What the cuck in pic related doesnt get is this is what people want.
Freedom to choose whether you have health insurance or not.
This is a win for liberty
We Win
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I hope they pass it. If not, may we all remember come reelection time.
Wait, insurance is only issued by the government?
The only ones who will suffer are the ones who dont vote for it so they better get their fuckin heads on fast if they want a future in Trumpland
You have the right to not have healthcare with Obamacare by not paying the fine.
>this is what people want
Wrong. Most people want universal health care. Trump should help out his base(white working class) with a vastly superior healthcare system instead of relying on "muh free market."
No retard
With Obummercare, you not only dont have the coverage, you also pay the fucking fine
It is literal enslavement to government
Non-slaves can choose to not have coverage and dont have to pay any fucking to anybody
If your broke nigga ass can't afford the fine then you deserve to be a slave. Get a job, faggot.
Do there people not like the concept of freedom anymore?
>more people don't get insurance because they can't afford it
>can't afford to pay when an emergency happens, hospital treats them anyway and doesn't get paid
>costs increase for everyone
>we're all free to pay more for the same product
>Everything I like is a human right and should be mandatory
>Everything I dislike should be banned
Freedom for healthy 20s hwp white male who hasn't been sick in a decade like me to choose not to pay for the bad life decisions of fatasses, women, faggots, dysgenic trash, old people, etc.
Setting penalties for individuals and companies to $0.
Defund planned parenthood ("Abortion Providers")
Regulatory bullshit.
shhhh don't talk about the creation of death spirals.
lol, til you get rear-ended and struggle to walk without extreme pain. Happened to my former neighbor. didn't really care because she was white trash with 4 kids.
Modern day monopolies. Insurance companies ordained by the government cover the poor and if a poor man chooses to instead pay out of pocket for some reason he is fined.
Liberals fail to see this as a problem, it's literally a tax going towards corporations.
Why can't I choose to not have healthcare?
Just go to the er and refuse to tell them your name or pay for it. Problem solved.
Yeah bitch it's called dying with dignity. We all owe one. True homor is not dragging everyone else down with you just cause you scared of the inevitable.
The republican line is "The Democrats won't read the bill"
Car insurance is state mandated but at least I can opt out of it by walking.
>someone go at least 8 MRIs
it frees us from having to pay for other peoples shit
we can get rid of the mandate and fund the subsidies with just other taxes if you want. getting rid of it with no substitute will just increase the premiums +20% (factoring their current changes) ANNUALLY.
>Freedom for healthy 20s hwp white male who hasn't been sick in a decade like me to choose not to pay for the bad life decisions of fatasses, women, faggots, dysgenic trash, old people, etc.
Were there any insurance plans that barred all those people before? You still pay for them regardless.
People who can't afford healthcare should just die.
thats why you have the freedom to have a savings account for medical emergencies like any prudent 20's working white male would have. why should he have to pay for some boomer non-stop smokers lung cancer or mexican soda-drinking chiclets diabetes?
A 20s "working white male" is going to waste that money on cigarettes and booze
Pretty much nobody in the USA can't afford healthcare if they stopped buying bullshit and actually planned ahead even a tiny bit.
This tbqh
And I want healthcare to be in the market economy to drive prices down too
Yes those people were barred from purchasing insurance due to preexisting conditions, that was banned with the aca.
Premiums went up to cover those fat unhealthy fucks because the insurance companies couldn't tell them to fuck off anymore.
>charges pending with insurance
>pending with insurance
>with insurance
Get fucked you lying kike.
not only do i unironically support this, but i also wish to drive uninsured, buy/sell a house uninsured and without "title insurance" etc.
if i fuck up, ill pay up. if i dont pay and am at fault, fucking sue me; expect me to do the same
>Just go to the er and refuse to tell them your name or pay for it. Problem solved.
unless you're actually dying they won't treat you so lol you must be twelve to not know this.
The requirements to buy insurance are still there, just set to $0. .
The problem, of course, is that one man exercising his right not to have health insurance infringes upon my right not to have to pay for him when he inevitably needs health care, in the form of raised taxes, premiums, hospital and doctor costs, etc...
