Does pol hate degeneracy because they can't take part in it? Is this a classic case of the fox and sour grapes
Does pol hate degeneracy because they can't take part in it? Is this a classic case of the fox and sour grapes
No that's not how degeneracy works. Everybody can do it.
That's correct, my conscience forbids it
She's a qt though
I can buy drugs pretty easily senpai a lam, i choose not to.
Her brain is probably the size of a pea.
Just look at those dead fucking eyes, nothing behind them.
degeneracy fucks with my life because i cant find a proper girl to marry
These virgin neckbeards are just angry that chad and tyrone are fucking all the pure qt white women and they stay at home crying on Sup Forums
Sadly, the jews got to her first
Is that true? I'd probably have to go gay for it though.
Nope, that's not it. Try again.
And legalize shit, seriously legalize ALL the shit. Dump the warning labels, stop mothering people who need everything idiotproofed to survive in civilization. Let people make themselves so degenerate they fucking die. That's the RIGHT way to filter degeneracy out of society.
you're obviously a jealous roastie she's beautiful
>they can't take part in it?
You should understand that the red pill is most useful after degenerate acts .
I do not support degeneracy for it has an adverse effect on the individuals peak quality of life, besides this it leads to societal decay, illness, crime and corruption neither of which i support.
Can't take part in it? That's a shitty argument. Like people who claim that you're automatically only jealous of Justin Bieber if you don't like him.
We hate it because it ruins society. People never work to become better, they only live on cheap gratification. Have you ever tried hanging out with normies? They're bland as fuck, their entire lives between 18-30 is just dedicated to drinking. I tried being a degenerate, drugs and parties. It's just not worth it.
It's like playing a game on easy mode. Sure it's a way to kill time, but you will never develop character, skill or anything that makes you valuable to anyone, besides being a disposable fuck toy.
I've been a degenerate before. Never again. Its a shallow lifestyle at best
Don't turn this around. Russian collusion is a hoax and Hillary lost fair and square,
I take part in degeneracy - just that absolutely nobody IRL knows about it
I only talk about it here
It's the people who go to parades wearing a suit made out of dicks that need to be purged
This, Sven of all people gets it.
the ">muh degenerates should be gassed" crowd is a minority on Sup Forums. most people here just dont want to be forced to choose between being alone, tyrone's son's mother, and a 30 something girl fresh off the cock carousel.
everyone in this thread is a neckbeard virgin in denial.
Begone, sinner!
your daily reminder that you dotr larpers are spineless niggers
ive been posting on Sup Forums for as long as it has existed, newfag
anybody can take part in degeneracy though, it isnt hard.
Your logic is mindblowing simplistic. So if i want to punish murderer of my mother that must mean i am the murderer of my mother.
Obviously OP is talking about sexual degeneracy. pol hates sexual active people because they cant get any. they get sour grapes when they see chad thundercock fucking a new girl every day
Degeneracy isn't an achievement, it's an easy thing to slide down into. I hate it because it unravels society and turns us into weak willed retards.
Funny how every post you've made in this thread is that of t. Liberal Jew roastie.
Black Flag tat. If you say stupid social justice buzzword she'll blow you by the dumpster behind the venue guaranteed.
i'd tell her i read simone de beauvoir and want to be her Camus
I'd actually argue that envy DOES play a role in anti-degeneracy movements.
Most of the people who hate degeneracy are people, who if they could be part of the elite and rich "beautiful people" caste, would be whoring and boozing and doing every drug they can get their hands on, while flaunting it to the normies who don't have the money, fame, and status in society to behave like a degenerate with ZERO consequence.
It's one of the reasons as well, why anti-degeneracy movements have their roots in the poor and middle classes. People who are struggling to survive don't tolerate the rich and powerful doing shit that would get a normie arrested/made into a pariah socially, whereas the elite caste can be degenerates and get away with it with death via degenerate behavior being the only thing to stop them.
fucking newports... fucking Sup Forums was right again
Exactly. I still drink though, but I fail to see what's hard about it. Just find some friends and buy booze, that's about it.
Sole difference is that my friends and I talk about societal collapse and how muslims turn this country to shit, whilst drinking. Good times I guess