Quitting the liquid Jew

How do I stop drinking the liquid Jew?

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You stop?

Its not hard, grow s pair. Stop buying it

if you can't break an addiction as weak as soda then you need to off yourself

Every time you want a soda, just get water instead.

Not politics.

i've tried multiple times and have come to the conclusion that it's impossible

you find happiness in social connection and fucking women. you should drink water not liquid crack you dumb fuck jewass-licker

Drink carbonated water

Start drinking coffee

I've been cutting back more and more. It's been at least two weeks since my last soda.
I had dream about getting a dr. Pepper from a vending machine last night. Not even joking.

>drinking the liquid spic

You got something against being fun and doing cool things?

I stopped drinking regular soda, but I still drink diet soda. I heard there was a chemical in diet soda that causes cancer, but I just can't kick the habit. Every time I have dinner I have to have a soda.

And try to drink it without a bunch of sugar if you can't right now. Get a good coffee so it actually tastes good black.

Dude just fuckin replace it. I ate actual food instead of fastcancer for a month and I now get physically sick if I eat any. I started doing the same for fizzy shit, I have changed it to caprisuns, water and fresh orange juice its workin wonders mate.Just replace it.

Chug water while eating fruit. That will satisfy your mind's association of sweetness and liquid. To ween off, slowly spread out the gap between eating fruit and drinking water.

i'd rather drink tap water than diet soda tb.h. i hate it

Limit it to once a week. Don't just go cold turkey. It's much harder to stop if you have it in your head that you will NEVER get to drink it again. Just keep limiting it until one day, maybe you won't care anymore.
>durr just stop xD b urself
Fucking hell this board is full of children

Bitch I managed to stop being an alcoholic, worked out, got my shit together and cleaned my room.

Stop drinking it and clean your fucking room.

You're addicted to the caffeine. It's fine, everyone is. What you want to lose is the aspartame (cancer-causing chemical), HFCS, and whatever else.

Nah they switched to sucralose your body's taste receptors perceive it as sugar but just dump it out because it's not the same as real sugar. There's no conclusive studies that it's bad for you

>unironically considering caprisun and orange juice an improvement

Switch to coffee for the caffeine, little sugar, no milk or flavored creamers. Start drinking seltzer. After not drink soda for a while they will taste good.

You also loose weight just from this.

This, you'll drop a few pounds right away and have more energy too.

Stop being a faggot.
I seriously believed I was addicted to the stuff too (used to drink 5+ cans every single day), but I just started drinking water instead and very quickly I got completely off it.
Water will taste like shit at first, if all you've been drinking is soda. However, if you continually force yourself to drink it, eventually it will become your favorite beverage (I now vastly prefer it over soda).

Seriously, you just have to put in a small amount of enduring effort, and you can easily kick the stuff entirely. Soda is not nearly as addictive as you think it is.

you don't you start to sip it with ice cubes

What about aspartame though....I have heard a lot of really bad stuff about it. I hate soda, it is disgusting to me.

lemonade with stevia

drink unsweet tea

Just start drinking (filtered) water
Just start chugging glass fulls. You piss will start to look like a spring fountain and smell like pure amonia

Your body will get used to sugar just like cigarettes. If you stop eating it for a longer time it will start taste too sweet.

>Every time I have dinner I have to have a soda
No, you don't. Is someone forcing you to go buy soda at gunpoint? Do your hands move by themselves to reach for a can?

Are you a man or a fucking animal? Where is your will?

i cant believe i even drank soda at one point. its been like 7 - 10 years.

drinking more than a few sips makes me feel sick now.

fucking disgusting sugar water

Thats not the liquid jew.
Thats the carbonated jew.

How do you stop? You just stop. Its literally sugar and acid youre drinking.

>implying you ever start
It isn't even that addicting unless you need fucking stomach gratification from not only from eating but also drinking. We need to get you fucks some "Sweet Frooty Air" so that the air you breath isn't as bland neither.

I was always a huge fan of Diet Coke until I went to Wendy's, drank my pop and broke out in a burning full body rash (cept my dick). Wasn't sure what caused it but at another restaurant it happened too. Never drank pop since


I already drink coffee. I think there's just some chemical in the soda that's got me addicted to it

Switch to iced black coffee. That's how I beat the soda Jew

Aldi (if you have one near you) has naturally flavored water like LaCroix, but it is way cheaper and just as good. Once you drink that and re-train your taste buds not to crave outrageously sweet drinks...things will turn around for the better.

Start drinking the real Liquid Jew, Immense Jewish Powers will be bestowed.

Fat cunt

Try drinking mineral water. I thought I was "addicted"but all I really wanted was something fizzy to drink.

It always makes me chuckle seeing fatties in the grocery store buying big cases of Soda. Truly disgusting swine.
Just don't fucking buy it or drink it, OP, is it really that fucking hard? Drink 3 liters of water a day. There is no reason to be gulping down carbonated High Fructose Corn Syrup ever

Capitalism. Is. Disgusting. To. Me. Too.

>I heard there was a chemical in diet soda that causes cancer

This is bullshit, if any of the sweeteners caused cancer it would be very widely published by now. The aspartame "trials" have been completely flawed.

It might fuck with your blood sugar, basically making you hungry or tired or gain weight, but not cancer.

Also, sipping soda with lots of ice instead of gulping down a gallon was a good suggestion.

Yeah but soda water tastes like death.







gotta have my SKI every once in a while

find a flavor of one of these you enjoy, or something similar

Just literally stop

My dad did like 6 years ago and hasn't had a drop since.