Getting sick is an inevitability. And it's not like these "rugged individualists" just get sick, don't get treatment, and die. Rather, they seek treatment, and then skip out on the bill. Niggers do it all the time. They go to emergency rooms for the common cold.
Who is paying for this, if they aren't? We are.
If you get sick/hurt are you okay with the hospital choosing to let you die you since you chose not to have insurance?
It should be legal to just turn them away. No healthcare -- no service!
I can pay the fine, I just don't want to.
I would never run out of better ways to spend a thousand dollars.
The only way I would support NATIONAL healthcare is if we start with NATIONAL Fascism.
reducing the distortion on the market of government healthcare will be a good thing.
half-measures will mostly suck, but I still think there's a way for government to pretend to be a consumer, as a way to enter the market without fucking it all up for everyone who isn't on "the dole".
That's what a government distorted market looks like.
Do you really think room and board cost them $11,000 ?
Look again.
LMAO I already have that. Just claim Jehovah's Witness on your taxes ;) I don't believe in Docs telling everybody they have cancer and need anti depressants. Doctors suck these days. get a nutritionist
you dont want to pay anything, but then expect to waltz into the er and get thousands of dollars of work up and treatment for free. it comes back on the taxpayer either way. either everyone pays, or we start denying people at hospitals. we cant have both.
holy fucking shit, $72,000 for room and board?
They're milking the American government (and taxpayer) for billions aren't they?
Why the fuck didn't the GOP repeal obamacare?
because poor people are allowed to vote
>Getting sick (enough to require healthcare) is an inevitability
that's where you're wrong, kiddo
send that picture to the GOP senators that voted no on the repeal of obamacare
> itt liberals taste their own word-twisting medicine
all of a sudden it's not cool to bastardize language
I bet we could cut way down on everyone's healthcare costs if it was illegal to provide medical treatment to niggers and fatasses.
taking a look at the laws regarding lawsuit liability might be worthwhile, for instance if any costs incurred as a result of legal liability (malpractice, etc.) would be paid for by the us gov. when they are treating medicaid recipients it should lower the final cost for those patients.
some kind of experimentation in that regard would be a good thing.
>lets force health insurance companies to pay X% of revenues on health care coverage
>this way, the only way for the health insurance companies to make more money is when health care providers increase the costs of healthcare which allows insurance companies to raise premiums.
Any decent car insurance policy covers that.
>What the cuck in pic related doesnt get is this is what people want.
>Freedom to choose whether you have health insurance or not.
>This is a win for liberty
I'm with ya, but this is NOT what people want. What people like me want is our old Obamacare "noncompliant" plan. It was cheap and it covered me for what I wanted, which is catastrophic coverage if (God forbid) something goes really really wrong. The Cruz amendment would have reinstated the old plans but they voted it down.
Fuck the Republicans. They're supposed to care about people like me: People who pay their own way through life. Fuck you all.
Room and Board is $72,000?! What the fuck?
Government. Distorted. Markets.
Actually it's the insurance companies themselves which are the problem. Were a doctor and patient able to come to arrangements without the need for insurance, hospitals would not only be far more affordable, but they would be more widely available. This wide availability is what would drive actual market competition.
Get rid of the insurance bullshit, get rid of the problem. Any time you introduce a middle man (much less a middle man who basically takes something for nothing on a monthly basis) you will experience rocketing prices.
No you fucking idiot, its the insurance companies existing in the first place. It guaranteeds a large company with the money to pay for the problem, whereas without them nobody would be able to pay such absurd prices, meaning the market would push for lower costs.
I'm glad I'm on medicaid
At least my insurance costs aren't going to go up by 150-250% with this bill :^)
Literally this.
>hur dur but den duh wypipo caint take the burden of duh illegal spics and lazy druggy niggers to get free hospital cares
Oh they know. They also know that millions like myself who rarely go to the doctor will opt out of insurance. I feel no need to pay $2000 a year for insurance when I go once every 3 years for a $100 visit.
They need people like us to fund all the fuckups and baby boomers in societies health cost.
Conservatives and liberals need to be going after the medical industry itself and the fact that it is a profiteer of death. But congress is in their pockets so it will never happen.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>forced to pay for health insurance to companies who jew you out anyway
>forced to pay a fine to a govt that wants to jew you out in retaliation of not picking the first jews
This is obamacare. Go kys.