Its true tho..

Other urls found in this thread:



There's something extraordinarily racist about crowing that one race is growing rapidly. I mean I don't really care if we're increasing in number, but surely we shouldn't get a free pass to gloat about it.

Trump and the growing ICEICE army might have something to say about that sweetie.

>nothing we can do about it

That's where you're wrong kiddo

Its so weird they dont realize that its not a good thing. They literally jump fences, cross rivers, cross deserts, and risk all kinds of other shit to get away from the country their people created and fucked up. I know theyre indoctrinated but jesus christ man open your eyes.

>why are you contributing to world overpopulation and pollution

But we can just kill them

>she's in prison
well that part is accurate

what do you think goes through an actor's mind when they read those lines in a script?


"nothing you can do about it" yeh ok taco


>Nothing you can do about it
>Trump starts deporting

see why do they have to say stuff like "there's nothing you can do about it?"

objectively there is something that any old white person could do about it, either voting for nativist politicians or just indiscriminately murdering brown people. either one would be doing something about it

the spic is obviously only referring to prison

>what do you think goes through an actor's mind


>nothing you can do about it
Sure thing

>shekels shekels shine so bright

>i have a speaking line so im entitled to residuals
literally just that

>lefty echo chamber
>"Its true tho.."

nice try

>what do you think goes through an actor's mind
Who cares? Until the kikes and their Hollywood bullshit, the profession of actor was seen as lower than that of a whore's. The way it should be, instead of them parading everywhere with their forced political messages.

Why does this only show Jews? Its like propaganda or something?

This shit is why Trump won

laugh when these TV shows thinks immigration bothers people

here in texas, we accept latinos as brothers, and could care less about race. we only ask that you come here legally and assimilate. shit like this just proves deep down it is the democrats who care about race so much. conservatives never have, we've been an open country, we just want you to respect the law and the constitution.

>here in texas, we accept latinos as
off to the gallows with ye

Self loathing really is an aberrant trait.

Wake up white man.

Im a mexican LEGAL immigrant and my family had to work extremely hard to get here and I HATE when entitled ass spics come into the country and act like they own the place, like the American government and white people were kind enough to let you in and you act like they owe you something.

And then the genocide began.

its actually really sad if you think about it... mexico is so fucked

more than just white people are americans, pablo

you come up here, and you are one of us no matter the color. get the race images out of your head, that's how liberals think.

You have to go back.

Pic related is the show creator.
Almonds fully activated.

This is a slide thread. You are posting in a shill thread. Remember to sage all replies in a shill thread. Type sage in all fields.

We don't even need to look at this point.


this, kikeflix is fucking pathetic

nobody ever posted a source for this. smells like fake news to me

Ive never understood their reasoning
>hur dur im invading yew and yew cant shewt meeee
Like what the fuck, are we in preschool?

This is the dumbest show on Television.

Tf do cops always LARP as operators for?
>muh shemagh

Mainstream society is infact on par with a preschooler, yes

Lol, touche
It is hard being a man with a 140 IQ surrounded by subhuman retards

>its actually really sad if you think about it... mexico is so fucked
There's a very simple solution: Cure their stupidity with genius sperm donation.

Im pretty detached of normie shows, whats the supossed plot?

I know what should be going through their mind: a bullet.

You have to go back.

What did you expect? 90 percent of the shows on tv are made by kikes


No one going to comment on that ugly bitches unibrow? I think Mexican Latino mamas were hotties. That's just a straight gargoyle


I hate spics more than blacks, arabs, and chinese combined.

>Illegals being deported
>Many left during the recession and never came back
>Hispanic birth rates now below replacement
>Hispanic birth rate trending down for last 20 years, from 2.3 to 1.9
>White birth rate remains steady around 1.8
>Immigration reform likely, will favor east Asians and europeans

Something no one talks about is the time projection of whites becoming less than 50% has changed from 2040, to 2050, to 2060, to indefinite. Hence why I laugh when I see the
"Hurrr le 32%" meme. things have turned around since the 2010 census and drastically changed since the 2000 census when the projections were first made and are still based off of when you ready the bull shit liberal articles tell you how you should learn Spanish

UNO Study: Fertility Rate Gap Between Races, Ethnicities is Shrinking | News | University of Nebraska Omaha

Latino Population Growth and Dispersion in U.S. Slows Since the Recession | Pew Research Center

White Births Matter | The Occidental Observer

>TL;DR White birth rate remains steady, Hispanic and black birth rates fall drastically over last 2 decades, if trend continues and immigration law changes, whites will remain majority indefinitely

Fuck off civic nationalcuck

whoops... left the right margin extended...

