Who are the good guys? On one hand you have the Russian separatists, and I'm generally a supporter of Russia, but there are too many commies in the separatist ranks for my liking. And on the other hand you have the Ukrainian government/nationalist militias, which in theory I would support, except for the fact that the government is run by Jews and backed by US warmongers. Redpill me on who I should support.
Quick rundown on the Ukraine conflict
Other urls found in this thread:
Ukraine is a meme country, it belongs to Russia, Poland and Hungary
of course the based Russian separatists
>better organisation
>fights better
>actually fighting for their hometurf
>better coverage and was delivering Kino war footage all the time
it's the americans trolling the ivans, again.
this time in ukrainistan.
fucking ivans and their junk army can't even take half of ukrainistan.
the attack on the airport was so fucking Kino
>at minute 5:00
man those were the comfy days of Sup Forums, cheking the ukraine general all day long for fresh footage.
I support Donetsk and Lugansk.
I support the commies.
I hate Stefan Bandera fans.
I hate the European Union.
I hate Maidan.
Based givi and motorola. Sadly they died because of sad coward assassinations
I would say the Russian seperatists are on the right side. Ukraine has killed many civilians and family members with shelling so I doubt the situation will ever get normal again. Lughansk and Donetsk are much more important than any western ukranian city so Ukraine wants to have it under their control and they will do anything for it. While Ukraine is sucking EU dick and taking money from banks Crimea has actually been getting better and better so I think it would be better if pro Russian parts in ukraine can join the Russian federation or at least become sovereign
it was truly like watching some sort of slavshit Band of Brothers, so fucking kino lads.
sure its sad but thats War and in real life nobody got plot armor.
Will definitely watch some of these videos
Man when are they going to restart the war? It was top tier entertainment, better than Syria.
Let me put it how I've thought it out so far. I can't Trust the votes they've had in the east where people identify as Russian, I know the kind of Russian influence can have on elections over there. Have you seen the past few elections in Ivan land? The scandals and corruption are too broad for me to ignore, so why would I 100% trust an election where they have literal armed convoys and patrols on every corner? And at the same time, I don't think I want further Russian influence over Ukraine, I think that the European Union obviously mishandles a lot of things, but it's still better than just surrendering the economic and military opportunities in my opinion. Would love to hear other's input
>Crimea has actually been getting better
Every time I come back to Sup Forums, I have to read people gargling on russian cock.
>I support the commies.
>I hate the European Union.
Self-contradicting enough?
I try to post the best ones (that I remember), its a shitload of videos on that channel.
Are the IMF loans(can't believe that anyone would be stupid enough to do that) are contingent on Ukraine maintaining its territorial integrity?
In what meme world are you living? Ukraine didn't spend shit on Crimea but Russia actually does something with it. Like much new infrastructure, more tourism and the average Crimean makes more money now
those videos are fake
Love how he just stands there, no emotion, smoking like it's nothing. The guy has brass balls.
shit is as real as it can get bru
Givi had seen some shit at that point.
I think before the war he was a simple factory worker or something, he made it really far up the ranks.
what's you source, mr Diaspora, Russia Today?
>pro-Russia american
literally kill yourself you are a fucking disgrace
Also, I have to read americans and europeans literally happy to lose a possible sphere of influence;
Great geopolitical vision, Sup Forums, you bunch of utter retards. The Russians are playing you like fiddles.
In the same very board that talks about cultural marxism and posts videos on subversion and how it works.
and the bantz were top tier
>Who are the good guys?
None. You know I actually enjoy subhumans killing off other subhumans. We should not care about that trash. There is a good reason sane people don't take any sides. Jewish oligarch funded Neo-Nazi army filled with fetishists, half-tatars and gays. Force conscripting people. Fighting for multiculturalism and the EU. Fighting against what I can only see as a illegal secession and referendum from illegal pseudostate created by judeobolsheviks .
Versus a mix of communists, antifa, niggers, spics, central asians, mudslimes from northern caucasus and azerbajan, nazbols, and ex con bydlos.
What is this? Answer is: the more these subhumans kill each other the better. Best thing you can do is to not accept any pigs from that shithole of a (((country)))
There are actual White people in Baltics we can worry about instead
they're randomly shooting in the air.
