Just one more week until she is sentenced. How much time are we hoping she gets? A month?
Just one more week until she is sentenced. How much time are we hoping she gets? A month?
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shes cute
A medal, hopefully. One less beta male in the world.
Let the woman go for Christ's sakes. The beta had it coming.
80 years
I'd like to sentence her to some hard time ;)
She'll get 4 years, but it's made a lot of people upset about changing some laws
Time served and not a moment more.
Isn't she in that Valerian movie?
She looks so cute in that uniform. Does anyone have her leaked nudes?
this is a 10/10 in bongland
full sentence under the law for murder. all you beta fags hoping for a light sentence can suck a dick
She's a sociopath. Women are out of control and destroying our society. She needs to be locked away for a good while
Being in that bomb is punishment enough.
Those eyebrows are revolting
She's only 5/10.. true white girl average and even has that horrid "kill yourself lol sorry not sorry" personality millennial white girls have. I judge her even lower because of it, weak 4/10 and she would not be worth it because I assure you she doesn't fuck for less than 8/10.
Please let the roastie have at least 4 years?
Looks like iggy popp when minimized
>Liberal shills
She should get the chair.
she can't get more than 6 years because she was a "youthful offender". that and the fact she wasn't charged for murder it's almost like you don't know anything about the case or what happened at all.
anyways I'd think probation of some sort with jail time being waved away as time served is the best she can hope for but that's not likely considering that the judge is the one that shocked everyone by saying she was guilty in the first place.
Why would she get any time for some adult choosing to kill himself?
You only know the basics
If words can't hurt anyone, does that mean I can convince a retarded person to follow me to the roof of a tall skyscraper and then convince him to jump off?
There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of his unstable mental state, right?
this meme needs to die, keep telling yourself that if it helps you feel better about your own women having nothing less than YANKEE written all over there face.
What a 10 might look like in Britain or close enough... pic related
He wasn't retarded and he always wanted to kill himself and had tried multiple times before on his own.
Can't unsee
I've always thought this chick was ugly as fuck
god I wish she cucked me
Because she is
thats like a 4 after 4 drinks mate
Why are stormniggers are the biggest white knights?
20 years.
She looks like Sid from Ice Age
How long until the Cara Delevine lifetime movie?
Cara Delevigne is a fucking nobody here. She is big in the US.
Think about what i'm trying to say. You can do it.
posting an actual 10 then and if you don't think so then your just gay as fuck
ITT: faggots who don't understand the concept of human agency.
she looks like beatlejuice
She honestly did nothing wrong.
The guy is fully culpable for his own suicide. She didn't make him do anything. Words are wind.
Why did Cara Delevingne do that? Suicide Squad wasn't that bad.
what I don't get is how a forum full of pussy starved useful idiots defends an ugly sociopath who got caught...
i guess you relate to that?
I would.
That's Sinead McCarthy to a T
that's like a 3 after 7 drinks man
as if any judge or jury would have the heart to do anything beyond a slap on the wrist. the real issue is how this will mentally affect her and whether she'll end up a filthy whore over it.
I saw a recent episode and she looks old now
Why's she going to jail? Valerian wasn't THAT bad.
I like blondes.
lol she has a small face, large forehead, male jaw line, awkward browline. so ugly
honestly i dont think you can blame anyone for anyone elses suicide except the one who killed themselves. The family is blaming the gierl but in the end, their horrible lifestyle made him kill himself, not a high school girl
she needs to go free. Sup Forums is wrong about this one. she committed no crime and did nothing wrong. might be a cunt but not a criminal. you kill yourself, that's on you. if someone messages you and threatens suicide over you it's a form of manipulation and you should tell them exactly what she told him
She looks like an albino gorilla in the bottom photo
She is
Hopefully she gets the chair
Fucking sociopath
she told a loser who had zero support from his family to get back in the car and kill himself when he got out and said he did not want to do it. She told him to end his pain and suffering.
oh fuck is that Care Delevagina?
death penalty
Imagine being this booty blasted at a simple joke.
yup and she didn't commit a crime. you know how many roasties i had tell me they were gonna kill themselves cuz i broke up with them in college? i told them to do it. it was manipulation. it was a game. it was a lie. that's all it ever is when you say you're gonna kill yourself over someone. she did the right thing. it's unfortunate the kid actually went through with it but that doesn't change the fact that he was the manipulative piece of shit in this scenario
What is this documentary called??