>fixed the fix

Eventually, we're going to run out of (((())))'s

also fun to note is the birth rate of self identified conservatives remains about replacement while that of liberals is well below replacement

white nationalism or "socialism" is never going to happen in america, it goes against our values and core beliefs

give me a conservative, gun toting latino or black man over a socialist white hipster from the people's republic of austin anyday

But your country is full of them and run by them too.

People actually immigrate to Mexico?

You're a fucking idiot mate, typical brainless neocon.

>white nationalism or "socialism" is never going to happen in america, it goes against our values and core beliefs
>country literally founded on the idea that whites are superior and should have sole right to occupy the land as a citizen
wow... really balls my melons

more recent numbers

The Political Fertility Gap - ABC News

wtf i love turks now??

>get deported
>Sips taco


The future is bright

>Hispanic birth rates now below replacement


>nothing you can do about it
>elects Trump

They are only thinking that it will be better for themselves. This, times millions, is how an emergent behavior comes about. The same thing causes people to stampede to get out of a burning building. If only a few did it, no big deal. But if everyone panics, people pile up in doorways and everyone dies.

Ahh sweet feminist sound of democracy.

Don't worry, the College System will fix that wrong-think!

Thank you for the future screen cap reference of why (((civic nationalism))) is aids.

She's mexican, they have an average iq of like 80. Probably nothing goes through her mind other than eat, sleep, and sex, like an animal.

the source I posted has then right at 2.0, I'm looking for the other one that had then at 1.9. regardless, they have trended down significantly in the last 20 years where the white birth rate has been steady. granted, trends change, but this one has been on for 20 years

>is in prison

Well, thanks anyway. Trumps also talking about deploying 10k more ICE officers or something. The most ironic part of this all is that while spics are getting kicked out and their birth rates are shit (which are really only being held together by illegals) they have to mock whites and make us more racist. A year ago i supported BLM and all that other faggy shit other than feminism. Now i'm getting my shit together with school and body building for the irish race. And with the media pandering to non-whites its putting more and more whites into looking at getting their life together and not wasting it on porn, video games and movies. They won't stop pushing!!!

Pic related is what i wanna get by the end of the year

It took me 2 minutes to figure out what the acronym meant

American degeneracy at its worst


The Decline in U.S. Fertility

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

They're only escaping because Mexico sucks.
Don't let them come here and repeat their failure

>being this bluepilled on Sup Forums

>and there's nothing you can do about it
try us

Maybe if America stopped ruling and advertising itself as the best place in the world.

Do you understand your country's (((media tycoons))) have been dumping TV series on our networks for ages?

People tend to take shit for real at some stage. They don't say:
>huh, Burgers just needed to sell CSI to another cucked TV network
What they think is
>you dwag, look how cool America is

The redpill here is that you can rule the world... Bo problem with that... But if you want to avoid migration, you have to do it from behind a curtain.

>I clutch close in bed at night


>muh melting pot meme

let me guess you probably think hitler was anti gun as well

Before I even click the image.
Either Cohen, Goldstein or Shapiro, right?

>Nothing you can do about it

Wrong, it's Kohan.

>uses white hand emojis


>the profession of actor was seen as lower than that of a whore's.
This is just a meme.

Although it is true aristocrats saw actors as the lowest scum on earth... It is also true that at many points in history there have been actors worshipped by the people.

On top of that, you might want to distinguish women actors (a recent thing) and male actors.

Eh, close enough.
It's just a kike.

if the country can go from 90% white to 50%, then it can also go from 50% to 100% white.

Only thing sweeter is when his body is found in the back of a truck.

Basically this, getting your own life in order is the best thing you can do to stop white genocide.

>what do you think goes through an actor's mind when they read those lines in a script?

Well the actresses in this show unironically put on a bunch of "Vaginas for Hillary" and posed for a picture, so I assume they think "OMG you go gurl, that'll teach them racists!"

Last I heard they're being sent back

If they keep claiming there's nothing we can do about it, people will get pissed off enough to do the only thing they can do about it - which is kill wetbacks and other shitskinned animals