Both guys in your video/pic are low IQ nonwhite subhumans. Drink bleach, vatnik
>being pro-Russian is wrong now
America is literally a globalist country that does things for the Jews. Russia is the opposite of that so it will obviously get support of any normal thinking human.
I am not going to search sources since I am on phone however
Ukraine has a worse GDP than Angola and Morocco, lost millions of people to Ukraine and Poland, has a lot of Jews in the government even though they are a small percentage of the ethnic make-up and Ukraine is a made up country.
Also take a look at things like the bridge with Crimea and the improvements of the cities and streets under Russian control + their salary now and then.
Instead of namecallig people go do some research schlomo
>America is literally a globalist country that does things for the Jews. Russia is the opposite of tha
Tokkie imbecile. Refugees welcome. In Russia
Modern (((Russian government))) (which is not Russia in any away) supports Mugabe and Zuma and still allows nigger subhumans and spics on its soil
(((Russian government))) even financed refugee shit which is run by Armenian jewess(just like Russsia Today)
I'd say most die from Artillery fire, mortars, Grad anyway so such war comes down to randomly shooting at buildings, bushes and other stuff in the distance hoping to hit something.
why are you taking it so personally?
its just war and the pro russian side had the best coverage, best heros, best quality.
>best heros
How can nonwhite subhumans be heroes of Europe? Givi is FUCKING IMMIGRANT. He's not Russian. He's Georgian
As for "heroes": that """"""""war""""""" has none. They all should be exterminated
Most die from alcoholism over there.
>Who are the good guys?
Obviously based Novororussiya:
everyone who puts his ass on the frontline to defend his home is a hero, they have truly become the Band of Brothers.
funfact: Givi and Motorola met this Colonel before and then later took him as POW
>everyone who puts his ass on the frontline to defend his home
It's not his home. He's Georgian. Not Russian
the long version of the POW and Givi forcing them to eat their flags kek
more comfy footage
if he goes to war over this turf and puts his ass in major risk then he must have a good reason to do so, also seemed to be pretty well accepted by his lads and by the people who lived there.
Givi was popular as fuck.
but what do I know how racism works in russia/ukraine/other slav places
Enjoy your rundown.
>also seemed to be pretty well accepted by his lads and by the people who lived there.
You mean other subhuman IMMIGRANTS? Top thinking. Almost like spics will cheer on other spics when those get attacked by White Nat groups
1. Like Hong Kong, Russia leased the ports of Crimea for the Black Sea Fleet.
2. Russia left 80% of the ports in such a toxic state the ports would need over 10 billion dollars in repairs to keep the black sea fleet based in the black sea
3. Ukraine asked Putin to renew the leases in 2013 and clean up the mess left behind from the USSR
4. Putin declined to pay his clean up bills
5. Ukraine independent to the Black Sea Fleet crisis was offered free trade status with EU and open borders in exchange for gain discounts & natural gas tariff reduction
6. Ukraine agreed to increase GDP (Tymoshenko trying to skim some cash)
6a. Govt changes
6b. Govt renegs on free borders. Govt also renegs on lower natural gas tariffs.
6c. People mad they get no borders and no gas tariffs.
6d. People find out Yanukovich & Putin are taking the gas profits for themselves via Firtash.
6e. People get mad.
7. Putin uses the visa's to invade Ukraine via "little green men" which he perfected in Georgia and the 'Stans.
8. Putin takes Crimea and wipes out his debt to the Ukraine army & Ukraine Klutra.
9. Army and Ukraine people decide to kick out the Donbass Clan oligarchs.
10. Yanukovich and the Donbass Clan escape
11. Vinnistya Clans rise to power (conservative) with Polish and US NGO support.
12. Russian NGO's and Donbass people open second front in Donetsk
13. Dontesk conscripts towns to reopen abandoned coal mines in slave camps. Illegal coal is sold to India and DTEK
14. DTEK is caught buying illegal coal. Rotterdam Coal scandal happens.
15. SBU finds out Yanukovich (Donbass Clan) were lying to people and stole a bunch more stuff.
16. People are now really 110% mad at Putinists and the "old guard".
17. Poroshenko was not 100% sold on going full NATO but recognizes he has now burned his ships, Cortez style and is riding this Calvary ride right into hell.
