Why are majority of blonde and blue eyed looking men and women from USA and Germany such hardcore liberals, anti-white, anti-fascist and anti-Christian?
Why are majority of blonde and blue eyed looking men and women from USA and Germany such hardcore liberals, anti-white...
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Weak men = weak society.
Because they hold true western values such as tolerance, justice, and openmindedness. They just want to ride cock of middle easterners and blacks until a white male saves them though.
Fake blonde dosnt count
life had been good to them, so they don't see the reality of the world
lets summon binland :DDD
that dude is cute af though fuck off
credit where credit due
>Anti Christian
Nice lowkey shoe horn attempt christchild
BUT, I have noticed this as well.
I believe its due to
1.The unrelenting propaganda against those genetic traits in movies and all media forms
>LOLO well i have blond hair and blue eyes lol im a nazi
>lol yeah Hitler would have loved me lol XD
2.The unrelenting propaganda against Germans and German culture (I personally suffered from this for 25 years)
>Germans are so ugly
>they are sexual deviants lol have you seen Eurotrip lol??
>muh ____ million
>XD the german language is like straight up anger lol its so ugly lol XDDD
>Germans started every war in human history XD
^shit like that going 25/8 your entire life will perma fuck you. As its intended to.
If he's awake at this time?
And how should we call this cute couple?
ash and fash
why is a coal burner worshiped here?
I'm a blonde hair blue eyed male and I voted for Trump fuck outta here with that bull shit.
good goy i said majority
And I believe in Christian values. Were is your proof that the majority believe that way?
Cuckoldry is a Scandinavian genetic trait.
When was this pic taken?
well i thought that was a meme at first but then i saw that biggest immigrant group in minnesota the most whitest and nordic state are somalis so yeah we are onto something i guess...
What motivates your posting? Who signs your checks, kike?
I dont know
Where's the source, Serb subhuman?
When they met first on 13.05.2017.
im the source ivan
Can you imagine how hot the sex was between ThatGuyT and Southern last night in mexico?
I can close my eyes and just in-vision how it went down. I can see Lauren holding T's hand with a smile on her face as she leads him to her hotel room. Once they get in, she shuts the door behind them and kisses T while trying to get her shirt off.
They begin to frantically make-out like two horny undergrads after a night of to much partying and drinking. T, using his brutish black strength, picks Lauren up and plants her onto the nearby bed. At this point, Lauren is laying on her back with T hovering over her. His shirt is off and you can witness the contrast of his jet black skin as it begins to presses up against Lauren white arayn chest. Its as if Africa its self had manifested inside the room to engulf Europe into its very own being. From this view, the difference was that glaring, T's muscular black stature was the pinnacle of male masculinity, while Lauren Germanic traits represented gentle, soft femininity.
Once T and Lauren had fully undressed, he positioned his member to enter Lauren. She was stunned by how massive T was, she wondered how her body would be able to endure such a beast, and of-course T was bareback, but neither cared of the consequences. This was unbridled lust, a condom would be an insult to what both were about to experience. Lauren leaned her head back with her eyes close as T finally infiltrated her womanhood. In this moment she had transcended and became one with the son of Africa.
The stimuli from T's well endowed penis was too much for Lauren's senses to handle, she begin to experience convulsions of euphoria from each stroke by T. She was suddenly going in out of consciousness from an ecstasy overload. No white man has ever made her feel this way, she couldn't believe a human could ever experience something so blissful. As if she died and went to heaven each time T motioned his penis while inside of her.
Those physical traits correlate to a disturbing extent with naivety. When well led, nordids can be unstoppable, but this vulnerability is disastrous.
How is calling a (((civnat))) coal burner out make you a kike you fucking nu/pol/ tier faggot?
go the fuck back to t_d reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
who is that a reference to?
Eh I find most blonde, blue eyed women to actually be the most conservative, Christian, only date White tall muscular Chads, embrace and brag about their Aryan features, are self-entitled and classist, and against multiculturalism.
FSU is pretty redpilled though.
Why the fuck is this like the 3rd photo I've seen of Lauren where it looks like she poured a bottle of Wesson over her face?
It's not a little oily it's fucking pooling on her skin. Need to dab it off with napkins like pepperoni pizza or something.
