Redpill me on gays/trannys

For some reason, I just can't swallow the LGBT pill. Help a bro out.

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They are pretty gay


TL;DR: The gay scene is a horrific pit of damaged people abusing each other. Gays are all mentally ill.

Those people are totally normal so there's no red pill.


growing up i was always baffled why people were so offended by gay people. i thought why not just let them be, they're not hurting anyone. then they'd say that it's a slippery slope and eventually people will be talking about marrying their dogs or worse. I thought that argument was didn't make sense.

This movement to normalize trannies has opened my eyes though. I see now that they were right. Now I'm against all degeneracy.


liar, OP is always a faggot

or there probably is? I mean this is totally normal and not completely crazy right? You cut off your dick and get a beautiful mangina like
>pic related

The gays:

And to make this horror story complete we might need to back it up

"Transgenderism" is a reaction to deep-seated feelings of inferiority coupled with comorbidities like anxiety and depression. Trannies and their progressive cheerleaders will offer up platitudes like "gender is a social construct" while they try their hardest to conform to whichever gender role they will claim they were "born as". Pay attention to how trannies try to reinvent themselves, their wellbeing is directly tied to how well they "pass" as another gender, because their idea of what being that gender is doesn't extend past the surface, so you'll have MtF trannies that dress exceedingly feminine and affect feminine mannerisms to the point of camp. They actually can't experience life holistically as a woman because their biological sex is concrete, so they must act like how their respective society expects women to act, playing directly into the "gender roles" which are somehow invalidated because they're a "social construct". That social construct of manliness or womanliness is all they have to base their new lifestyle on. It's a sham that's now enabled by progressive society.


Could you stop conflating gays with trannies? Honestly, even if you hate faggots, keep them seperated from trannies. Its a totally different thing. Gays are into fucking people of the same gender.
Trannies are into switching genders, and lately, shaming the ever-loving-fuck out of anyone who takes even the slightest issue with their deception.

I'm fine with gays, and was indifferent to trannies up until maybe 2012... But since then, holy shit... Theres nothing you can do to a trans person that'll make them happy. You cant ignore them. You cant focus on them. You cant compliment on how well they pass(not that i would anyway) and you cant explain to them they look like a fucking train wreck.

The most fucked up faggot, the kind who is trying to get himself infected with AIDS, and wearing a jock strap in the middle of the street, is still better than your typical run of the mill tranny. That faggot knows hes fucked in the head. No tranny will ever admit they're medically and chemically unstable. They will deny basic elementary biology, and somehow get the far left(the ones who would laugh at how ridiculous someone would be to deny or question evolution) to go along with them in their denial of science.

Trump is right, we really gotta get those nutcases away from the military gear.

You might like this video. Pic related.


The god of Judaism is a false god.


Youre following the Torah, the Jew bible. You idiot. The Jews hate Gays.

If you had a nation full of men and women abiding by traditional gender roles, getting into decent traditional straight marriages, having kids and functioning like normal, civilized people, then you would have a strong, intact nation capable of uplifting its people, averting invasions, and opposing subversion and tyrannical forces.
That is not a desirable circumstance for invaders, subverters and tyrants, so it is not what is promoted. What is promoted instead is a nihilistic subtheory in which nothing mankind has held dear throughout the ages to strengthen itself with is considered correct, moral or acceptable, and everything is turned into a matter of personal diversion.

Straigt couples who have Anal Sex can have the same results. you're an idiot. Its because of Anal sex not because of Gay people. Gay peoplw who don't do anal don't get Aids you idiot.

Jesus Christ.
God created a beautifulsystem for females and these degenrates destroying it with their abhorrent acts of self-mutilation and sin.

I hope they all be cast down and destroyed.

Wow, that's a great point, especially considering so many straight people do anal and get AIDS. Its not like gay people have much higher rates of infection because they like sticking it up the shitter or anything.