18. If Ukraine falls, NATO dies. Westphilian state finally hit the wall.
19. Ukraine is ground zero for RvB.
like whats your point?
This is completely wrong and full of disinfo. But as a wise man once said, it takes exponentially more time and effort to disprove lies than to create them. I won't waste my time.
Why Ukraine matters:
1. Over 80% of EU sex trafficking goes through Odessa, this is why Sakshvilli was brought in, and run out of town
2. Over 60% of the "turkish road" for heroin and hard drugs is also run through Ukraine
3. Ukraine is the largest swing producer for grain, urea and chemicals in the world. Owning Ukraine's markets is equal to owning the Brent Oil post for crude oil markets
4. The Silk Road ends in Ukraine
5. In addition to sex trafficking and drugs, the Odessian port is the largest export dumping ground in the world. Odessa & Mykolaiv are home to the largest illegal and grey market export hubs outside of Hong Kong (Kowloon).
5a. 95% of all Russia's natural gas passes through Ukraine. Based on money laundering and GDP estimates nearly all of Russia's money laundering and hard dollar support runs through Ukraine. If Saudi Sour killed the Urals peg, the Syrian crisis is 100% tied to the Gas pipes and Berlin Spot arbitrage.
6. Ukraine is to Russia what Canada is to USA. Take Ukraine, Putin dies. Everything from the GRU's training ground to their largest media market dries up. Overnight Russia loses 400 years worth of "natty gains" (there is a joke in there somewhere).
I'm actually 100% correct. But I'm not going to stick around and fight every FSB guy who is going to dogpile into the thread.
Redpills are now deployed on UA. Eat them, or don't. I have real shitposting to do.
>hurrr someone disagreed with me, FSB RUSSIAN HAX0RZ!!1 xD
You've outed yourself
FU Ukrop scumbag!
All sides have done shit things.
>Ukrainian uprising forces elected president out of office instead of waiting or forcing the parties to trigger an election
>Current Ukrainian military/government uses fascist malitias who have been accused of killing Russian born civilians who were living in the conflict zone
>Ukraine rebels are accused of similar atrocities against pro-Ukrainian civilians, many of have given testimonies that they fled in fear of their lives
>Russia gave unskilled rebels a BUK that shot down a civilian airplane then made it worse by being caught trying to cover it up and continue to encourage conflict based on personal political desires
>US/EU continue to exasperate the situation by throwing extreme sanctions on Russia while crippling and taking DE-facto control over the Ukraine economy and encouraging the stalemate and violence to continue
Hang 'em all.
The Ukrops had their own BUKs.
It is a Soviet weapon Russia and Ukraine both have.
Malaysia airlines uses a paint scheme that resembles that used by the Russian Govt.
Over zealous Banderaists thought they were going to be bigshots taking down a large Russian plane but instead they got a Malay plane.
Russia is not natty. Ukraine is on day dere gear
Nope. This is some "former Red Team planner here" fucking nonsense. Honestly, I'd laugh, but there are kids here who're gonna fall for this fag shit.
>Ukraine is the largest swing producer for grain
>urea (uran?)
lol no
>and chemicals in the world.
Good theory except Russia made no illegal airspace entries into Ukrainian territories, the support was land based. There would be no reason to deploy and fire a BUK against a single target.
Meanwhile the Ukrainian military was bombing rebel hold territories causing both military and civilian casualties. The Russian government deployed BUK to counter them presumably placing either incompetent volunteers or former military defectors who did not understand correct identification procedures. Civilian witnesses have testified seeing the BUK well within rebel held territory before firing and the convoy was pictured crossing the border and moving towards the correctly calculated position the missile was fired from.
After the flight was shot down the rebel command boasted on social media believing they had shot down a Ukrainian bomber, they quickly deleted the post the moment they realized what they had actually done. The final nail in the coffin is when Ukrainian spies who had been monitoring the Russian support crossing the border spotted pic related being rushed back.
I'm certain by your previous posts that you are some RIDF poster who will cry 'fake news' but like I have stated, all sides deserve to be hanged over this fuckup.
I always womdered why didn't the americans show satellite videos of russian military vehicles movement into Ukraine.
That would have killed the russian narrative.
After new sactions....
Putin will liberate Urinia for 2 weeks