1924 was a decisive year for Roehm, also in his private life, he divorced his wife because he realized that he was homosexual.
>Bei seinen Berlin-Aufenthalten besuchte er schwule Lokale, etwa das Eldorado, oder begab sich in die einschlägige Sauna.
When visiting Berlin he visited gay bars like the Eldorado or visited notrious Saunas
>Die SPD-nahe "Münchner Post" veröffentlichte 1932 einige Briefe Röhms, in denen er sich selbst als homosexuell bezeichnete. Konsequenzen für Röhm gab es keine: Hitler hielt ihm die Treue.
The SPD linked Newspaper Munich Post published letters of Roehm in which he described himself as gay, there were no consequences, Hitler remained loyal to Roehm.

FOX got memed

do you have any proof with un-biased well researched sources?
Again this isn't proof this is just an article with a clear bias its like me using a breitbart article where the only sources are people who work for the company

>Again this isn't proof this is just an article with a clear bias its like me using a breitbart article where the only sources are people who work for the company
Why would gay progressives lie about a Nazi being gay? Doesn't make much sense.

>do you have any proof with un-biased well researched sources?
I do not have any evidence, because I never really cared enough to look for it and I'm not going to spend my life time of mine trying to get the archived newspapers etc.
Critial part
>Röhm hatte seinerzeit kein Geheimnis daraus gemacht, schwul zu sein. Er verkehrte offen im Berliner Strichermilieu und zeigte sich mit seinen Favoriten.
You can translate it if you want, but I'm not going to invest anymore effort in showing you that Röhm was indeed a homosexual.

>he still thinks Shepard got killed for being a fag
He didn't pay his meth dealer.

don't look at the symbol on his headband. DO NOT LOOK!


well off parents
drug addict
slut or porn actor/actress
low iq / history of sniffing glue or paint remover
love for the establishment


Of course they're all gay. Would straight men do this?