By hating gay people, you're literally giving in to the (((Jew World Order))). The reason the LGBT community has gone down hill is because the Jews are promoting promiscuisty amoung the LGBT Community. The Jews hate us, it even is in the Torah. A good majority of Gays are normal people who don't flaunt their sexuality. Wake Up. The Good gays (like myself) are on your side

Well they fucking do dumbass. My fucking cousin is Straight and he got aids because his GF was a whore.

In particular the redpill on gender and sexuality is inherently linked to the redpill on women - the organization and management of women is among the founding concepts of civilization as motivators of male labour. Homosexuality and transgenderism are not subversions in and of themselves, but extensions of the Feminist and suffrage subversions whose purpose was to destroy the institutions of reproduction and male-motivation through sexual access, necessarily putting an expiry date on society.
Now it is not enough that the institutions of connection between man and woman are weakened and boobytrapped, now further subversions must come along and suggest that viable alternatives must exist - perhaps man and woman may join with one another instead of each other; perhaps man and woman do not really even exist!

Two tranny brothers are the ones that came up with the red pill.

As with all manifestations of leftism and Jewish influence, it comes down to destruction. Goodness, they are told, is always an act of destruction away. Take what is built by those who built in times when nothing was certain and destroy it in times of plenty. Homosexuality and transgenderism are acts of destruction of a proper social ordering of the two sexes along the understanding of the necessity of their interaction for the success and contingency of the people. They are representations of a people who have lost their sense of purpose, are internally focused, are pathologically weakened, infirm and prone to being guided through life.

I never said they don't you fucking autist. I said gay people get Aids a lot more because they can do is fuck each other in the ass you ignorant troglodyte. Yeah I know they can have the same result, but did you even read the statistics? It occurs to gays a lot more. Or do the statistics not count because they hurt your little feelings? I don't even know what your argument is.

That may be, but the statistics simply show that is is much more common in gay men. Because unless they are trans they only got two holes.

My issue with the LGBT community is that everyone is so self-centered. Coming out and being queer becomes the most important thing in your life, regardless of who it might hurt or the impact it will have on others' lives. Both men and women will break up families so that they can "be who they are." The father of my best friend in high school killed himself when my friend was a kid because the mom came out of the closet and wanted to break up the family. It was just too much for him so he hanged himself.

And transgenderism in particular is a total mess. I can think of no other mental illness (and gender dysphoria IS mental illness) that has people demand we treat it by indulging in it. Letting people believe their delusions has obvious problems for society at large.

>i thought why not just let them be, they're not hurting anyone

why doesn't this apply to trannies?

I agree with this, every fag I've been around has the make the entire conversation about them and how they're gay. It is fucking extremely narcissistic and obnoxious, they are broken and really should be executed in a line. You could say God put them here to keep the human race on it's toes, if we were doing our job, we'd be finding faggots at a young age and turning them into medical experiment slaves.

what if you just started taking estrogen, found out you really like it, and that's what is making you feel female?

>when the first post is indeed the best post

The main issue with this study is the lack of people who are adults that have been raised by GLB parents for their entire lives. The data points for the lesbian grouping, for example, found 178 adults with a parent in a same-sex relationship, yet it only found two of those adults to be from lesbian parents their entire lives.

If trans are really mentally ill, you have to pay for them.

I read probably 50% of this and skimmed the rest... wow. Some parts were so disgusting I could barely read them. How did you even find this, anonymous Sup Forumslack?

This was some pretty disgusting stuff. Anal prolapse, painful sodomizing, anal fissures, adult diapers... the whole nine yards. Very sick stuff.

Do you honestly think this is representative of the average homosexual? Can some faggots weigh in please? If it is then my opinion of homosexuality went from bad to terrible.


>People are pumping pre-pubescent kids full of hormones because they played dress up a few times.
>Trannies are trying to force their way into the military now that they've been denied.
WTF I love the military industrial complex now??
We need strong warriors to defend us, not mentally ill people with a 45% suicide rate in civilian life let alone warfighter life
>Normalization, nay glorification, of mental illness
Would you encourage someone to go through surgery to look more like a dolphin because they're "dolphin-kin"?

LGB are begrudgingly acceptable

T are a revulsion of everything our country can stand for