>posting in a shareblue divide and conquer thread
Character assassination is when you try to make a person irrelevant because you destroyed the perception of their personality. You try to make it so nobody likes them anymore, so nobody listens to them anymore. You do it when you see that person as a threat.
You can spot it when there's clear spam about a certain person, and asking who benefits from that spam. e.g. Sup Forums doesn't benefit from abandoning Lauren Southern. She is starting thousands of normies down the redpill path.
Shareblue/antifa does benefit. This is a shareblue character assassination attempt, using stuff they think will get Sup Forums to hate her. Lying about her being jewish is one way. Calling her a slut/racemixer is another. Calling her a coward or weakling is another. etc. etc.
It's to shareblue's benefit if every alt-light and alt-right personality gets entirely discredited so Sup Forums no longer has any big voices on their side, and normies stop getting redpilled, which is why they do it.
You cunts are here to try to neutralize Sup Forums and the other places you brigade before the 2018 and 2020 elections with your retarded divide and conquer tactics.
All that means is that nationalism is going mainstream, something that should be encouraged at all levels, and it also means you commie pieces of shit are losing bigger than shit.
Die in a fire.
It's not makeup, it's glitter:
Thing is, retard, is that normies don't go on Sup Forums.
We are further right than whatsherface so we can shittalk her all we want.
All of them have dyed hair. None of them have blue eyes. 2/10 wnb
t. fake swede
hello moo-ham-ed!
FSU is redpilled because they have to deal with FAMU.
White supremacy.
They have a greater form of empathy and therefore identify with "victims" and are easily subjected to emotional manipulation whereas the other races do not.
Shareblue house niggers running amok tonight!
Also cosplaying faggots?
They aren't. It's only an indoctrinated minority.
the Fake blond and a Ethnopluralist cuck
Their hair is dyed, like the vast majority of blonds.
sage this anti-white bullshit thread
nice try (((OP)))
Maybe it's true that Nordic people are naturally naive.
the majority of them from europe are that way because whites there have been living under big government for a very long time, and now they're too stupid, genetically, to even stand up for themselves and protect themselves.
the majority of coastal, city dwelling women are that way because they live in urban centers, usually in states with big government, and likewise they're now too stupid to even stand up for themselves.
go tell a southern babe you're a liberal and she will shove her gun barrel down your throat and tell you to find jesus, hate naggerz or GTFO.
not religious but the reality is that small government is necessary because creates circumstances in which citizens must be strong and independent in order to survive and breed. result? uncucked populace.
big government and authoritarianism? (looking at you here Sup Forums nazis) that's the ultimate joo plot of all. and if you think that's not true, ask yourself why all of these joos are running around pushing big government policies and socialism through their television, movies, music and MSM.
You fucking beta go back to rebbit with your (((civic-nationalism))) stop defending women e celebs they are all degenerates wanting attention and easy patreon money from betas like you. Im no shareblue im here to redpill people against these (((civics))) trash
Its not tho i got amazed when i saw videoa of antifa im hamburg and berkeley being majority blonde blue eyed whites also i see plenty of coal burners and self hating roasties on social medias too
That makes sense thanks for clearing it out
I'm pretty sure less than 10% of all the blondes I know actually have natural hair. Usually women do it look cuter, but Lauren does it to fool the "muh aryan goddess" alt-right virgins.
Looking extra greasy
Don't insult me like that
How tall is kike southern
Over half of white women voted for Trump.
Lauren isn't a hardcore liberal, or anti-white, or anti-fascist or anti-Christian.
Sage for another character assassination shill thread.
Reminder that shills never address the argument or actions of the people they're trying to discredit, they just use lies and slander:
>she's a Jew!
>she's a coalburner!
>she's not a blonde!
>she's just an attention whore just doing it for the money!
>she looks like a tranny!
>she's actually a fraud!
>she's a man!
>she doesn't have a kid at 22!
>she's a whore!
>she's alt-lite civic nationalist!
You can tell how they're afraid of Lauren when you have 500 threads a day desperately shitting on her.
Why do you shills keep pushing these easily debunked memes?
Honestly even if her hair was actually black/dark brown I wouldn't care if she dyed it blonde.