when will Feminism and Nazism finally merge Sup Forums?
When will Feminism and Nazism finally merge Sup Forums?
Never because, both are incapable. You would have to be a retard that would hold onto contradictions like Anarcho Communist
Unintentional capitalist thread.
15$ for a backpack wtf
Man Wal-Mart is so fash
It already has, National Feminism
when will communism and libertarianism finally merge?
it already did back during the 3rd wave of feminism
thats why they are such a vocal minority
>two cancerous identity politics merge
Really makes you think.
Does this actually exist? We might be able to meme to into reality by pretending all prominent nazis were really women and that they tricked men into letting them stay home etc or something
Invest in a Swiss gear backpack.
Had one for years and it barely shows any wear.
we might be able to make racist TERFs who make babies through sperm donations
>all ancaps dont have cancer
Really makes you think.
>talks shit
>use emojis
"Woow guuys look at me , I'm sooooo cool"
Gys , jew
Is eastsport, dare I say it, /ourbrand/?
1488 thread?
Buying cheap stuff that falls apart almost instantly makes you appreciate more expensive things of quality.
>Does this actually exist? We might be able to meme to into reality by pretending all prominent nazis were really women and that they tricked men into letting them stay home etc or something
I don't think this will appeal to Nazi women. Maybe if they were right alongside Goebbels castrating men for "science" while quenching their thirst with Fanta the drink of the Third Reich.
Let's wait for and salute him/her.
>being this much of a newfag
Slide threads
>path #1: careerism that leads to a genetic dead end
>path #2: jamal smashes then dashes then leaves you with a genetic defect
These 2 false dilemmas are still subsidized by the government so maybe never.
shit you're right
we can't say we're saging without ban, but you know what I'm going to do
i do it all the time
the only time i get "banned" is when some other idiot who was on my 4g service's random ip before me got banned and the ip changed hands after, like in pic related
i literally don't get why Sup Forums or any other board is even a thing in the current moment, how anyone has the time for anything beyond Sup Forums? must be neets
>still being NEET after MAGA
boy have i got some news for you.
only an antisemite or Islamophobe would post this kind of hate speech