>"Ugh... Why do you care about nationality and borders? We all live on ONE planet. We are all HUMAN."
"Ugh... Why do you care about nationality and borders? We all live on ONE planet. We are all HUMAN."
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I-I just never really thought about it desu. I just regurgitate memes from Sup Forums and pretend to be politically informed.
A-am I the uninformed one here??
>caring about a woman's opinion
No wonder your country is fucked.
eggman is trans now?
fucking hell nose rings are hideous
is that septum piercing made out of aluminum foil?
that may be the most white trash thing I've ever seen
To keep undesirable people out. Same reason you have a house. /thread
I don't see any borders from here, do you?
That face deserves a loud open handed weighty slap. Good work hurdygurdy. You triggered me
Bitch put all sub species of bees together in one space and see if they all behave like 1 hive.
That's because the border overlay isn't turned on.
Still waiting for leftists to complain about Japan being too Asian. Funny how it doesn't seem to be a problem.
Because I support all the different cultures of our world ! If there were no borders , the world would become mono-cultural, and a lot of non-dominant cultures would disappear... You can call me a multiculturalist haha ! For example, I like the fact that in many african countries, a degerate girl like you would be stoned to death of burnt in a tire
We're all part of the same matter bruh. Were star stuff! This matter was once dinosaurs mann, duddde!. Cant you see how pointless it all is? Why do we fight wars and shit?
Dude, I love your words. Touch my crystal please, let's share our energy together.
The only border you should truly understand is the one separating your assflaps from an invading nigger rapist dick while you are pissing in the men's room. Always piss with your pants up with hand near gun holster. Niggers are filthy apes that would fuck pigs and bulldogs if given the chance.
I kind of like that all sjws have septum piercings. Lets me know who I should go out of my way to avoid.
So you're saying we should kick the featherniggers off their dump- I mean reservations?
It deserves far worse it desrves ripping that fucking metal ring of her nose than punching her in the mouth and keep stomping until your foot is touching the asfalt
She's right though. We should be crusading through the galaxy and taking our rightful galactic clay.
looks comfy
Yes but it's a sovereign community with it's own borders, and therefore oppressive to everyone that isn't allowed to live there
>literally my cucknadian co-workers
Fuck I'm so glad my apprenticeship training is almost over. Fucking retarded wage slave drones.
Beautiful photo.
Personal bordes are also imaginary, can i smell your feet?
She's got a point anons
Why do you care about who I choose to associate with?
The fucking tyranny from humanists is mind boggling.
Im sure youll get one of those too when you're like 2% of the population. Patience
with all the warning signs a woman like this would give of how do you even get to the point where she has to tell you this?
One look at you and I know we're not all human, OP
Wow, you fucking colonist shitlord. People SUFFERED under colonialism. Wow. I can't even right now.
What happens if you put a taser to that ring?
I agree draft her and lets send her to war as we march with russia to take over the planet form the federation and take off to space!
It would be extremely painful.
You wouldn't mind if I just ate some of your food and took your sofa home? We are all people after all.
is that an authentic limited edition deluxe JO crystal?
I have a train set ya kno
Good goyim...
Have you seen Doctor Zhivago? The scene where they come home and their house is filled with communists?
It's worth the time to watch it.
>fish mouth
Every time
tie a noose around that ring and reel her in
Where is Turkish empire?
>Why do you care about nationality and borders?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
You silly man. That's the future.