Tbh. If she is guilty of a crime, so is 50% of Sup Forums. Our bread and butter used to be coaxing people into suicide...
Empire of Dust.
i share a board where half the people believes telling someone to kill himself is a crime.
maybe it's all satire.
>No texting for 48 hours young lady.
>but mooooooom! how are the boys going to jump off the cliff for me if I don't tell them to.
sadly this board isn't all that libertarian. it used to be, but no more. it's largely hitler stuff now. which in a way is cool, i kind of get it, because hitler has been made to be this especially evil monster, and it feels GREAT to do a "heil hitler" in the face of the man every once and while and get a rise out of them. also the holocaust legitimately did not happen.
but it's sad to see that there really aren't that many rational libertarians left in the world these days. everyone wants to tell others how to live and what to do.
Plebbitors man...
reddit isn't libertarian. it's authoritarian left and this is authoritarian right. libertarians don't really have a home because everywhere you go it's full of people who want to tell others how to live their lives
Four days in a general population men's prison.
Perhaps they'd realize this says something about the viability of their ideology.
Found it on www.frontarmy.com "lucy-v" apparently.
link doesn't work... pic related, a lot of the rest of the site still works though and wherever I found that pic on there should still be up.
Wtf are you talking about? Go smoke another bowl Garry.
A month.... and 145 years.
wrong, I've texted, turned phone straight off, proceeded to massive overdose 34,000mg ibuprofen/paracetamol, spent 11 day's in hospital, half in ICU on haemodialysis - it was that or the waiting list, before hospitalisation spent 3 days keeping what i had done to myself, night i did it... thought the light's would go out but nope
She pressured him into doing it after he got second thoughts, sorry, but your waifu is to blame and might as well have been caught holding a gun to his head and pulling the trigger.
Thankyou for using my OC.
they think authoritarianism is necessary because of how degenerate our society has gotten and they have a point, but authoritarianism isn't the answer. killing social programs, lowering all of the taxes, letting a little natural selection dictate the course of nature is the right answer. but we do need a white ethnostate and culturally homogenous society before we do that (no joos).
all big government does is create more cucks who can't fend for themselves. joos actually instinctively understand this, that's what jooish bolshevism, marxism, frankfurt school was all about. that's why joos are always shilling for left-wing policies and socialism.
Sup Forums pretends to hate joos then shills for all of the policies and ideologies that the joos tell them to shill for, except they replay "muh stalin" with "muh hitler"
so what does your story have to do with calling someone you were in a relationship with and saying "i'm doing this because of you!", which is a really shitty and horrible and selfish and manipulative thing to do? i'm confused. are you sure you're making sense here?
>he always wanted to kill himself and had tried multiple times before on his own
I've never understood how people can fail suicide. If I was ever going to do it I would do it in a way there is absolutely zero fucking chance to survive. Multiple attempts only means somebody is an attention whore.
who is this/what did she do?
This. All the defenders of this cunt can fuck off. Constant threads about how shit white women are, (when they aren't), yet when one like this truly is a sub human psycho cunt, Pol jumps in to the rescue. Fucking mega cucks.
Absolutely deserves death penalty, but she won't get it. Faggots who haven't read into the story are likening it to breaking up with someone after they threaten to commit suicide, but this is on a whole different level. She actively encouraged him to off himself and gave specific instructions, and when he had doubts she urged him. Piece of shit that is wasting my air.
The only person I know fictional or real that would have known how do deal with the kikes 100% was Odysseus. Jesus cannot be trusted and even if he could he would have forgiven them.
Look to Odysseus. In him lies the answer to the riddle of the Jew.
no friend i'm debating because i'm horrified with myself if that's the only impression it would leave someone with, i wouldn't mean to do that... when i did it, it wasn't any kind of finger pointing - just made my peace... other people do selfish things too user
Volunteered her time to help someone from /r9k/
omfg wtf lol
ah holy fuck lmao
there's no need to be hard on yourself bro. people do shitty things, you don't need to beat yourself up over it. it's just the world. *shrug*
I sincerely hope they tie her up to the back of a car by her teeth and drag her down the interstate.