I started drinking more iced sweet tea if I want a sweet drink or I just simply drink water.

You just don't drink it.

However, I enjoy the poison. Keeps me grounded.


Sparkling Water helps if you can not think of it as imitation diet soda.

So we can't drink soda or fap.

Is that it or is there more. Besides the obvious like no recreational drugs.


You really just need to stop buying it, don't have it around.
This really helps.
Only if you drink soda, they taste like flat flavorless soda in comparison. But if you lay off soda for a while they fine.




Listen up fags. Learn which words are used where.

>I heard there was a chemical in diet soda that causes cancer
You heard wrong. You are safe, unless you are chugging litres worth of coke every day.

But if you want to drop this shit altogether, start doing keto. Pretty soon you'll lose any desire to consume sugar again.

This is the best fizzy jew. Debate me.

Nope...Central Kentucky


This, clean your room. A clean room is the ultimate red pill.

You dont have to have it, you are just addicted to it.
Water is amazing, i cant drink anything else when im thirsty. If i want "flavor" ill drink some lemonade or something but mostly ice water

Ahhhh. They make Ski like 15 min from my house. Also they have a brewery there called Excel.

>liquid jew
That's alcohol.

I used to drink it daily but one day I just stopped. I have it maybe once every 2 weeks, if that now. I dont go out of my way for it, and if an urge ever strikes I just go for water instead. Its a lot easier than people think.

Just keep reminding yourself that eventually one of these will end up ripping through your dickhole.

There's no proof that sucralose causes cancer, the only study that showed that it could possibly was when they fed rats like 200 times the normal dose that a can of diet coke has for years. One can of diet soda a day is not bad for you.

1. drink a whole cup of water before even touching soda. if you drink multiple at a time drink a glass of water in between each soda.
2. if you drink multiple at a time, stop
3. limit yourself to one a day
4. realize that you are an adult that drinks sugar water and make yourself feel bad for drinking it
5. stop all together. if you just have one every few weeks when you go out its fine. if you actually got weened off of it chances are you wont like it anyways.

might be time to drink some beer

>no nothing retard. "Sugar will ony cause weight gain and tiredness!!"

Fucking pleb. Sugar can make you insulin resistant, and only after a couple years of being overweight. Don't talk when you know jack u newfag.

Tea for the caffeine.

Drink Zevia! It doesn't have the evil aspartame in it.

>start doing keto

This. Keto is the diet redpill.


You have to drink something else you like in the mean time, and start drinking water some of the time to get off the soda addiction.

When I drank tons of soda, i hated water, was too gross i couldn't even drink a glass of it. Now I drink almost all water and hate the taste of soda.

You might also need to avoid fast food places where it's normal to drink coke/pepsi with food.

Aspartame was made by the same company that invented MSG. They was also approved by the biased Department of chemicals, which later became FDA. Aspartame is a neuro-toxin and it makes you an idiot.

No! WHY? That shit is sharp and way too big to fit through my little dick urethra.

With 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream

Excel huh? micro brew? ill look around for their products and give'em a try....while sippin on jew free ski of course

Ween yourself on iced tea, then move on to water. Once you go a week or two without soda, you'll start to want less of it.

Remember that these products are addictive and that these generate a WHOPPING 80% profit for the companies that make them. Do you want to keep paying someone for something that will make them rich while eventually killing you?

In March 2009, the California OEHHA identified aspartame as a chemical for consultation by its Carcinogen Identification Committee, in accordance with California state Proposition 65

Saccharin is carcinogenic for the urinary bladder in rats and mice, and most likely is carcinogenic in human beings.

not sucralose but common artificial sweetners

OP, you need to change your lifestyle. Identify the times you drank soda and start doing something else at those times.



I replaced soda with alcohol

I mean I quite soda but now.......

Yep, try their Southside Stout or their EastSide IPA...pretty good stuff.

It's not a big deal to have one can a day, it's like 140 calories. They aren't even that good except for the expensive craft soda.

Switch to coffee or tea like every other grown adult. And don't load it with sugar, add a small amount of milk or some butter.

fucking around with sugar substitutes could have other uninteded consequences though
maybe you are maintaining your sugar cravings by continuing to consume drinks that at least some part of your body recognizes as sugar
just switch to unsweetened tea
none of that juice shit either
fuck juice

Get one of those machines that carbonates water and try recipes from the internet until you find something that you like. Or make it the old fashioned way. It's not difficult.

I'll checkum myself then shall I?

Honestly I didn't have a problem kicking soda. It's been about 8 months since my last one. I don't know if seltzer water counts but I have a la Croix with cranberry juice now and again.

This is YBYL

I meditated and made a pact with God that I would never drink another drop of soda as my show of loyalty to Him.
I've been clean for about 2 months now cold turkey.
Temptations are ROUGH, especially when having pizza and other shit like that, but making yourself accountable really does the trick.

Tastes like soda.

Ingredients: Water. Natural Flavors.

Soda is for degenerates.

MSG/Aspartame is an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your cells to the point of damage or death, causing brain damage to various degrees. It's triggering/worsening learning disabilities, alzheimers, parkinsons, lou gehrigs disease. and more.

“It is wholly unscientific to state that a well-fed body is more able to resist disease than a poorly-fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn’t been enough experimentation to prove that dietary deficiencies make one susceptible to disease.”
– Elmer Nelson MD

>adding butter to tea or coffee

wtf nigger