Benji melted some snowflakes at Congress today. I love this guy.
Benji melted some snowflakes at Congress today. I love this guy
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quick kikedown?
>muh free speech
>larp rallies at colleges
this meme has become stale
He went to talk about the anti-free speech cultures of college campuses.
Free speech is one of the most important issues in our country today, but on an unrelated note, DAMN, LILY'S TITS LOOK LIKE THAT!
Ben's razor sharp, kike though he may be.
>Literally wearing a fucking yarmulke
Does he always wear one? Does he wear a black one to try to blend it in?
Wow this fucking rat always wears a yarmulka the exact same color as his hair in order to blend in like a true subversive
lol kys
Sorry fellow kekiatanis! xDD
You don't deserve human rights
He always wears one. It's not black to blend in, they wear white or black depending on the situation. I've been in an orthodox temple a few moons ago and the rabbi explained it to us but I've forgotten.
He even wears it during his Daily Wire reports.
I like Ben even though he gets shit on here.
I can't tell if he wears it to watch Game of Thrones.
There are lesser and greater evils in terms of Jews. Jews are his tribe, so I can't knock him for loving his own, but that doesn't excuse his attacks on the alt-right.
if he were being subversive why would he wear one at all? this is the dumbest shit i've read all day.
Found the jews
I'm not going any further than "tolerate" when it comes to (((Shapiro)))
>tfw ywn be able to grab Lily's perky tits
1 min
>the philosophy of intersecationality: this philosophy now dominates college campuses as well as large sections, unfortunately, of today's Democratic party. It suggests that straight, white Americans are inherently the beneficiaries of white privilege and therefore cannot speak on certain policies since they have not experienced what it's like to be black or hispanic or gay or transgender or a woman.
>This philosophy rates the value of a view not based on the logic or the merit of the view, but on the level of victimization in American society experienced by the person espousing the view. Therefore, if you're an LGBT black woman your view of American society is automatically more valuable than that of a straight white male.
Pretty big truth bombs there. It might be worth it to transcribe this into a .jpg.
If he were raised as a gentile, he'd probably be the Hitler-like figure we lack. He's great on everything short of the Jewish problem. His Jewish identity holds him back from acknowledging and speaking the complete truth.
A lot of pol hates this guy solely because he is jewish, but he does do a lot of good work.
Anytime I show the least bit of objectivity I draw anons like you out of the ether.
Try again
>being in a jewish temple
>for any reason
I don't always agree with him, but his ideas are always laid out very clearly so i can tell exactly what part of his argument I don't agree with. Lots of talking-heads just vomit words and make big implicit assumptions so it's hard to tell exactly what is wrong with what they're saying.
kike signaling
All anons have a past. I was leadership in a church many years hence. We attended a Q&A to hear a rabbi talk about living Orthodox Jewish in America.
It was all of an hour user. Actually sped up the redpill effect later on, so I don't regret it.
Is he, dare I say /ourjew/?
What's the context of him appearing before this committee? Is the committee contemplating taking action against universities?
They hate him because he was not pro-trump during that whole reporter assault thing. Also because he's a jew and his israel related policies and foreign policy in general is batshit insane. He is definitely among the best by far when he is talking about free speech, microaggressions, and black crime statistics however.
Our kike. I love this manlet jew
Even Hilter recognized a valuable Jew and kept them around when necessary.
Sup Forums faggots piss their pants and scream internally at even the sight of a Jew. They don't do much justice to the Führer's legacy(pic related)
lol try harder
Thanks! I'm gonna to watch the full video. I really want to see what that kike from the ADL has to say.
Of course Jews will support freedoms, even to minorities, like themselves.