I thought the dude psycho stalked her and harassed her, threatening to kill himself if she didn't pay attention to him and she eventually got sick of his shit and reverse stalked him by asking if he'd done it yet.
I don't see why she should get any jail time if this is the case.
It's like that stupid bitch that drank so much Pepsi she died and her family tried to sue and Pepsi was like LOL we are not responsible for people being retarded
>She encouraged him so she's guilty
As if he has no free will to leave her or seek help. If she didnt force him into the truck and to sufficaye then she didnt do anything. Words aren't a crime, no matter how evil you think it is nigger.
not a saint myself but indeed, I know I'm not full black pilled but feel's like it most time
I hope she gets 20+ years.
I would be interested to know what she thinks of the case and her scneario, what her punishment should be. How she pericieves her coming life, and what she thinks on the matters of the law, and the seriousness of suggested suicide. How she might have done differently knowing now all that has transpired and could, if she thinks she will ever commit a crime again, how this might have changed her, what she thinks of the world and her oppurtunities, if she thinks she will be able to be a good life long law abiding citizen, and what she thinks of the law. It needs to be known that it is not right for people to egg people on or accept that it should be possible for a person to kill themselves, that every single person would know that the best thing would always be to get that person into a jusitifiably reputably facility or situation which deals in helping people who think they have no way and reason to go on to try and get in a better position to overcome that. And they should not be such that a person such as in this case would be too scared to simply go to such a facility themself, because that is the original action that should have been done to prevent any of this. Maybe she knew, maybe she didnt about the legality involved, that a person cannot can not kill themselves, that they must attempt to go to a faacility of some sort to attempted to be spoken with and placed in the world in a position that can most potentially cure them of their condition, that she could not pull the plug so to speak on one who repeatedly bothered the young girl over a course of months and convinced her the absolutely best thing for his situation was to no longer exist, as he had tried multilple times before.
what did she do
He convinced it would be unbearabe to go to a facility as he had tried multiple times before. It is difficult to express and know the darkness and unbearabilty of some peoples lives, what they actually experience. Which is why it is so stressed for there to be an obvious and endearing and enduring bright light with which such people can head towards. Not wanting to, being one of the only maybe only person of confidation, rat him out to that, continuing the same path, getting given a cocktail of drugs in a mental ward, which appeard to be his only options, he attempted suicide for the 4th time. Getting all the supplies, looking up all the details with help from what is something of at this time nurse. Going for it, at some point he stops, reaches out to her over phone, there is evidence he was hesitant. I suppose we can only say it is a shame he did not just close the phone then, or say 'no, I just said and thought that I dont want to do this, im not going to do this, I am now aware I should not do this', she said something along this lines of 'do it', he resumes his intent to kill himself. We can only wish that occured, is it right to say she can only wish what had occured, is how many more seconds until he died compared to the time he interupted the act and called her, and even if that was the case how much different would the thought of law be on that scnerio?
for all we know however, she is a complete psychopath as others have stated, but I would still be forced to believe this sole act alone is not entirely enough evidence to prove that she is a habitual murderer. Or will commit a heinous crime or even illegal act again. If she may know, a severely realize that it is possible the rest of her life could have been completely in the hands of the state, and if she can be close to certain she would not want that, to have life in prison, but she is certain if she is given a little lee way this time because the truth about her souls guilt is not absolutely evident enough due to the totality of information surrounding this case. That she will be given help (maybe a reality tv show too) and know that if she was ever caught doing something to a similar degree or near lesser again then she would be in major trouble, because this is her chance to redeem herself, to take what could be she may define (life in prison) the worst experience, or serving some light time with education, and doing some community service to prevent situations like that from happening again, though even that would be too cruel as maybe making her relive the situation over and over, but if she is a psychopath, and we do have to accept that as part of her identity, she can tolerate that, if she couldn't well maybe just some behind the scenes stuff.